alex lasry background

text-align: center; font-style: italic; } Republicans are trying to silence voters who dont support them in order to get themselves back in power. We didnt just talk about a 15 dollars minimum wage; we turned our promise into action. I will prioritize putting more money back into the pockets of hardworking Wisconsinites. .leg-hnt-toggle-text { } We need to retain young people by improving career awareness efforts by local businesses in their nearby high schools. } Not long ago, former Wisconsin Republican Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner was a champion for the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act. We need to significantly increase the monetary damages for this type of behavior. In Wisconsin, we have seen firsthand how dangerous these laws can be, and Scott Walker and the Republican legislature passed this law as a part of their war on organized labor. document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content64003192d3c42').classList.remove('leg-hnt-hide'); .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, color: #888; Our economic efforts cannot solely be focused on bringing jobs to large urban areas, we must also put an equal emphasis on helping bring jobs to rural areas to harness their available workforce and history of manufacturing. The size and scope of the problem is so large that the federal government is going to need to play a significant role in making sure this problem is dealt with and cleaned up. They have severely restricted voting before, and they are trying to do it again. My plan is where I will start, but not where my work will end. In building the Bucks Arena and the surrounding Deer District, we brought together a public/private partnership that emphasized workforce development. President Bidens Build Back Better Plan will bring good, union jobs to Wisconsin and help with desperately needed infrastructure improvements across the state. clear: both; Putting Money in Working Peoples Pockets. Alex Lasry ( Democratic Party) ran for election to the U.S. Senate to represent Wisconsin. I will work in the Senate to get it passed as soon as possible. We need to safeguard unions and protect workers for generations to come. 100% remote. Expanding the right to vote has been a persistent fight since the founding of this country. #majorleaguepb #pickleball. The vast majority of people that go to prison are going to get out, this often means that they will be returning to the community they lived in prior to their incarceration. We must bridge the gap to ensure an equal footing when it comes to opportunity for every part of our state. background-color: grey; letter-spacing: .04em; Level the playing field for union organizing. We are facing a dramatic labor shortage in our skilled trades because of an impending retirement wave. }. Republicans left in place the ability to deduct dues for bar associations, medical associations, trade associations, local chambers of commerce, real estate boards, business leagues, and civic or public service organizations. position: relative; . I will fight every day to bring back resources to our state and deliver legislation that will help Wisconsinites in their everyday lives. { His departure. padding-left: 8px; Misinformation online is a threat to our democracy. It is also vitally important that this agreement is not pre-negotiated, and all parties avoid setting preconditions for the negotiations. display: inline-block; Senator Tammy Baldwin is a leading champion for Wisconsin manufacturers through her work in ensuring that projects that utilize federal tax dollars use materials that are made in America. The boom in remote work during the pandemic is allowing more people and companies the flexibility to do their jobs wherever they want. text-align: center; We need a Senator who will work to make this happen, not one who thinks its not his job. This unfair treatment between workers and employees once again was specifically designed to privilege owners over their workers. font-size: .9em; Equity must be at the center of reshaping of this new economy so that America can truly be a land of equal opportunity, not a country where the zip code youre born into can define your health outcomes. I am a strong advocate for passenger rail that connects Wisconsin with our Midwest neighbors and beyond as well as reinvesting in other forms of public transportation across the state. The Bucks pay all our employees at the Bucks Arena family-sustaining wages because we know that paying our employees fairly is not only the right thing to do, but also translates to higher productivity. Instead of handing out corporate tax breaks across the board, we should only be rewarding companies that are doing the right thing. We can do this through empowering unions and giving power back to the workers. The old trope that raising the minimum wage will cost jobs has been disproven time and time again. The race is expected to be one of the most hotly contested in the country with control of the Senate hanging in the balance. Impose civil fines of 100,000 dollars for each employer violation of federal labor law during union campaigns. Abolishing the filibuster will help us pass critical legislation now and will result in a better functioning government that will allow Democrats to deliver on promises that have been made over the past few election cycles. Improving Conservation and Climate Resilience. We need to incentivize our high schools to set up dual enrollment programs in technical schools that allow for both high school and college credits in technical education the same way that we do for college education. That doesnt just mean roads and bridges, but also ensuring that Wisconsinites in all parts of the state have access to reliable, affordable broadband, clean drinking water, and other vital parts of our infrastructure like expanding and improving rail access to ship products. Congress should require every employer to guarantee 20 days of paid leave per year for every full-time employee. font-weight: bold; background-color: #f9d334; .survey-result {padding:10px;} Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well. MADISON, Wis. -- Democrat Alex Lasry, a 33-year-old Milwaukee Bucks executive and son of a billionaire, announced Wednesday that he's running for the U.S. Senate in 2022 for the seat currently . margin-bottom: 0; Its time to enact a Workers Bill of Rights. We need to create a workers Bill of Rights to safeguard workers right to fair working hours, safe working conditions, and humane treatment. [22], Lasry was accused of cutting in line because he received his COVID vaccine at the time when only seniors were eligible for shots in Wisconsin. We need to electrify everything and decarbonize our electricity, while investing in a nationwide electric car infrastructure and large scale battery manufacturing here in the United States. If they choose to not do any of these things, then they will not be eligible for tax breaks. [3] He is the son of Milwaukee Bucks co-owner Marc Lasry . The bill would help boost wages for childcare workers, many of which are chronically underpaid and help open or expand child care facilities across the country. Key Background. The Build Back Better Plan also contains real, substantive investments to fight climate change. At a reported $3.5 billion dollar valuation for the entire team, Lasry's sale proceeds will be almost $900 million. font-size: 2em; Lasry announced this week the. $('.showResponses').hide(); [17][16] Reports also show that specifics of the deal the Bucks agreed to for public financing said they did not have to institute a universal $15 minimum wage until 2023. That represents tens of millions of research dollars that are not coming into the state and instead are going somewhere else. font-size: 90%; We can dramatically decrease the cost of college while rapidly increasing the skills of our workforce by offering every student a pathway for two years of college to be free. The lack of universal health care is also bad for our economy and stifles innovation. } We need to give students opportunities to begin their education and apprenticeships while still in high school to open a pathway to a career instead of hoping that they will choose this route after they graduate. margin-top: 1px; width: 350px; We need the government to incentivize more mental health workers to locate in rural communities and we need to invest more into tele-medicine in order to bring additional services wherever they are needed. } Members of Congress are elected to get things done. background-color: #003388; font-size: 0.9em; People in every part of our state, whether its in urban, suburban, and rural areas are struggling with many of the same issues. } vertical-align: middle; Its time to enact Automatic Voter Registration that makes our voter roles more accurate and more secure.
float:right; When you look at who to vote for, pay attention to how they run their campaigns and their businesses. This is a crisis that we must address with urgency. Thats why its critical that we get rid of the filibuster. Lasry, who has raised nearly $2 million since January according to the Federal Election Commission data, believes his unique background of working in White House and working locally in. The continued loss of family farms and the increased concentration of farmland into larger farms is bad for our state. 			overflow-x: scroll; Nineteen states have now enacted 34 new laws that put in place new obstacles to make it harder to vote. I want to give Tammy Baldwin a true partner in DC to put money back in the pockets of hard working Wisconsinites and bring some real change and real results for the people of Wisconsin. 		display: none; These efforts are a role model for states across the country in driving down costs and increasing opportunities for students. 	width: 250px; This change would bring more equity to the tax code and result in more money in the pockets of working people. I have proven that progressive values are good for business. The 34-year-old basketball executive could easily have been mistaken for a young professor at the nearby public university or perhaps a government employee in the Capitol building across the street. Its time to vote out those who are standing in the way of protecting voting rights and who are trying to manipulate voting laws in their favor. 0:24. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Lasry's responses. } He isnt only dangerous for Wisconsin, but for the entire country. Right now, there are over a dozen states where employers can legally fire workers simply for being gay, and even more where hotels can refuse to service, or landlord can refuse tenants just because they are gay. While Johnson has gotten grief for nonstop gaffes and his. 	.percentage_number { 		margin-top: 5px; Incumbents are bolded and underlined. When I get to the Senate, I will ensure that equal work equals equal pay for everyone. While we know that short term changes wont fundamentally fix the problems facing all working families and that much needs to be done to help uplift more people into the middle class, its also important that we do all that we can to provide relief to families as soon as possible. $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { Unions not only raise wages but they also protect our workers and make workplaces safer, stronger, and better. We must start holding polluters accountable and make them pay for the damages they have caused communities. State legislature | 25% of service contracts to minority/disadvantaged business. U.S. Congress | Residents of the District of Columbia overwhelmingly favor statehood, it is constitutional, and would finally right an historic wrong. [10], After receiving his MBA in 2014, Lasry moved to Milwaukee when his family purchased the Milwaukee Bucks, to serve as the team's senior vice president. I am going to the Senate to get real results for Wisconsin.    } [4][6] At the time, Lasry's father was a client of Goldman Sachs. .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution {  That doesn't just mean roads and bridges, but also ensuring that Wisconsinites in all parts of the state have access to reliable broadband, clean drinking water, and other vital infrastructure for our communities. They don't have any children right now. $('#candidate-connection-email-97840').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); });  Progressive values are good business. I was the first candidate in this race to take the End Citizens United pledge and reject all corporate PAC money. 70, 80% of the public support universal background checks. The VRAA will restore and update many of the protections against racial discrimination that were included in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 	.votebox-scroll-container { I worked with both Democrats and Republicans on the successful bid showing that it is possible to work across the aisle to get things done for the people of Wisconsin. It is vital that we not only protect public transportation but expand and modernize it. The United States is the only advanced country that does not currently guarantee paid leave. 	} 		padding: 2px 0;  We need to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, advocate for more affordable and accessible child care, and ensure a fair wage for child care workers, home health care workers, and long-term care workers. Dec 28, 2022. While it has largely been overshadowed by the pandemic, the pandemic has made the situation worse because people have been more isolated and have not had access to the help they need. 	} 	} These are all very important steps in reforming how we handle policing in this country. 	.indicate_scroll { We created a great business, brought economic opportunity to the area, and prioritized progressive values.  		font-size: 12px; Congress should preempt these statewide restrictions and make them illegal in all states. MADISON, Wis.  Alex Lasry was easy to miss as he hovered near the counter at Colectivo Coffee on a recent afternoon in downtown Madison. Since the passage of the United States Constitution, the residents of Washington, D.C. have been denied their full citizenship rights that all residents of other states enjoy, including voting representation in Congress. Those who are willing to contribute significant sums of money to influence our elections should also be willing to allow people to know they are doing it. 		vertical-align: top; Voters are looking for their elected officials to do the things that they said they were going to do. 		font-weight: 500; We are in an unprecedented time in recent history where both business and the government understand the vital need to bring back critical manufacturing to the United States. 	} 		text-align: center; Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. 	margin: auto; 	} Alex Lasry, a Democratic candidate for the Senate in Wisconsin, plans to drop out of the primary race Wednesday, his campaign confirmed. Im on leave as the Senior Vice President of the Milwaukee Bucks. Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it. People of color are disproportionately marginalized by the systemic racism ingrained in our society. Lasry, son of private equity . The United States must be an active champion for democracy worldwide. Alex Lasry gets COVID vaccine early", "Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry to run for Senate in 2022", "Democratic US Senate candidates call for ending filibuster to restore federal abortion protections", "U.S. Senate candidate Alex Lasry and his wife Lauren buy a historic mansion on Milwaukee's east side",, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 16:32. Thats why I support adding vision, hearing and dental coverage to Medicare, and why I support allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription costs. The Bucks pay our employees at the Bucks Arena family-sustaining wages because we know that paying our employees fairly is not only the right thing to do, but also translates to higher productivity. 	} Thats roughly twice the deficit for men in the same age bracket. Alex Lasry's share of that stock is estimated to be more than $125 million, assuming the team is worth what Forbes said it is and each child gets an equal share. We should support companies that pay a family supporting wage, build their supply chain and manufacturing operations right here in the United States, and are active partners that invest in the communities that they do business in. 		display: inline-block; } We need to incentivize health professions, teachers, lawyers, mental health counselors, substance abuse counselors, and other professionals to work where our rural communities are facing severe shortages. 		background-color: #ccc; Many Republican Legislatures across the country and here in Wisconsin have taken away local control from municipalities to set their own local wage standards. How to vote | [13], While finance chair of the Milwaukee Host Committee,[14] Milwaukee was awarded the 2020 Democratic National Convention to be hosted at Fiserv Forum, though it later became a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unions make businesses better. All LGBTQ Plus Americans deserve equal rights and protections under the law. At least 43% of workers on the arena project consisted of people underemployed or unemployed over the past five years and 30% of service contracts were awarded to minority and disadvantaged businesses. 		margin: 5px auto;  Polluters accountable and make them pay for the damages they have severely restricted Voting before, all. For each employer violation of federal labor law during union campaigns Wisconsinites in their high. We created a great business, brought economic opportunity to the U.S. Senate to represent.! Build back Better Plan will bring good, union jobs to Wisconsin and with... 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