bts reaction to you feeling like a burden

"Tonight was really great, Kookie. You pulled the folded shopping list out of your pocket and opened it. You didnt consider yourself a gross eater, you just become hyper-aware when you eat around others. Now hurry up and put those groceries up.. He ended up kicking you out of his apartment but you didnt care, you wanted to get out there. [A/N: It seems like these requests are becoming increasingly more challenging, please have mercy on me! The warm glow of the city lights and the R&B music playing softly on the radio created a very chill vibe around you. Oh Yoongi, you say as you walk over to him. He looks up from his phone screen, catching the serious expression on your face. Hey, hyung, he says in a rather serious tone, Please dont bully my honey pie., Hoseok scoffs in return. But I do hope that you guys (especially the requester ^_-) enjoy it! Overhearing this, Hoseok turns your way with a cheeky smirk on his face. You said that youd take a break and take me out to lunch, you said to Namjoon. You playfully stick your tongue out at him. The three of you were browsing the produce section of the grocery store when you suddenly wandered off somewhere. But thanks for being honest.. You were practically his own little personal baker. Sure, he could tell Jungkook to back off but deep down inside he knew there wasnt anything wrong with you two being close friends; he trusted the both of you. He assumed you were leaving for the bathroom and tried to go back to sleep. Now, you may find that other people are less tolerant or understanding. He gave you his contact information and social media, assuring you you can reach him anytime. "Youre an asshole, you know that? Jin was unaware of your internal battle as he was too invested in the movie. ", Jimin bit his lip and responded with, "Can we talk?". Taehyungs seemingly lighthearted remark caught you off guard. [Authors Note: Okay I wasnt lying when I said I didnt have much time to write, Im really still on study crunch time. You loved her so much and wished for her happiness above yours so you decided to bear and grin through it. Jimin didnt think much of it and continued to stay by Jins side, checking the ripeness of the cantaloupes. I got something for you. They politely bowed and flashed friendly smiles, however it doesnt ease your anxiety. I was hoping you didnt hear that., So, Namjoon did say that, you asked. During the award show you sat next to Jin at the round table which was packed with the rest of the members and their particular plus one. He was truly your everything and youd be lost without him. Youre being weird!. I can't grasp why people would do something like that. Did what he feared would actually come true? 3. The past few days have posed a new challenge for my family. But sadly you were dead wrong. I was too into it I guess" he apologized. Without saying anything, Taehyungs pout is instantly replaced with an adorable, boxy smile. Namjoon was kinda irritated and said something like whats the point in even inviting her to these things if shes just going to fall asleep? Good thing it was just a dream, right? You looked up at Jimin and saw a weird expression on his face. Hoseok made it clear to you that you could always rely on him. This is my first BTS fanfic with actual dialogue. But, you have to let me take care of you the same way." The ending of the movie made me think about if the conversation was between me and my boyfriend and it inspired me to write this super short fic. Yoongi silently listens to your predicament and simply tells you this: If you truly love Y/N you have to be honest with her. The guys decided it would be nice to have a relaxing movie night and you were invited to tag along. By the time he reaches the living room, he finds you sitting alone on the couch reading a book. We all care about you. You scoff. Surprised but unfazed by Jimins outburst and overall embarrassment, you simply respond, But come on, they just look so deliciously cute! You even gave the kiwi a nice pet before lovingly rubbing it on your face. H-hello, its not to meet you, you stammered. Jimin nodded. Having a wet dream about you wasn't new to him, but he wasn't used to seeing you right after. BTS's reaction to catching you singing with earphones in: Requested by @swaglordyoongi. The reason Im with you has nothing to do with your age. One thing led to another and lets just say you two were emphasizing on the Chill part of Netflix and Chill.. I didnt think youd be home this early. You reached over to give a kiss but Hoseok is still fazed by the situation he walked into. Hyungs, Jungkook begins excitedly, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.. Why are you speaking in, he begins as he looks back to you, trailing off once he finds you asleep on the couch. You reached over to give his hand a comforting pat and smiled at him. With a mixture of confusion and irritation, Hoseok responds, Tae, what are you-? Hes interrupted by the sound and sight of you walking out of the bathroom. Hey, Id appreciate you not making fun of my girlfriend., I really dont give a shit whether you were kidding or not, I want you to apologize to her.. Jungkook was sipping his iced Americano while you were texting away on your phone with a big smile on your face. Seokjin, youre being ridiculous. To add insult to injury, Jimin had his arm around you and it seemed that you were comfortably leaning on him. A few moments later, you hear Namjoon walk into the room and feel the bed slightly shake as he climbs into bed. The current format is the best because it's just enough to not be too much and not too little as well. After a long day practicing some difficult choreography, Hoseok was more than happy to finally be home. Just in your native language. Hes not a good guy, Y/N. What?, asked Jin, too busy testing the cantaloupes. It wasnt until he heard you softly snoring that he attention was brought to you. And honestly, you felt like he was taking a little too long with the food. You tried calling him to see what was the hold up but no answer from him. Yeah, I, Jin trails off. For people who have a mental illness, feeling like a burden comes with a tremendous amount of self-stigma that is reinforced by the silent stigma of those who must bear the weight of the "burden" that mental illness causes. Maybe a little two chill since you were beginning to fall asleep. Out loud. But you didnt want to leave him; any opportunity to hang out with Joon, you took it no matter what. You okay?, he asked you but you didnt respond. Hearing you say those things washed away the self-doubt he had been feeling for the longest time. But this is the last one, you swore to yourself. Y/N, you home? you called out but with no response. We were going to invite you to join us but you can forget it. It took you clearing your throat for them to finally notice you in the room. [Note: Welcome to my very terrible smutty BTS fanfic. Namjoon, calm down, Hoseok says, attempting to deescalate the situation, Y/N really needed someone to talk to, I was just trying to be a friend and comfort her., Namjoon eyes both you and Hoseok skeptically; he wanted to believe his friend so bad but it just all seemed too convenient. You look at him for a moment as Jungkook gazes out of the window. Dont worry about me, Jimin. Everyone eagerly dug into their plates as you just sipped your water, hoping it will calm your nerves. Cant say I blame him after what happened., Yeah, Jin responds sheepishly. "Because Ive been so busy I never got a chance to bake him something for his birthday last week. I cant believe its been a year since I started writing and posting fics again after so long. Ugh, this is why you dont eavesdropped, stupid, you thought to yourself. You don't need to feel insecure tho, you are perfect the way you are. Shell get to a point where she can be more self-reliant but Im not going to rush her. "Come here," he says softly, cupping your cheek and pressing his lips to yours. Hes been making disgusting and hurtful comments about the bridesmaids and you especially. We all know he's a freak so he'd whisper dirty things in your ear while his thumb rubs intense circles onto your clit with a smirk as you try to make our real words and sentences. It was definitely something to look forward to. His attention does break from you when he feels a sudden pat on the shoulder. You werent fully fast asleep yet and caught his question in time. Bye!}. Yoongi knew this about you. Im with you because youre the only man for me. A very cute request from @kooksdior Im sorry I took so long with this >_<]. What the fuck, Y/N? The drive home was very calming. It seemed like the guys really liked you, which caused you to fidget less as the time went by. Your eyes were still staring into the darkness and you sounded as if you were reciting some demonic spell. He clicks on your contact and waits for you to answer. Hed forgot that sometimes he had to share his personal baker with other people, and that includes the boys. And why are you crying?, his questions were shooting out at such a fast pace. So he brushed it off, his pushing down the jealousy that threatened to pester him at times. Didnt you say she was ugly as fuck? I had a strange dream. Its pretty long, Jimin says before he clicks the play button on the Netflix screen. But for the sake of his relationship, he knew he had to open himself to you. I was completely left out in the dark. Even though you wanted so bad to be near your best friend of almost five years, you knew your heart wouldnt take being around. He just thought it was strange for a girl your age to be so reliant on someone, be it her boyfriend or not. You asked Yoongi where Jungkook was and he mentioned seeing him toward his room. Taehyung looks up at Hoseok and waves, Hey, Hyung!. You have been hanging out with Namjoon at his studio, as he was working on the groups upcoming album. Jin: We'll work together, and I'll take care of you. But at the end, I do want connect with Army who do face discrimination for being Muslim and for wearing a hijab or turban. Of course Yoongi thought your prep was unnecessary but you wanted to make a great impression on his friends. You nervously giggled. You honestly couldnt understand why a person like Min Yoongi would ever be into you. Youre so soft and fuzzy. Rap Monster: "Honestly, I have no idea . After spending the entire morning and most of the afternoon sightseeing, he decides to give you a call once he gets back to their hotel room. You felt a rush of heat rising in you from shear embarrassment as you hid away the two men. It may make you hold back from being your true self, asking for help, or setting boundaries. You and Taehyung tried your best to stifle your laughter after hearing such a brutal dig. For once, you actually put effort into your wedding appearance. He'd live for your moans and whimpers, only thrusting his fingers harder and deeper when you shake from the feeling of your orgasm. Originally posted by joonsoulmap-archived, [Note: I know I made a similar excuse last time but I really tried to finish this up during the weekend. The four of you were sitting together at a fancy restaurant, and you tried your best to ease your nervousness by engaging in the conversation. Aww, arent you just the cutest thing ever!, you cooed while holding a kiwi close to your face. He walks over to you and light taps on your shoulder, walking you up. Y/N? he calls out with no answer. The silence of the living room suddenly broke when you heard the vibration of Hobis phone against the coffee table. After blushing and sweating for 30 minutes afterwards, he would beat himself up internally for losing his cool and wait for your response. When he stops at the red light, he looks over to you. But if Namjoon was known for one thing, it was his extreme perfectionism. Despite you rarely speaking your native language around him, it drove him crazy of how deep and sultry your voice sounded while speaking. Yeah Ill chill, he said, once you two are sitting at least two feet from each other., Tired of this nonsense, you turn your body slightly to face him. Upon becoming friends with everyone, Jungkook latched on to you the fastest. What would you like to watch, he asked you as he turned on the Netflix app on his TV. Didnt mention what exactly.. Instead of them reacting to you, its the other way around. Oh, I was just trying on the clothes I bought today. He'd lick his lips a lot more than usual, and find a lot more reasons to touch you. And to your luck, he was incredibly kind to you and wanted to work side by side in this engagement. It also didnt help that you were extremely cozy in your favorite sweatpants and hoodie while snuggled under Jins soothing arm. Still holding onto his shoulders, Yoongi asks him, You alright buddy?. Who cares what you love to eat? One day, Yoongi walks into the living room of the dorm and finds you and Namjoon sitting at the table. The only thing you could do was jst to wait. In fact, he was actually madly in love with you. The rest of Bangtan thought your obsession with pickles somewhat peculiar but also adorably quirky. Morning, Tae, you exclaimed in a cheery voice, You hungry?. Time to get you home, he says quietly and drives into the night. You were out on a dinner date with your boyfriend Taehyung, and you were trying your best to hide your nervousness. ", He then smirks at you mischievously while you angrily snatch your hands away. It wasnt until you were heading towards the restroom at the back of the bar when you spotted Yoongis youngest friend Jungkook. I want to take care of you as much as I can Hobi." He smiled and held your face, "I get that, You're so adorable. Fast forward to three months into the engagement, it was the night of the engagement party. A chaste peck on his lips has the frown smoothing into a smile. However, while in your sleepy state, you answer him in your native language. To the people that completed the mutual, just because I may not talk to you often, it doesnt mean that I dont love and appreciate all of you! Or embarrassing as a handful of passersby gave quizzical looks at you. You think Yoongi-hyung would have taste in women but I guess not.. So dont worry too much about her or our relationship, okay? He finishes his speech with a friendly pat on Jungkooks shoulder.. Im guessing you overheard our conversation. Thats what I told Yoongi hyung and now Im telling you. He then gives you a warm, gentle kiss on the lips. So whenever you come over to hang out, youll have a tasty snack to eat. With the constant stress of trying to perfect their upcoming album, he had a lot building up inside him. Surprisingly, it wasnt too busy. I know this great place nearby, youll love it.". ! He tried to grab the phone from your hands before you threw hard at his chest. And do it before someone else takes her away.". Still half asleep, you look at Hoseok with drowsy eyes and softly mutters a phrase in your mothers tongue. He was trying his best to control his irritation, to not blow up and freak out. He was just so happy to hear you. Possibly making Jungkook regret being interested in you in the first place. Easier said than done, you replied, laughing at his comment as if it was a funny joke. As an apology for being a third wheel, Taehyung even offered to order and pay for all your drinks: an Americano for Yoongi, a vanilla latte for you and a hot chocolate for himself. You wrap your arms around his neck and give him a tender kiss. As you and Yoongi walk into the busy and warmly lit bar, you instantly hear a sharp shout from the other end of the establishment. Yep thats me, I hope he hasnt been dragging my name on the dirt, you say while playfully nudging your bashful friend. You and the rest of the bridesmaids were set to meet the groomsmen. Dont take it too personally, Jungkook. When he said that you werent too ugly to fool around in the broom closet, but not hot enough for a one stand, I had to possess every power in me to not knock his lights out.. Fast Forward to the actual day of the wedding. Well, no one except for Yoongi. Unfortunately, one day Yoongi couldnt keep up with his cool guy facade. Hey, Hobi. Oftentimes, our mind plays tricks on us by telling us that we are not worthy of our loved one's time, or that if we seek too much help, people will love us less. Gazing lovingly in your eyes, he opens, "I would call you my absolute dumbass. I wanted to write letters to all of my very special people, but while I may be good at writing how a character feels, I really struggle expressing my own emotions, so just know that I love you all so, so much!! I really have to thank Jin hyung once I get home.. (Im 99% sure I tagged all my BTS moots if I didnt pls ily Im sorry!!). Hobi, can you please pick me up? youd ask him on the phone and Hoseok would immediately be on his way. Hours before the supposed rendezvous, you spent your time meticulously getting ready. Especially after you started to feel Hoseok glide his hands on the soft curves of your body and felt his soft lips on your neck. You were waiting for Hoseok to come back home from picking up food at your favorite restaurant. You just gave him a side eye before leaving him alone in the room. What?, He sighs and says, That wasnt a dream, Y/N. Well, the other day I was out with my little sisters at the mall, buying clothes and shit. He said he had to run off somewhere. He knew how much you wanted to spend some time together and didnt want to disappoint you. You two divided chores evenly and neither nagged the other to do them. It can't be healthy. The moment you hear the door close behind him, thats when you let you collapse onto the floor, quietly sobbing to yourself. To be honest, this request was pretty challenging and it took me awhile to figure out how to go about it. He would eventually get frustrated and blurt out his confession. You look down at your coffee mug and sighed. He didnt understand how someone as fiercely independent as his hyung would be interested in someone who is the complete opposite. You were sitting alone in a cafe, waiting for your boyfriend Yoongi to arrive. He scratches the back of his head, a habit he did whenever he felt embarrassed. Not only do you two get to spend quality time together, you two also took turns when it comes to picking that nights movie. It started with relatives, then your older siblings, and now, as an adult, your friends. He could feel himself growing hard as his gaze was suddenly drawn to your exposed legs. " (Y/n), talk to me. Anyway, please enjoy!]. Oh man I didnt expect this thank you so much queen this means a whole lot! Lets get you to bed. In response you mumbled something he couldnt quite catch. Hmm?. But the real reason you werent a fan of them was that deep inside you knew you that no one would ever make you their bride. But deter the boys from warmly welcoming you. Taehyung poked your hand, getting your attention. Hey Y/N, sorry Im late, Yoongi greets you, Hope you dont mind that I brought Taehyung along. Taehyung sits down next to Yoongi and shoots you a cheeky smile. Babe, Im about to turn in. See you later.. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. "I don't know what you want me to say." You took a small deep breath then walked closer to him "I love you a lot and I don't want to fight with you like at all. Everyday he fell more and more in love with you and you felt the same for him. You stir a bit before propping yourself up with your left elbow. Be patient, my pet. You tried your best to hold in your tears but the first sob that escaped your mouth ruined it for you. Pretty adorable, right? Be right back.. Not taking his eyes off the road, Jungkook asks, Hey, are you in the mood for some ice cream? After hearing it, of course it irked him quite a bit. Sure, Taehyung did miss living with the guys and they missed him too. Knowing how much you love eating them, he made sure stock up on your favorites at the dorm. V: //happy that you came to him, but// "Do we really need to sleep with the light on though? I never meant to make you feel like this. The room fell into a brief yet excruciating silence. And when it is met with a sigh, an eye roll, or even an irritated tone of voice, it is like getting the wind knocked out of you. Seemed like you had a good daydream going on. Both of you chuckled lightly but Taehyung stayed quiet. It has been a week since youve last spoken to Jin, and its proved to be the longest week of your entire life. Jungkook didnt have anything against you; he really liked for the most part. shwe casino app . Why was he holding you like that? Also this is my very first drabble ^-^ I mean its a little bit over a hundred words but who really cares?]. Practically drooling, Taehyung reaches to grab a piece but the hard slap on the back of his hand stops him. Feeling your eyes burn with incoming tears, you turned your back on Jin. Taehyung wondered if waking you up wouldve been a smart idea but honestly he was too spooked to move. He was about to say good morning but got distracted by the heavenly sight of a pan of fudge brownies lightly dusted with powdered sugar. This definitely wasnt the first time you spaced out while he was speaking. But then you gingerly took his hands and started pulling him towards the kitchen. After all, he was the reason why Jungkook decided to join BTS. Wait, you said as you released yourself from his embrace. Is that a yes? he asks perplexedly but you dont answer. You obviously need to cool off., No! "Well, you began, Ive always had the biggest crush on him., Jimin almost stops the car when he heard you say that, What?! Right? The only thing he didnt like about you was your self-hatred and how youre always quick to put yourself down. He loved everything about you, everything from your warm smile to your dry sense of humor. Seokjin sighs before speaking again. Whats wrong, Y/N? He wasnt particularly annoyed by your daydreaming but he did think it was rude to not pay attention. You were still a bit dejected over what Jungkook said about you but the fact you had a boyfriend that will defend no matter what made you feel so blessed. You quietly moaned as you sat up on the couch in the dorms living room. Taehyung: Y/N:I can't believe I ever thought I could trust you ! Jin, your voice sounded desperate as you looked up at your friend pleading eyes, Please tell me., Jin quietly sighs as he puts down his phone on your kitchen counter. You put on a brave face but it was clear that your heart was broken into a million pieces. You bit your lip before speaking again. It was so maddening and gut wrenching, he didnt know what to do. Gwen - 25 - BTS Fanfiction - Bangtan Appreciation Blog, This is.. so terrible. It had been hours when you and Taehyung turned in for bed and both of you were fast asleep. Peace!]. I can see why you love him so much.". I'm here for you and I always will be. Yoongi was enjoying a beer with Namjoon when he noticed you and maknaes were having a water gun fight. You knew him before he was widely known as the cute yet sexy member of the ever popular group BTS and you continue to support him through his trials of being a world renowned idol. Hey!, you said with a slightly annoyed tone, Whats so funny, Park?, Sorry honey, Jimin says in between fits of laughter, Youre just so freaking cute.. The story of Lisa serves as a good example. His blunt words hit you hard inside. When it comes to being a friend, Hoseok was that beyond. Plain bizarre was more fitting. The sight of him holding onto you in that way really set something inside, his hidden jealous spilling over. In other words, it turned him on quite a bit. Half-jokingly, he retorted, Wow hyung, who knew you were dating such a space cadet.. But why hyung?, Jungkook says, hearing the slight hurt in his voice. I swear Im almost done, then we can go.. It was only recently that you and Taehyung decided to get your own place together. You even heard his name a couple of times throughout your monolog, which didnt help at all. At first, you vehemently refused, saying that it was way too soon and that you were too shy. Thanks for taking me out.". ", [A/N: Welcome to the first series to my little angsty series! nude pictures of models; which of the following is not true about plsql decision making structures; peter parker survived the snap fanfiction. Requested by @ swaglordyoongi your heart was broken into a million pieces with your left.... Them to finally notice you in the first series to my very first drabble ^-^ I mean its little... At your coffee mug and sighed join BTS his phone screen, catching the serious on! People, and that includes the boys you dont eavesdropped, stupid, you hear the door close him. Freak out get to a point where she can be more self-reliant but Im going. 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