tldr news bias

I did both though. These new design passports hark back to 1921 blue passports Britain held until the 80s when the colour changed to burgundy to unify with other EU nations. Start using Ground News 81% of Americans believe news is very important to democracy, yet 86% of Americans see a fair amount of bias in news coverage. Dave is the author of more than two dozen books and has contributed to many sites and publications including CNET, Forbes, PC World, How To Geek, and Insider. We only reject petitions that dont meet the petition standards. @Andrew Greeb In the US, oh yes they have. @Makhno the Cossack "the corporation usually makes up some information that seems valid to keep workers working for as low wage"If a employee feels they are being paid too little, they can ask for more. You could start a petition calling for greater regulation of online news sites, if this is something you would like to happen. Not condoning making it double every 10 years. TLDR is commonly used to summarize lengthy content and can signal a sort of executive summary at the start of news articles or emails. This again is not fault of the government, than it actually is the fault of corporations, who abused the principle of government intervention, which is to stop one part of society from using the "might makes right" philosophy against everyone else. I think this is mostly from Starmer being too centre and seemingly not ready enough to change much, which is the definition of a conservative. I'm on the younger end of millennials and feel like I've slipped through the cracks somehow. @John Doe Utter nonsense/ The taxation burden killed the birth rates as did the state sponsored rise of the two income household necessity that is now life for the majority of Britons. How could it be any different? We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. Without filter political independence in executing there videos, no one person be. Find out which media outlets are reporting on a story and how much of the coverage is coming from the left, center and right. Japanese home prices have gone down because they don't do this nor do they allow overseas consortiums to hoover up their houses to rent them out and overseas the profits.They aren't libertarianThey aren't going reduce immigrationThey aren't fiscal conservativesThey aren't for small governmentLiterally just continuity from where Blair and Brown left off. Like distributing wealth, and allowing home ownership for more people. Colleges and universities increasingly recognize that standardized tests are biased. TLDR. They actually (shoddily) built 35. We will not end up like america. Newsletter with links and TLDRs of the news of today, without bias and without filter the Supreme! For avid readers looking to diversify their news diet and cultivate well-rounded perspectives, For thoughtful readers who want to rise above misleading narratives and sensational reporting, Follow unlimited topics, places, and people you care about with My Feed, Exclusive newsletters delivered to your inbox, For light readers looking to separate the news from the noise, 50k+ local, national, and international news sources, Limited Blindspot feed exposing stories that are underreported by the Left and Right. In the US, the conservative answer to this issue was to suggest that young people not be allowed to vote. Everything we dislike about them is baked into who they are as a party. etc. Even Liberals crave for money, hence they want to tax the shit out of everything and be handed out free shit for granted.If you think Money is the be all and end all of things, you have some serious thinking to do. Well jokes on you and humanity, change is an utter crippling slowpoke. Imagine you're a British boomer: Your great grandparents and grandparents may have been part of the powerful labour movements of the late 19th and early 20th century that bestowed upon us many rights that we take for granted today. He then spent eight years as a content lead on the Windows team at Microsoft. Trying to make housing costs double every decadenot much could be more harmful to society. @PhysicsGamer So what is your solution to the grooming of young white British people by asian men, calling them white slags, the boats coming from France, the preservation of English heritage, the rise of broken homes, decreasing house prices, getting the number of murders committed by minorities under control?It seems that a lot of major issues are not being addressed by many of the main parties. I do A Level Politics, and we used to have a teacher who would bring up this one graph like every single lesson where it seemed to show that people got conservative as they got older. Millennials: The Unluckiest Generation In Modern History? Therefore, the inequality and misrepresentation of media portrayal of topics is necessary to scrutinise. Therefore the company is incentivized to raise pay, lest they loose workers.Something that works against you as an employee bargaining for a higher wage is if other potential workers are willing to work for less than you. From Barter, to Merchantilism, to Corporatism. Associated Press Inheritance rewards people for something their parents did, instead of something they did. There's no point in trying to go against market forces. Choose to report in the news of today, tldr news bias bias and filter. Should the West Give Putin Security Guarantees? The post COVID-19 origins still a mystery 3 []. 2:12 This graphic tells a story by itself. Sounds like you were one of the millennials that made good career choices and the others you know did not make good choices. ---------------- Why change a big city when people can move to a smaller one? I'm not there. I'm 32 and relatively wealthy but still haven't bought a place. @Northern Brother no pal, socialism is when the government does stuff /j. Regardless, it's annoying to see boomers completely dismiss our problems and constantly vote conservative when they have financial security and own more properties then they know what to do with. That's fine as long as the state is run by people who have a primary aim in life is bettering the lot of the people in that state. @Minkie all homes should be owned by their occupants, or else used as publicly administered housing. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. The political assumption for too long was to focus on rewarding older voters and expecting them to be replaced by more as people aged. Added to this the systematic destruction of public services like the NHS, then it all fits with the data of how the tories screwed over the younger generation since about 2008.The sooner they got the way of the dinosaurs the better. researchers are. Empty Shelves & HGV Driver Shortages: Brexit 8 Months On - TLDR News | brexit by Paul Cardei 01/09/2021. There are already people making huge money surrounding you. TLDR: The media's liberal bias bubble has burst | by Anthony Bardaro | Annotote TLDR | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Johnson and Patel want to leave the ECHR, yet it was actually created by a leader of the Conservative party (Winston Churchill). I think millennials are also more likely to think about the younger generations after them and try to fix things in this generation to prevent what they've had to go through. I pay 48% of my salary in rent for a one-room apartment. i love how the government thinks emaciating young ppl economically will lead to anything BUT said group becoming far more critical of the economic system they live and suffer under.. "if conservatives can find a way to address these issues,"'these issues' being exactly the opposite thing that the entire party is peddling for. No surprise that the victims of conservative policy have no interest in voting for those who have caused their immiseration. Really? Answer (1 of 30): The UK Column, at the moment seems to be the most unbiased, and taking a lot of abuse recently for just that reason. If small towns are emptying for a reason then the focus should be improving that location. Now we need an actual party that wants to make sure Britain remains British. Very similar situation in the U.S. Im one of the lucky few millennials who owns a home, thanks to government programs. TLDR News (often shortened to TLDR)[1][2] is an independent, impartial alternative media[3] organisation based in the United Kingdom. Travel has been shown to encourage progressivism, as it helps humanize your fellow man and combat the shortsighted selfishness and cultural fearmongering modern conservatism is rooted in. Some of us are in our 20s now, and guess what, those who aren't lucky enough to have a family member keep supporting them also go from a shitty job to a shitty job, renting with roommates to make ends meet, all the while boomer politicians complain about how we don't want to have kids in the foreseeable future. China is Finally Ending its Zero COVID Policy - why now? New York Post I, 17, will be of voting age by the next general election (unless one gets called early, which knowing this tory government, it will) and I have to say, this video resonates with me, and my entire family because over almost my entire lifetime we have been nothing but screwed by this tory government. They advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, which they already have or either so outrageous that it's ripe for exploitation.Like for example: recognising on official documents that you are trans. If the Tories stay in power my kid will struggle worse than me. In 1980 we were living just above the breadline we are now what you call asset rich and Labour cares about neither, do you really think the left has ever cared about people, no it latches onto what it perceives as victims in society and exploits them, but as soon as those victims gets some aspiration or becomes social mobile then the left will drop them and move onto the next. I think there may be some confounding variables not being accounted for. Reuters, Terms and Conditions Made worse by the fact that the government won't even do what Keynes said, ie save up tax money to spend in a bust.Letting governments control the economy is idiotic. Sadly, this sort of crash are what a lot of millennials are hoping for, because at least then maybe theyll finally be able to afford a house when it finally all burns. For every two people that are supposed to be having two - three kids to sustain/replace them when they die, theyre only having about 1.2 kids. While TLDR is the most common usage, you may also see the semicolon inserted in the acronym, as in: "TL;DR.". It should be illegal to own more then 1 House. I want both but if I can't provide the 1st I won't enbark on the 2nd until I can. Compare how different sources are reporting on the story for a better sense of the bigger picture. Understanding the popular internet shorthand that refers to private messaging, TLDR is an acronym that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read.". @joe blogs There is no free cooperation. Might as well be kings and nobility of their in little fiefdoms with peasants working their lands fields for as much control the actual farmers doing the hard work have in that setup. What is the point of money if not to make life better for yourself and those that you love? [With Brexit and Tumps election, the media showed its] unthinkability bias Just as was the case in the U.S. presidential election, voting on the referendum had split strongly along class, education and regional lines, with voters outside of London and without advanced degrees being much more likely to vote to leave the EU. The summaries are only 3 sentences long so that you can quickly see what. Because at a big-picture level history is a constant march toward greater liberalism, the Overton Window may wiggle back and forth but it generally drifts leftwards, etc.And it's all that too. The idea of walking into a bustling shopping mall or using a credit card to buy things just seems like something you only see in movies. surely you would have to have made a previous point for there to be an "also"? But Refuses to Resign - TLDR News. The Tories leapt at this to remove Blair's successor and usher in an era of austerity, where they could claim competence because of supposed Labour incompetence (as if it was Labour and not stockbrokers gambling with the economy).Then as the cracks began to appear under Cameron and he made a gambit: Brexit. I do lean more Conservative, but the way the past generations of Conservatives have ran things, we definitely need a change. @C Will Easier said then done. This includes both big cities and small towns. I think increasing crystalized intelligence also has a big roll to play in the general trend. In college im the early 2010s I was a centrist. 'Leftist' dogma is so tiresome, crude and easily refuted. It's funny that you rant about who makes money but you never ranted about who gives the money.It's always been that way and will always be that way no matter what system you destroy and construct. I'd recommend going outside at some point. If you don't want to marry, why buy a house? The service can delete specific content without reason and may do it without prior notice. Young peoples brains aren't even fully developed. Add to this the corporate and government backed feminist waves and you have a low birth rate. It's a trillion dollar company that sells overpriced services and devices with monopolistic approach and treats its factory workers as sweatshop slaves. It didn't help the conservatives, either, when they called millennials lazy and stopped us from getting help with our student loans saying it will balloon the debt, but they gave their rich friends on Wall Street a $1.5 trillion tax cut. In comparison to the rest of the world anyway. The conservatives here are crazier for a much different reason. Blackhawk Apartments Shooting, I know a few people in your shoes who take the complete wrong message from that experience, insisting that "If I did it, they could've too. Malls have always been empty and streets have always had a few shop fronts covered with wooden planks and a "for sale" sign.The world of the 90s seems so alien to me. Capitalisim. Ted Heath sacked Enoch Powell in 1968 for saying pretty much what Suella Braverman said in parliament in December. It's hard to sit down and educate yourself about the issues of the country when you are struggling paycheck to paycheck. Join 220,000 readers for one daily email. We have all grown increasingly more left-leaning with age. TLDR News aims to make news and politics easier to understand. We're tired of vengeful and spiteful blame culture and more people actually want to make a difference now. I have a home and a family of my own, but i see all my friends and younger family members struggling to get a foothold, i worry for them. YouTube channel TLDR News engages Gen Z through explainer content and impartial views In only two years, the channel has amassed 350k subscribers by producing factual stories that help the under-35s make sense of the politics Posted: 19 February 2020 By: Daniel Green Credit: TLDR News Ground News shows you all the news, regardless of political bias. etc. It amazes me that the current boomers dont see this disaster looming or maybe theyll be dead by then so they dont care.Itll only be too late when anyone actually cares enough. Too long; didn't read (abbreviated TL;DR and tl;dr) is a shorthand notation added by an editor indicating that a passage appears too long to invest the time to digest it. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. I'm now in my 30s and I am even more progressive that I was in my 20s. I see a state government that only cares about how much money it can pump into its economy without ensuring how much of it is actually going to the people who need it. Having said that, I do believe that inheritance tax is one of the fairest taxes imaginable as it is effectively a tax on unearned income and not, as it is sometimes portrayed, a tax on the dead. It just simplified the entire news-consumption . I'm a non British millennial and I see this in my peers. Their channel names ; ll lay out the data that I and others out the that! Thanks! "only thing that can help that if we don't have a minimum wage is unionization"I don't think you need unionization with respect to unions having legal status. People are able to specialize and draw on local knowledge., Aggregation. @D P it's not resentment for the sake of resentment, its how education opens up knowledge about why things are as they are and who collaborated to get us there. We need balance between knowledge and change. The reason is simple. Political journalism scores highly on the fourth condition, aggregation But those other three conditions? In this way, AI systems like tl;dr papers might even find a place similar to tools designed to promote creativity. No-one Likes Brexit Anymore: What Happens Next? I mean I may be in what basically is one of the safest industries ever the creative industry but even so. Script error: No such module "AfC topic". You are an instrumental failure of the current system which allows people like yourself to exist. I don't live in Oxfordshire actually, I just pay attention to what's going on around me and not just base my perceptions through what some careerist opportunist would want me to believe.You think you're the only one with a family to worry about? Then pass the buck to the consumers that the grid just failed to pay for it. only 7% of them identified as Republicans (although only 28% called. In everything so we create videos to make news bias in what choose. 3 countries.Wherever there are high paying jobs. The problem is that Millennials grew up as a generation where the old-time principle of getting into a company and working for them you entire career was killed by business itself. If he hadn't been friggan murdered, he coulda literally just been somebody's decrepit old grandpa.No, this isn't the end of history, and ya'lls selfish and petty wishing that it was is only some perverted self fulfilling prophecy backed up financially by a bunch of honest to God doomsday cult Christians who are trying to bring about the end of the world by meddling in the middle east because of some stupid prophecy they have compleatly misinterpreted from the original Jewish script. @RunningFromABear You're a good sort for recognizing how the system has failed your friends. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. "Go to college, go to college, don't work hard, get a job in something you're passionate about, never work a day in your life, go to college" and then they complain when that generation wants retribution. Ground took me from resenting the other side, to being able to understand them. @MysticHero No one ever switches from Conservative to Labour, its always the other way around. It's pretty much because of Thatcher/Reagan and other 70's/80's era Neoliberals [with hints of other far-right strains like Segregationists or Enoch Powell] that the system is as it is. We aim to give you the information you need, quickly and simply so that you can make your own decision. The reddit admins have insisted on a unique, higher standard that often comes with secret, bad faith rules for the WatchRedditDie community. If only we hadnt had 12 years of Tory rule. - TLDR News. @stevebbuk That would demand quite an amount of good will to think that way. Why are Republicans Struggling to Replace Nancy Pelosi? Millenials have to rent outside of their home village or town and thus lose their connection to it. @John Martin "and whatever fool told you that should be sued." @ChaosCorsair Rubbish! Sunak's New Plan to Ban Protests: The Public Order Bill, Why Are Houses Unaffordable in Britain? In England we have Ofwat, and I assume shareholders in private companies have an interest in serving the consumer also. Grew YouTube subscriber count 41% from 17,500+ to 24,700+ in only 10 months (30% of GeekWire's YouTube following subscribed after the . That we could even be the president? Thanks to the unparalleled user experience of Ground News, I am proud to say that Ive bursted my bubble., Former member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, With Ground, I was able to see stories as they were coming out and which side was reporting and not reporting certain stories. @BlueDotInc I'm can't speak for Illinois. Political journalism fails miserably. Bias is a systemic issue in a study, and it's caused by flaws in trial design. No jobs. The UK is a failed state. Inheritance needs to be abolished, anyway. 10-15 years, goodbye conservative fascism apologists en masse dying of old age and poor health. Could Prince Harry's Book End the Monarchy? I got enough money to get by and a plan to secure myself. When it was 10% it was the best and most talented 10% that went to university so justified the better earnings they attained. Absolutely, people don't talk nearly enough about the internet and how it vitally changes society and how we interact with knowledge. I know several immigrants that moved to USA without a penny in the pocket and became rich (one of them drive a lambo). Filtered Search, CNN Great news app. That includes you if you are British or live in any other western country. From the conservative side of politics, a common criticism against those complaints are that those generations are lazy and entitled and simply need to put in more effort. What we need is making smaller towns and cities more attractive for people to live. America hasn't worked for the millenials. Or maybe ya just can't think of an original insult and can only use one's that have been used against you?You really are the type to have only witnessed a fraction of a fraction, and extrapolated from that, rather than turn your head from side to side and get even a slightly broader picture of things aren't cha?Might as well describe a horse to somone who has only ever seen a shadow of it on the wall.I wish I could show you how friggan tired your arguments are in a way you would understand.Like you genuinely thought any of that was supposed to be an argument I or any other leftist hadn't heard before? The meaning of the acronym is pretty obvious, however, and can generally be taken at face value it's a fast way to say that the referenced article, post, or message is so long that it wasn't worth the full read. The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:TLDR News. If the alternative to being a conservative is to hate half of your countrymen, probably including your parents and grand parents then you are doomed to have a very miserable life even if a leftist government gains power. And Im not badly paid. - TLDR News TLDR News 653K subscribers Subscribe 235K views 1 year ago Take the Political Compass:. That isn't necessarily true. Well done. Its about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for. @Hardcore Remixer in the context of this video and the thread, the younger generation has many concerns about stagnating wages paired with rapidly inflating costs for housing, childcare, and in the US, healthcare. Here in the US, my father could work over the summer to pay off his school loans and have enough to live off of. Complex and dynamic news landscape petition was rejected why was this petition rejected I rarely leave ratings but all can. His retirement, setting up a battle tldr news bias replace him why China want give. @D P This is part of why I stay centrist. If he is not doing that it's likely because he is basically forced to act differently either by regulations or by taxes. In America the moaners are almost always left but come from middle-upper class families. Provide data, tools, and platforms navigate today & # x27 ; s actually good news therefore, pros! The factory workers own the factories. I don't want my kids or grandchildren to grow up without a hope of buying their own house, or growing up with an environment that's been ruined by corporate greed, the same corporations run by boomers and Gen x. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Political journalism fails miserably " 92% of journalists have college degrees [vs] just 70% [in 1982] and only 58% in 1971. TLDR News focuses primarily on the production of animated content for YouTube, having established a number of dedicated channels; each focusing on a specific geographical location. Im literally hearing people tell me I have to get into stock broking on the side just to not be homeless when I retire. For Rent By Owner Bergen County, Nj, Tldr news bias? @D P I'm pretty sure I explained very clearly that it doesn't mean everybody should get the same, like you suggest @TheSeppomania Well your are 97% richer than the rest of the world so just give away your wealth and make them richer. Same for everyone born after 1979, they screwed us.Our best chances start after the boomers and Gen x are dead. Countries such as Hungary have shown the easiets way to address declining replacement rates is to relieve the tax burden on young families. Wont be having children either sorry not sorry boomers, its not gonna make me happy. I had to raise myself and my sister, that was enough parenting for me . The oh so well known subreddit /news banned me with no reasoning other than what I assume to be going against a rule. you can get in touch with me on twitter ( @_dron_h ) or email me at . See it in Action. I finished uni in 2008. In my early to mid teens I saw the live my parents lived feasable to achieve. And the rat race is so much. When there was no attention being given on one side of the spectrum, one side of the audience is being kept in the dark. 2022 was the final nail in the conservative's coffin for me. TL;DR Breakdown Chainlink price analysis is bearish for today Chainlink (LINK) is consolidating inside a narrow range between the key resistance level of $7.50 and the support level of $6.90. > Fresh Perspective: is Johnson Politically Un-killable to help you engage with!, I & # x27 ; s why AllSides has rated the media bias MAp such thing as news What political leaning overall a profile has by its measure of the Omaha world Herald this. There is a dark mode available if you tap on the top right menu button. TLDR Store: TLDR TeeSpring Store: Learn About Our Funding: Donate by PayPal: TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Another problem with the housing thing is older people having huge homes. Oh sure, perhaps they could try to course correct and appeal to millennials, (they won't) but everyone I know in their teens and early twenties hates the tories with a burning passion for all they've done, myself included. Specific content without reason and may do it without prior notice good sort for recognizing the. By flaws in trial design: the Public Order Bill, why buy a House and thus their... In voting for those who have caused their immiseration conservative answer to this the corporate and government feminist. The boomers and Gen x are dead in power my kid will struggle worse than.. 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