blurry vision 2 months after prk

One major consequence of PRK over LASIK is the longer and much more variable healing/recovery time. All in all, if I could do it over again, I wouldnt. Read here what others are saying on the PRK Recovery Reddit thread. I guarantee they will tell me I have to get a second surgery. I dont even know what the long term effects might be that they did not mention. As with any surgery, there are always risks of complications unfortunately. After my consultation, I was told, I was a good candidate for laser correction. Then the day of the surgery he told me I was getting PRK. Will these issues resolve? I had PRK in June 2020. And Id like to share my personal journey through two separate eye surgeries, the PRK recovery on both procedures, and my PRK complications. Although laser eye surgery has an extremely high success rate, just as with any other form of surgery, there are risks of complications when it comes to PRK that individuals should be aware of before undergoing this procedure. Like you, I try to stay hydrated, always wear sunglasses, and use drops when needed. Over 3-5 days, as you heal, your vision will gradual During the second week, I could get on the computer a little longer (about an hour to an hour and a half), but my eyes were still extremely sensitive to light and I still felt worn out after screen time. In fact, only about 50% will be able to reach 20/20 vision or better at this point. Your daily work is at computer/reading distance THIS IS ACTUALLY A BIG ONE! All Rights Reserved. At my 3 month post op I was seeing 20/20. Hi Jess, It is unbelievable how many stories are out there just like us! During the first month I saw dramatic improvement but my healing seems to have peaked and I notice no changes since then. It is possible for vision to remain blurry for one to two weeks. Day 14 - 33. One thing is for sure, they have clearly been changed forever in every way. Literally. If you are like me and still need to wear glasses, check out these. Where do you live? The good news is that your vision will improve over time as epithelial cells regenerate. Thanks for sharing your experience and recommendations Diman! In rare cases, more extreme side effects can occur. What Happens If You Cry After Laser Eye Surgery? Im so sorry youre going g through this and I dont blame you at all for not letting them touch your eyes again Im in the same boat with ya! For new accounts: Purchase APR is 26.99%. Imagine how I felt going through it?? I read these stories and I am just shocked as I have never heard of any of this happening at my clinic (PS. Im constantly using a magnifier app to read things. Is it the EXACT same recovery because it was extremely long and drawn out? Author has 101 answers and 241.3K answer views 6 y About one month. Also did anyone have severe myopia and did the prk? It is not uncommon for patients to experience blurry vision for several months after surgery. Going from a -6 and -6.25 prescriptions to bringing able to see clearly without anything has been amazing. It usually takes around 5 to 6 months to last (in most of the cases). Some of the links included in this post are affiliate links and will provide me with a commission at no additional cost to you. now instead of headaches from glasses I get them from light and dryness or eye. In conclusion, I am improving very slowly. This medication helps expedite healing and minimizes scarring. It reshapes the cornea so that light can enter the eye and be properly focused onto the retina for clearer vision. All my symptoms remained the same as month one and two. Ruby Design Company. Only to find myself having to wear glasses again just to make it through the day. PRK surgery lasted for less tham 10 mins both eyes. Wasnt that tough, to be honest. The main difference between LASIK versus PRK is the way the procedure is completed. Really, there wasnt a problem. Every time I call them they tell me that everyone is different in their healing and to just continue to use the drops. Also for my anger to subside, because let me tell you, there was a lot of anger, disappointment, and utter dismay. Do your eyes feel inflamed, painful or appear red? Hi Alex, Thanks for reaching out. Ive had a very similar experience and after 6 months of my first PRK, Ive just underwent a second PRK plus PTK few days ago in my right eye. Blurry image in morning. Keep screen time to a minimum for the first few days including television, phones and the computer. How long ago did you have the surgery and what did your friend, the doctor, say about your complications? Sometimes residual blurriness that does not clear with blinking or medication can be as simple as a residual refractive error. That didnt work and I had another enhancement 6 months after that. How older drivers can improve their driving at night. Id say it was worth it still to have gotten because before I felt absolutely blind without my glasses and they were like Coke bottle thick. They told me I was a candidate for either and ended up with lasik because of the lower healing time (i travel a lot for work). LOL That is too funny! Think we maybe went to the same dr in Chicago. I still cannot believe how many of us there are and yet no major changes in the field. I have had weeks of pain, missed many days of work, will never be able to wear contacts again and will need glasses for the rest of my life. I had a mild prescription. So I had been in a blur for five or so years. The most common issues are corneal haze, infection after the surgery, and overcorrections and undercorrections. The fixed monthly payment will be rounded up to the next highest whole dollar and may be higher than the minimum payment that would be required if the purchase was a non-promotional purchase. Your eyesight will continue to get better until your vision stays stable. Problem with street and car lights in night. I can see very very well and my eyes dont send too dry but Ive always been the one to drive others around and now driving is almost dangerous for me. This was the biggest mistake of my life! Dont hesitate to get in touch with us our team would be more than happy to answer them all! My story is very complicated. At the very least, I hope all our stories will help someone make the right decision regarding their eyes. First, lets discuss why I got PRK instead of LASIK and why you might have to do the same. Type 1 occurs one to three months after surgery and subsides after about one year. PRK approaches things differently and directly removes that epithelium layer - avoiding the need to create a flap within the cornea. This retrospective comparative study analyzes the early postoperative impact of laser vision correction for myopia on the optical quality and stability of functional vision using a double-pass aberrometer. Qualified patients must book their procedure by 2/28/2023. my right eye is about 80% as good as it was pre-surgery, without glasses for distances beyond 1m but closer to 1m it is all but useless. I didnt think it was funny and Ill be damned if I go back to him. I waited a LONG time and finally feel like my eyes stabilized. TIP: When you go for your first appointment ask the doctor HOW they will complete the procedure and inquire about the brush method. All I can say is that my dry eye did get better as time went on. I had been very excited for Lasik for many years while I saved up for the surgery and especially excited for the months prior to the surgery, once the appointment was made and it was becoming a reality. He handed me a prescription and said to get glasses in the interim because he would not want to do the second procedure for another six months or so. As far as my 5-year update goes, I am still very disappointed with my results and am angry, but time is helping me get over it. As recovery continues, your eyesight will gradually start to improve. When he was doing the check for trying to figure out my prescription, I noticed that he was never able to get it so I could see clearly. All the best to you, Angela! I cannot think straight. Vision at the end of the first week will generally be somewhere around 20/30 to 20/40. After a few eye tests, the doctor said everything looked great. Dont let a LASIK doctor talk you into an enhancement surgery (check out the website LASIK complications). im really grateful to have been able to read the experiences of yours and others. I got glasses, and it was amazing what I could see. I asked all the important questions while trying not to burst into tears with the idea of doing this all over again like: My head was spinning with the thought of going through all of this again. And only the healing time and potential complications differ. Having an intact epithelium creates a clear surface. Is this normal?? I have astigmatisms in BOTH eyes, essentially, 2 different shadings (shadowing), and blurred vision all the time. I went to my one month follow up and the doctor said there was nothing else he could do for me, no more appointments and I was 20/20. its helped me feel more confident about my decision that the long recovery and potential risks really arent worth it for me personally. Blurry vision is expected immediately after LASIK, but clarity should return by the next day (24 hours). Josh, I would encourage you to visit the website They are a non-profit organization aimed at providing assistance and resources to those with who are experiencing complications from elective refractive surgery. However, trying to use my phone, read a book or a letter is so damn frustrating. However, heres the thing. Epithelium and stroma of the cornea; Image by StemBook (CC BY 3.0) / modified from original. The recovery was horrible! Once that surface heals over, vision steadily improves. I pay SGD 5112 for both eyes and I half regret paying for such high price but recovery was slow n annoying. Bowman. I got PRK in 2005 because I was military and into extreme sports. My only issue was small road debris at night that I couldnt see until it was too late. LASIK vs. PRK: Which Laser Eye Surgery Is Right For You. Would i benefit more from topo or wavefront PRK for the enhancement if so? During the day, I see small to medium starburts when the sun hits any shiny surface, so sunglasses are a must. Sorry for your eye issues, but there is hope. It has allowed me to work again, but I cannot see around my house using them so I have to use magnifying glasses and I use regular readers to help some, although it causes dizziness when walking. My eyes had been about -7.5 prior to PRK. Everyday when I wake up I am reminded of my mistake and then begins the battle of what I could possibly do to improve my condition. My eyes have a hard time focusing, but it gets better everyday. I had always thought I would have it done if I ever won the lottery but your honesty has saved my potential winnings!! Nothing is clear at all. So, just to sum up my far distance vision gor corrected, no complaints, but at what price?! I had rk about 20 years ago. The good news is that with a soft contact lens I can see 20/25. If the surface of your eye is not 100% smooth your tearfilm cannot adequately coat the surface of your eye. My self- esteem has drastically been affected- I used to wear contacts, not glasses, I cant wear any eye make-up because of chronic inflammation and irritation, my eyes and eyelids are always red, and the warm compresses I have to use have destroyed the fragile skin around my eyes (looks like crepe paper), and as I mentioned I have ptosis of my right eye. Im relieved to hear you havent seen any of these issues, but based on all the comments and people Ive talked to since my procedure it seems like its not all that uncommon. This also came true. If that doesnt work, it in for a second procedure. The healing was irregular. Unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20 (that expression is priceless in this scenario! I paid $3,363.12 including a discount of $1,000 for my type of insurance to correct my nearsightedness (-5.50 in both eyes). My head would start to hurt and I felt like I had to force my eyes open, thats when I knew it was quitting time. thanks again for sharing, it wasnt too long and i appreciated every detail. So, as a matter of fact, sometimes people will experience blurred vision after taking it, because your eyes need some time to recover. Especially after looking forward to 20/20 vision for so long, and spending so much money, it is depressing to be now so blind I cant work or drive properly, Sam, I am so sorry to hear your story. Updated August 2022. Pretty disconcerting if you ask me. How are your eyes now? My comment to anyone considering the surgery is that you are rolling the dice. I am recovering slowly. I had a pre-surgery visit with his team. This has been a huge hardship for my family. This outcome is clinically significant in cases of decentration from the visual axis that is greater than 0.5 mm. For some reason, it really didnt bother me until the morning of. Oddly, I could see crystal clear up close probably the clearest Id seen since prior to surgery. He put an alcohol solution in my eye to loosen the epithelium prior to removal. This is normal; for some patients, it takes between six and 12 weeks to see clearly. No swimming, hot tubbing, spa, or whirlpool for at least 2 weeks to reduce the risk of infection. Before LASIK I was about -8 in both eyes and thin cornea. But the difference was, I was driving the next day and I could see perfectly when I woke up after the first day. I had friends who had done Lasik with no problems and with the slight research I had done and the reassurance I had from my friend who is an opthamologist I gave my fate to the wind and expected good results. If the vision remains blurry, then it could be due to an issue with healing of the new epithelium beneath your bandage contact lens. My doctor made me change my glasses constantly and said dont understand why my eyes hurt. My left eye is still blurry and I have been out of work since!!! Page published on Monday, January 4, 2021. So sorry to hear that KS. I wanted to try getting contacts and he ordered some trial contact lenses for me but get this when I tried them on, it was as if I was nearsighted again and everything was blurry at distances. The prescription of the eye stabilizes and with this comes improvements in what you can see. I am in constant pain. My eyes teared constantly which gave me a runny nose and I was still really sensitive to light. There are no recorded cases of anyone going blind from laser eye surgery. It was a very painful recovery and regret it every day. I accidentally poked my eye with the eye dropper as I was putting drops in. When I brought this up with the doctor, all he had to say was wow Ive never heard of that before, have a nice day. However, blurry vision may last longer if you have both a vitrectomy and retina surgery. Hi Ariel, how are you going now ? The ablation was not large enough for my pupils and was off-centre. 3. It was recommended that exercise should not be picked up again for at least a week, but I didnt feel comfortable with that for at least three weeks. I had PRK in 1996. After having a procedure done, you may experience blurry or fluctuating vision for some time afterward. It does not appear to be getting any better, either. You may look into a dry eye treatment called thermal one touch or IPL for dry eye. PRK involves cutting the entire outer layer of corneal tissue called the epithelium. Drugs didnt seem to help much. They told me at the consultation that they couldnt do Lasik but could do PTK/PRK. I had my procedure done approximately 2 1/2 months ago in San Jose, CA. I would discourage EVERYONE from taking a chance on PRK. Also, I get glare from light entering the windows, from overhead lights in my office. Even i can't look at them directly. It would seem that Ive been very fortunate, so Im terribly sorry to hear about your, and others trying experiences! Well, it seems that a PRK surgery was inevitable to you. Im not certain what I am going to do at this point. I drive at night for work and i only have four days left of the year i can take off for vacation/sick time. They say its because of dry eye, but before surgery I never experienced dry eye (probably used eye drops 3 times in my life before surgery, now 10+ times a day and 5+ times a night). Chose PRK to avoid any chance of flap complications that may come with LASIK. I am so frustrated here and so tired of not able to see! He told me not to worry and by the time I got back, Id be seeing great. So infuriating! Why did this happen? Ive also realized that visual acuity is subjective- some people are OK with blurry vision! Because I cant see I feel like I cant think clearly either! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I feel I may be a candidate for corrective lenses again. I went to an eye surgeon in Arlington Heights, Dr. Thomas Koziol, who is now retired. Also after the laser fired and before the bandage contact was applied they used the same type of disc soaked in mitomycin which has been proven to reduce complications and haze after healing. Its when the cells begin to grow back over the eye that you start feeling what I can only describe as the sandy sensation turning to toe-curling-pillow-squeezing pain. I had originally driven there from Cape Town (about a 350 mile drive) to get LASIK as they said Id have no issues driving home the next day (testimonies from friends as well confirming this), but about 15 minutes before the procedure, they said that PRK was far safer for me to get because of the shape of my astigmatisms, so I consented and stayed a few more days in the area. Also because its something people cant see, so they dont understand. What is your age range Anthony? Not only that, even in the dark it is uncomfortable to look straight forward or upward. I really hope my eyes dont continue to get worse again. Dont skimp on something that could negatively impact your existence for LIFE. I hope youre doing better today. My night vision is worse than before surgery. I never looked into it, but Im sure there have been some people whove tried just dont know the outcome. He had performed the surgery on other surgeons, police officers and even his own son. The cupholders in my car are full of them. My main concern is : 1 # Will the glasses compromise my healing process and 2# My vision seems worse when I remove them glasses . My morning vision is what we had discussed before the surgery, but it regresses horribly throughout the day. And then had to wait about an hour to be taken back which is when I started feeling a little nervous. I was so so frustrated through this process and my blood is boiling for you reading about your experience so far. Also he told me that as I get older I would need glasses. I hear about these overzealous doctors doing these procedures on high script thin cornea patients and wonder how many have complications down the road. LASIK has little downtime with only a day or so for recovery whereas PRK is much longer. It simply takes time for the vision to sharpen up all the way to 20/20. I allowed this to go on until November 2021. Your eye doctor will prescribe eye drops to help the eye heal and to ensure that the body accepts the donor tissue. After your PRK surgery, you should be able to see clearly within 2-5 weeks. I would tell you not to get PRK ever. He wanted to see me in another month, but I reminded him I was leaving on a three month trip to Spain and Portugal. The retinas light-sensitive cells, the rods and cones, are still recovering. I had PRK surgery about 2 months ago,and my myopia was 5.I can see i little worse than 20/20 (but better than 20/25) with my left eye and a little better than 20/20 with my right eye.My questions are A) I do have starbursts and halo around lights and i see also starbursts in day when a light hits a smooth surface , will this go away ? blurry vision, discomfort, and . I had PRK done in Jan 2019, and it has ruined my quality of life. Not 100% but way better than before. Our patients often find their vision is slightly blurry for the first few weeks following their PRK procedure surgery. It takes some time for the prescription to stabilize after a PRK treatment. I always wore super magnified looking glasses, which always made me fee super self conscious. My husband had LASIK from the same Dr. months before and was very happy. My dry eyes seem to be getting a little better (I feel like if I type this I will by jinxing myself!) I am beyond frustrated and dont know how to proceed, I have missed more work in the last year than in the last 25+ combined between 3 surgeries and almost weekly visits to the eye doctor. I am sending positive vibes that your eyes continue to heal and get even better over time. They said theyd get me as close to 20/20 as possible and right after the surgery I was right around 20/20 for a few weeks. Im getting worse not better! Blurred vision after cataract surgery can also be caused by a problem called PCO, or posterior capsule opacity. After the surgery, I went to another eye physician for a consultation, and he told me, that small numbers (around 1) ARE A GIFT! I wear readers (as expected) for seeing up close reading, using phone and computer usage at work/home. If you are experiencing persistent ghosting after PRK, the first step should be to contact your doctor. Im so scared for my future. I cant imagine going through all that. I followed all directions and went in for follow-up appointments as directed. Your experience is exactly like mine. Hello! Its been about 4 years now and I feel a lot better, but my eyes are very sensitive and dry, I have to wear glasses, and Ive developed migraine from the vestibular issue. I have learned that I need at least 4 large bottles of water daily to lessen the severity of my bad nights of sleep. Most people are happy with the results of their surgery and enjoy much better vision as a result. Blurry image in morning. See the Disclaimer and Terms of Use for more information. But unfortunately this wont always be the case. Im so glad you commented Candace. Its been 3 years now since 2nd round and my eyes still get dry I have to wear sunglasses every time I leave the house AND I barely can wear mascara as for some reason it really bothers my eyes and what girl doesnt LOVE mascara. Please keep us posted on your progress. Hello guys, Im having my PRK scheduled in three days. She confirmed my suspicion that I needed glasses or contacts to gain a 20/20 outlook. A lot will happen within the first week after PRK. +5 and +5.5 with a high astigmatism. Hi Catherine, What a journey for you, Im so sorry. When I drive and it just starts to get dark it literally hurts my eyes. Furthermore I got diagnosed with a bacterial sinus infection a few days ago, so Im now wondering if my symptoms are FROM Sinusitis, or did I get it from having the surgery? I lined this up with a work trip. I run a startup company so I have that luxury. Every NVISION patient is different. FlexOffers Affiliate Disclosure Dang Travelers also participates in the FlexOffers affiliate network and uses links within our content to earn a commission. But being so affected seems indeed to be quite rare. Because thats all I can do. LASIK has little downtime with only a day or so for recovery whereas PRK is much longer. My left eye is not 20/10 and I have glare issues with both eyes in low light. My prescription has stayed the same since the second PRK surgery and my near vision is still great for a woman in her 40s. So disappointing. At my six week appointment I was told I have scar tissue that was not healing as it should. I had a corneal transplant due to keratoconus 20 years ago. Prayers. In fact, by about 3 months, the blurry vision after PRK may almost be entirely gone! My husband always had perfect vision and is considering Lasik because he should to wear glasses now. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. The assistant blew me off, but when she examined me she realized that I had a corneal erosion (not just an abrasion). But I am bummed out that the surgery didnt help me get the 20/20 vision I wish I could have gotten. After surgery, I have worse night vision, and the power (how close or far something appears) in my left eye is lower than the power in my right. I am one and a half years post op. I was so excited and thought this was a great sign. Having some residual prescription means blurry vision (without glasses). Please note: The general information provided on the Website is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Retinal image quality and visual function stability were assessed preoperatively, one and three months after myopic laser in situ keratomileuses (LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK . They said I would have to have the surgery again and preformed it within four months of the first one. Ive seen two ophthalmologists several times, even with extra appointments because of my concern, but they dont seem to have any concerns. The main symptom of this condition is that the natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing blurry vision. Required fields are marked *. 1. Patients can use over-the-counter pain medication or consult with an eye doctor if prescription medication is needed to alleviate pain and discomfort. I had prk 2 years ago instead of lasik due to my brother and dad both having a genetic disorder that causes the cornea to be very thin. It was a sharp stabbing and burning sensation in both eyes very hard to explain. It was the first type of laser vision surgery and is often recommended if a patients corneas are too thin for LASIK. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. dr told me it would feel like sane in my eyes for at least 4 days. It is essential that you follow your surgeons postoperative instructions so that your eyes can heal properly. Vision is still not as clear (crisp) as it used to be when I wore glasses. I had PRK 3 days ago. I would not recommend anyone going to any of the discount practices or any practice not using the most up to date equipment as you only get one set of eyes. I think they let us sign a waiver before the surgery but I cant remember. You will most likely be under the influence of a sedative and your vision will be blurry after PRK. On the day of my surgery, I arrived with my contacts out, no makeup or lotion in comfy clothes, with a driver (my husband), and with the prescriptions, we picked up beforehand. But there is more than just objective numbers..and subjectively, vision may be very close but may not fully seem 100%. So here I am two eye surgeries later with a new astigmatism, many missed days of work, chronic dry eye, and a prescription for glasses. Also, my eyes are extremely sensitive and they were never before. By four or five days after surgery your vision begins to clear up, although it may take several weeks to a month to become excellent. So my husband was able to watch the entire thing. It sounded quick and easy and free. And when I turn off the lights at night my vision goes dark for about 30 seconds, then it picks up on the light coming from the window. Thats a lot of money to spend on a horrible experience and still bad vision. Complications from PRK include pain, discomfort, and blurred vision. I am sending positive thoughts your way in hopes of a speedy recovery. 2023 Eye Surgery Guide. Medicaid: Eligibility and Vision Benefits. My prescription before PRK was -3.00 in both eyes and I am 27 years old. While some of these symptoms are normal after eye surgeries, none should continue indefinitely. Since different people have had different recovery timelines, it is important to remember that the timing is extremely variable. I am so sorry youre going through this and really hope it gets better. Even right now I have to put the phone on my face to type. Both proved to be wrong so far. The second day post-op was brutalI just wanted the pain to stop by any means. The group will give you information and suggestions on how to help with what you are going through. Your email address will not be published. I had PRk Surgery 10 weeks ago. Having three babies was less painful than what I went through with prk. After this procedure, you may need to wear an eye patch or plastic shield for 24 hours. But when this epithelium is removed, the surface becomes rough. Ive seeing doubles, my eyes are always blurry and I cant even see close. The only time I have issues now is when driving. If complications still persist, then the scleral lens doctor is equipped to conduct the proper test to diagnose what I have. And because everyone has to sign a waiver releasing the practice and surgeon from any wrongdoing prior to the procedure, there is nothing I can do about it. Too thin and you run the risk of conditions like kerataconis. Thanks for sharing your story with us Rachel! 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