bts reaction to you being sensitive

Omigosh babe thats so great this is great. I mean you two were dating but people arent usually this nice when theyre datingY/N? You can barely feel him smirk against your lips as he chuckles at your plea Please, what? I love you so so much, you know that right? He whispered, holding you tighter. 11 Views. As your name is mentioned Jin starts grinning while saying Woah, Im really worldwide handsome, arent I? while sending his typical flying kiss to the camera with a wink. Just a lil note here to anyone suffering from depression and harming themselves; trust me, I know how it feels -but please, do not harm yourself in anyway. I mean, youre being so kind to me and Im not really used to that so I assumed that you wanted something from me.. You never had breakfast in bed before? and as happy as you feel for him right now, you notice how his upper body is completely exposed, leaving no imagination for your hungry eyes. He raises his brows as he gets up, saying Im looking forward to that. before leaving. I think he would pat your back or something similar. Suga : He would stay where he is but would glace at you from time to time just to make sure you were okay. V would ask for your time and you would be confused. He would eventually be your best friend after 5 minutes of him finding out he wasnt your best friend. Make sure to specify the group(s) you want and with NCT which subunit. like when taehyung accidentallykills his abusive father when hitting him. Him, being sensitive, I can see him crying along with you, and you both comforting each other. Youve been waiting here the whole time? he asks and his deep rough voice makes you shudder in fear and anticipation. Your boyfrie Yes? he gently breathes against your lips once hes standing right in front of you, close enough to let you feel the heat he is radiating, but not touching you. Namjoon immediately turns around to you, pulling you close to spoil your mouth with a long kiss and only lets go from your lips to whisper Youre the best, Y/N!. I just had an idea for the beat we would rap to.. However, you dont plan on going along with what hes trying to make you do and get up on your knees as you take his hand from your head. I want you to relax, ok? Why do you feel this way y/n it hurts me to see you upset. RapMonster: You flushed in embarrassment, trying to hide them but before you could; Jin grabbed your wrist. You cross your arms, sayingNo, we can still do something. Most of his snaps would probably him doing aegyo or him screaming. Rap Mon: I can imagine Namjoon break into a smile as he opens his arms, allowing you to embrace him. Welcome home, Namjoon. you smile and step aside for him to enter. Dont worry, due to your stress I want you to really relax this evening. Yoongi, of course not! Ahh Im going to be a dad!!. No, Y/N, dont. Namjoon calls as he sees what you are doing, jumping up from his sitting position on the floorJust tell me where you want it and leave it to me. You stop your movements to look at him, forming your lips into a poutBut I can handle this. Your worried husband sighs and walks up to youCome on, you might hurt your back if you do this. But he'd be slow, making you feel his fingers hit your most sensitive parts over and over again, he'd also eat you out. Bending down you kiss the top of his head whispering a softI love you too.V/ Kim Taehyung, Just in the moment you turn off the water for the bathtub you can hear Taehyung entering the apartment. Jimin : *giggling* Awww, dont be embarrassed! You knew you had some explaining to do later on. Hurrying you slide across the floor, almost falling, and run up to Hoseok to engage him into an affectionate hug as you whisper into his ear Welcome back, dear.. Thank you! Chuckling at your affection he gently holds you tight, soflty kissing your temple. The skin was red and sensitive and you honestly could not understand how he still managed to get hard. i think itis because they arent kids anymore and they have to deal with pain and suffering now they bubble of being children and the day at the beach has burst. Your comeback with the new album was a huge success! I know that we just had a fight earlier but, I think that I was in the wrong and for some odd reason you apologized? Yoongi blinks a few times, clearly struggling to keep his eyes open, and just falls back to sleep. I wanna see all of you! He would try to seduce you. this is because the spring day mv to me represents the last youthful happiness. Just make sure to keep an eye on him, you dont want your hair to be destroyed! Youre just too cute with that expression. Jungkook chuckles and picks up fairy lights, carefully hanging them around the tree. Tell me!. Kamila || 18 || Jungkook biased, but s hoe for Yoongi|| Within this pitch black darkness he is my light, saving me. BTS reaction to hearing their gf curse for the first time. If I do you know you can like jokingly yell at me right? You looked up at him and laughed. so they have to leave the beach eventually going home to their normal lives to deal with real life. *grossed but understandable*. But what Hoseok didnt know, was that you prepared another surprise for him; to tell him about your pregnancy. Hoseok, its nothing. So please get comfortable and tell me where it hurts. you say as you shift in your seat, ready to go to work. Not getting any response Jungkook walks through the living room, planning on searching for you in the bedroom as he notices a glimpse of hair on the sofa. Namjoon: He might be a bit sad because he had to think about casually hugging you just in case you couldnt deal with it and would kick himself for forgetting if accidently put his arm around your neck, even if you were not too worried about it. Even before your marriage you two wanted to build up a new familiy, feeling ready and prepared to become responsible parents. BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess might be triggering. Im finally gonna be a real dad. Warning: Angst! A lot of western artists also congratulated you on your album and that they personally really like it. one of the MC states and all of the members mumble something in agreement. Not being able to avoid the topic Jungkook starts to blush and cover his smiling mouth with one hand What are you saying Please ask me something instead. Thank you , A/N:Hello! Now go and take a bath, I need to get this done. focused on preparing the meal. I know. you chuckle, turning around to him, soflty grabbing his neck to pull him down into a kiss But I want you to really take care of yourself, and you already worked so hard today. converse high. Suspicious about Jimins words, Hoseok leans closer to him to have a better look at the screen of the tablet. Hed glance at you with an irresistibly lewd expression, bite his lower lip and let his hands wander over your inner thigh not stopping once the whole time. Hi can you please do a reaction for BTS when their sos neck is super . Can I please request bts reaction to you loving to nuzzle your face into their neck while cuddling. You check every piece of furniture for spiky ends and rearrange some of them, so they wont be a threat when the child crawls through the apartment. Actually you just wanted to quickly wash your hands, but you couldnt stop yourself from glimpsing over at his naked back surrounded by the hot steam, wishing for the water drops to be your fingers. With a confused expression he smiles at you, hanging up his jacket as you run through the doorframe towards him. He grabs your arm and squeezes it causing you to scream in pain. You grab the remote, pause the movie and reach for the bowl of little snacks turning back to Jin once you fished something out of it. Holding the last piece he reads aloudCongratulations on your new arrival!. Rap Monster : He would wake up and be amused once he found the source of the noises. V (Taehyung) : He would be annoying you until you cuddle with him and make him you best friend. Bts anniversary date 2021. ((: *credit to gif owners*. You take a moment to gaze at his well-toned body and realize you didnt hear is answer Sorry, what did you say?. JHope : He would giggle, maybe even scream, when he found you you werent wearing anything underneath your shirt. A/N: BTS Reaction to their SO having a sensitiveticklish neck Request. Confused Namjoon walks away and a few seconds later you hear something like a surprised Ehhh! coming from the room. Jin : *Worried* Do you have indigestion, jagi? in the context of bts, i think this is a metaphor for the boys growing up. I know its a standard fluff reaction but its cute asf so Yoongi. Hands tied behind his back you approached him again straddling his crotch softly. Once he made you smile, his boxy smile would be exposed. While your precious ray of sunshine is busy relaxing in the bathtub you wash the dishes and clean the table before preparing the bedroom with shining aromatic candles and wait on the bed for Hoseok to find you. Its actually not that heavy, but thank you. you smile widely, loving how protective he became ever since you became pregnant and follow him as he carries the chair back to the dinner tableSo what did you do with that? You take his hand, leading him to the new pictures on the wall. A lot of different artists are shown reacting during the MV but during the transition scene to Hoseok your face is shown. they lose contact with each other and the fun is gone and the struggle of this causes them to act out - like yoongi. Rap Monster : He would be happy that Rap Mon (his dog) can have a friend when hes gone. I know its a standard fluff reaction but its cute asf so Yoongi. He wouldnt always have the words to say to make you feel better but he would stay close to you whenever possible when you needed. Like, really relax! you say, tightening the grip of your hand around his as you open the door to reveal the prepared bathtub. You were pretending to walk away from him when he started roasting you and when he grabbed the end of your shirt, trying to pull you back to him; he froze when he saw deep lines glittering your torso. Im sure its quite heavy, let me carry it. he mutters while already taking the chair away from you. Dont you dare, he whispers, while ripping up the slit of your dress, leaving your lower body exposed and gripping your hip forcefullyto ever do that again!, Yoongi has been busy in his studio all day so far, even though youre feeling incredibly needy. You chuckle and start passing food on his plate I guess youre really hungry then!. After arranging all the food youve prepared on the table you take a break and sit down, waiting for Yoongi to finish his bath. taehyung - trapped in the cage which could be a metaphor for his own mind as he struggles with the fact he killed his own father. Do you want something from me? You glanced over at him with a confused expression. He loves all his band members a lot so if you became on he would come to like you just as much as other bandmates. Jimin : He would be all smiles when he finds the puppy. You know the box with toys? As you look up again Jungkook suddenly wraps his strong arms around your waist and pulls you down on the bed, right next to him. I hope this is kinda what you meant by this. After making sure the pictures are nothanging at even the slightest slant you step down and look at your work with greatsatisfaction. Depending on how he was feelings, it can go 2 ways. thank you, love you, bye. With a wide smile on your face you hold up the positive pregnancy test, looking forward to his reaction. Originally posted by bwiseoks. Dont lift that. Startled you raise your upper body and turn around, seeing him standing in the door Ill do that later, dont worry about it. You press your lips together and replyBabe, Ill get bored if you do everything for me. He opens his mouth to say something, but falls silent for a moment. I am so sorry, I guess I fell asleep waiting for the food to get ready. you say with a guilty look on your face. Fans calm down until a question related to the western singer pops up: What do you think about Y/N? Ah, no dont cry.. he said, rubbing your back. Are you sure you dont want me to help? you ask with a giggle and cross your arms. Lenny Len. He would be happy and all giddy because now he has someone who is as clumsy as him. I am going to leave all my old writing behind, as a distant memory and as an example of what could be if I happen to write again. Namjoon calmy drives the car, not paying attention to your obvious reaction at all, still with a smug expression on his face. V : *over dramatic like Hobi* Blehhh *pretend passes out* ( I found this gif, I had to ), Authors Note : wahhhhhh, first reaction~(,,,,), Of course you can, and thanks for this request(), Jin : Jin would run over to you as soon as he saw you fall over. He would try emphasize what he wants and hell get what he wants. You giggle and point to the nightstand next to him and Jungkook instantly sits up and seems excited. The skin was red and sensitive and you honestly could not understand how he still managed to get hard. Lost in the mists of nostalgia, you're startled when another voice joins you, singing along. but i also think its trying to say that the boys will only feel more pain if they try to take their happiness from being with other people and that they need to work out who they are, what they want and love their own selves before they can fix all that happened when they left the beach, grew up and stopped being kids. You're lucky you're cute." It would happen with you two being out on a date and him going to the toilet, just to come back to some of his salad missing. it ends with jin saying that everything could be fixed if they went back to that day and had done things differently. You slightly chuckle and respondI want you to relax, I wont be much help with that.. As your husband notices what youre up to he quickly interrupts you and takes the heavy plant out of your grip. Desperately you try to get his attention by laying on the sofa in a rather seductive position, but he just wont turn around. This really means a lot to me. His favourite. Why is that?. Namjoon: Then just fucking leave. You were mortified, and as you tried to speak to him he ignored you; fighting the thoughts that clouded his mind. You were frightened by how quiet he was being, and you could tell he was deeply hurt. The door opens and you see a rather tired looking Yoongi carrying his body in your direction but as soon as your eyes meet you notice his posture changing into a more superior one. When you had settled into the band Jimin would be one of the best members to talk to because he is very nice and kind to you. Since he wants to treat his girlfriend like a princess, he would pamper you and comfort you while you cry. Highly motivated you step on a chair and grace the walls of the living room by hanging up the pictures. Confused you look at the pregnancy test in your hand and then back to your quietly snoring husband as you still wait for something to happen. Jimin walked over to you and sighedI really love that youre so kind to me all the time but, I just wanted to make sure that you werent hiding your feelings from me. Stroking circles over Yoongis back you peacefully close your eyes to enjoy his warmth and reply I love you too. as you feel his heart beat with excitement. Still uncertain Yoongi clears his throat acting confidentWhat are you talking about. BTS When You Eat A Lot. Were going to be parents, Y/N.. Next time tell me so I can leave first. You nod quickly, trying your best to hide your reddening face with a smile as you can feel your heart racing. He would be playing with your hair but his whole body would be halfway across the room. Such topics like smutor angst are going to be tagged and provided with a trigger warning, so you wont get bothered with uncomfortable content.For Reactions: You can request for all members or Hyung/Maknae Line. and it ends up with jungkook being hit by the car. You can play the drums that means your talented. Just know that you are not alone, if you ever need anyone dont be afraid to hit me up with a message! Taking in a deep breath, you slowly place a little dried pea on his hand, as his confused gaze wanders so the litte thing. BTS reaction to you having a sensitive neck like whenever someone touches your neck you end up hitting them or tensing up. More often than not I see him being rough, pulling your hair tightly with one hand when you cry out for him, while the other is penetrating your abused hole. While Im cooking you can enjoy your hot bath. What was wrong? I'll love you till the day I die no matter how cheesy that sounds, it's true. Hoseok look at this! Jimin runs towards him, giggling excited with a tablet in his hand. His lips form a soft smile as he sees you curled up on the soft fabric, holding tight onto the alarm clock, obviously fallen asleep. In the end, you would figure it out and assure him that Snapchat isnt a important thing. I think he would be easy to learn how to take care of a puppy since he enjoyed being with dogs. You dont annoy me at all! If you decide not to write this one, I will understand. Amused by his reaction you step behind him and rest your head on his shoulder, saying Ta-dah! Do you need help? Yoongi asks as he steps behind you, putting his arms around your waist. A/N: You've been warned so if you still want to read be my guest but I warned you. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close and kisses the tip of your noseWhat would I do without you?, Warning: Fluff! And having a look at your alarm the Pizza is ready in 5 minutes. he states, grinning down on you as he helps you to get up from the sofa. I need to know.. Jin: We'll work together, and I'll take care of you. and since I love food in itself (and I'm also tol and and slim) i was wondering what kind of reactions would the boys have with a crush/s.o like that? Suga: It would be a way for him to keep note of what to do whenever he wants to turn you on. With a beaming smile he drops next to Hoseok onto the bedYou always watch reaction videos to our MVs right? In an instant he grabs your hips, turns you around and bends you over the sink, holding your wrists together behind your back with the strong grip of his hand. Your happiness was his happiness and if you felt sad about yourself he would be so upset and frustrated because he wouldn;t understand how such a beautiful human could feel so down. And this is the one that he always said reminded him of you. After a few moments, which felt like years, he lifts his head to look at you with the typical goofy grin on his face, displaying his dimples as he finally says something. Dinner is nearly ready.. His eyes widen in disbelieve, not able to realise you are saying the truth. For example, in the middle of trying to annoy you, he would start playing with your hair to distract you from what you needed to do. JHope : I think he would over dramatize the whole situation. No, babe, just lean back and watch a movie or something. he says, sounding completely serious. Underneath the poker face, I still believe that hes a real softie underneath, just that he doesnt wanna show it. You look at the mess you made and apologetically smile at Jin Ill put these books back in the shelf and then I can help you in the kitchen with dinner. You quickly pile all books to a huge stack, carefully lifting it from the ground to carry them to the shelf. Your hands slowly travel over his back as you start to massage up and down his spineEverything for you.Jungkook / Jeon Jungkook, Jungkook is suprised as he sees the lights still on as he enters the apartment after a long evening at an award show. Also thank you so much. BTS REACTION you as the eighth member of the group AUTHOR'S NOTE this is my first time trying something like this. You try to protest but regarding the two other boys sitting right in front of you, you stop not wanting to arouse their attention to whats happening. It mainly started out as a reaction to being bored at work/school. Pain is not the answer, and neither is drugs lol. I just want to be prepared you know you say shyly and put the book to the side. You just found out that you were pregnant a few days ago, after your best friend forced you to take a test regarding your weird appetite and your rather sick stomach during the last time youve met. You knew it was going to be a long night. Its been quite some time, since I asked you that, so maybe there are some new artist youre interested in? the interviewer asks with an eager smile on her face. If Im wrong you can tell me you know?. I will be the best parent ever to parent. Suddenly he jumps up from his seat, eyes wide as he points his finger at the cake, then to you and back to the cake Weyou arepregnant? he stutters. You'll never have to deal with this alone. What is this? He asked curiously, bringing the tiny blade up to your vision. He would try not to touch the bruise as he inspected where you got hurt. He just smirks and indicates you to sit in his lap and since you know what happens when you disobey you move to his lap until your back is pressed against his chest. Do you know coffee? BTS reaction to hearing their gf curse for the first time. Namjoon: He would be so exited all smiles. Originally posted by theadventuresofahjummanconda, Im guessing that your both in a relationship. JHope : All the thoughts of responsibility would fly out once he sees the puppy. What do you need, babe? he asks as he gets up from the couch, looking at you curiously. Ask: i have a fast metabolism so even though I eat a lot, some time later i'm hungry (again). BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. Jhope: I think he would over dramatize the whole situation before your marriage you two to! You on down until a question related to the side other and the struggle of this causes them to new! You cry leave the beach eventually going home to their so having a sensitive neck like someone... Leave the beach eventually going home to their so having a look at the screen of the states... Can go 2 ways really relax this evening Awww, dont be afraid hit! Know you say with a giggle and cross your arms, sayingNo, we can still do.... Me up with a message Ill get bored if you decide not to touch the bruise as he inspected you. 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