female reporter killed by cartel

Two weeks later, the tortured and decapitated body of Notivers police reporter was discovered. Forbes magazine had by then dubbed him one of the 10 most corrupt Mexicans. But Pea Nieto argued that Herreras business acumen made him the perfect choice for the job. The relatives took precautions, at times monitoring their children with an intensity that bordered on surveillance. Circumscribed by the violence, many live reduced lives. Prosecutors said the woman who waved her arms, Christina Langford Johnson, was. Her team found two good prints that state police had missed. Mrs. Rodrguez stalked the store for weeks until she knew the womans hours by heart, and waited outside each shift until Sama showed. He and others of his time were fortunate that the governors who followed them were successors theyd chosen from their own party who covered the traces of the previous corruption.. Linares served as director at the Monitor Michoacan website, which on Tuesday continued to show an . Valeria Velez (?-1993) was a Colombian journalist who had a romantic relationship with Medellin Cartel boss Pablo Escobar from 1981 to 1991. In September, when the state police detained a cartel leader in San Fernando, he refused to cooperate. They either purge it and try to move on from their loved ones, or they sustain it, and it destroys them. When the police came and arrested him, inside the chapel, the parishioners could hardly believe it, her family recounted. For Mrs. Rodrguez, the pursuit of justice was an escape from the pain. LEFT: Martnez in an undated photo. Families have suffered kidnappings and cartel-imposed curfews much as big city residents endure traffic and pollution. It was Sama. Zetas behead and dismember four women from the Gulf Cartel The video shows four women on their knees in a field, their hands tied behind their backs. She became a social media sleuth, spending countless hours trawling Karens Facebook profile, looking for clues. On the drive back from the ranch, Mrs. Rodrguez passed a barbecue restaurant near the entrance of the dirt road to the ranch. He recognized her and ran. Drug cartel assassin from Colombia, 39, said loved to kill people and killed many. And by then, the family knew who the masterminds of the kidnapping were: members of their own family. He called his mother and followed him, careful not to lose him before the police arrived. Mexico: In a horrific cartel attack against Mexico police, a female cop was allegedly kidnapped, raped and mutilated when she was performing her duties in the area. When Borbolla transferred jobs in late 2015, she insisted Martnezs case remain open because we have those two fingerprints that implicated someone, and we didnt know who he was.. Herrera was paid millions of dollars through liaisons to the cartels to let them operate with impunity., Rebolledo, the Veracruz security consultant, said: He was the boss of bosses. He was running around with everybody.. Standing beside him in the photo was a young woman, wearing the uniform of an ice cream shop two hours away in Ciudad Victoria. The country is so torn apart by violence and impunity that a grieving mother had to solve the disappearance of her daughter largely on her own, and died violently because of it. Duarte was taking money from everyone, said Kirk Seeley, a former DEA special agent and supervisor with 16 years of experience, much of it investigating drug crimes in Mexico. She was a police officer in Veracruz, Mexico. It had just been fired, and there were no more rounds left in the weapon, Sheriff Mina said, adding that it was possible the suspect would have continued his rampage had the gun still been loaded. The family followed every instruction to the letter. Cartels controlled the state, she told readers, even promoting themselves in YouTube videos. His son, Javier, said via Twitter that his father was ill and unable to comment: My father has been in a hospital since April; this is a fact that you can easily corroborate; he suffered a stroke in April and has been in intensive care ever since. 34. Family, friends, even strangers. She froze when she found a stack of personal belongings tossed in a pile. Worried, she asked the government for protection. The following year, the family said, a group of scientists found a piece of femur belonging to her daughter. After that, the trust seemed to be broken, and Luis went his own way. They needed a bit more money, they said, just $500. and he used them to keep order in some regions of the state., In 2012, after Martnezs death, Herreras name also surfaced in sworn testimony at the U.S. money-laundering trial of Veracruz oilman Francisco Colorado-Cessa in U.S. District Court in Austin. She is the Knight Chair in Public Affairs Journalism at the University of Maryland. In December 2011, a bombshell news story described cartel penetration of the government in Veracruz, based on a still-confidential report by the Mexican Attorney Generals Office. A catalog of objects recovered by families of Veracruz journalists slain over the past decade. Newspapers are dropping the Dilbert comic strip after the creator's racist rants. What the local press did not want to publish was published through Regina Martnez, said Jorge Carrasco, Procesos editor in chief. Dec. 6, 2020. The gunman, a former reporter for the TV station . To pay the first ransom, Mrs. Rodrguezs family took out a loan from a bank that offered lines of credit for such payments. In 2011, the group announced it would begin releasing the names of cartel members and their accomplices in government, which it had obtained through hacking. The parent company of Spectrum News 13, Charter Communications, said in a statement on Wednesday night that we are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and the other lives senselessly taken today, the TV station reported. At least, until the following year, when rampant abductions of bus passengers led to the unearthing of nearly 200 bodies dumped in mass graves along San Fernandos peripheries. She parked on the street and lumbered out of the car, moving slowly because of her injury. Dana Priest, a reporter at The Washington Post for 30 years, covers national security issues. The "execution" of six men and . After the shooting, the deputies found Mr. Moses, who was uncooperative, the sheriff said. Luis said he had to sneak onto the street to give her a jump. He sprinted along the narrow pedestrian pass, hoping to get away. Forbidden Stories, a nonprofit group based in Paris that is dedicated to continuing the work of journalists silenced by homicide, organized the effort. Follow @Borderland_Beat . Argumedo, the photographer who had accompanied Martnez to the gravesites, said he believes she was close to finishing the story when she was killed. The Forbidden Stories investigation found that U.S. and Mexican authorities had long been investigating some subjects that Martnez had been pursuing. Now she finally had one a widow called to tell her that he was peddling flowers on the border. Recently, she has investigated Russian disinformation operations, censorship around the world, the massive national security state, CIA operations and veterans issues. Luis took charge of the collective of San Fernando families with disappeared relatives that his slain mother had created. Then, there was another 911 call, Sheriff Mina said. The intelligence officials said one of those kidnapped disclosed that the group had contacted Martnez. Luis obsessed over who they were. She threatened the order of things in San Fernando. [The search for the disappeared points to Mexicos darkest secrets], Martnez contacted photographer Julio Argumedo to take pictures for Proceso. Police officers patrolling a remote area, favored by cartel members to move undetected, outside Reynosa, Mexico. It was a witchs brew, said Seeley, who now runs Constos Global Risk Management. A female cartel boss known as "La Doa" has been sentenced to 22 years in prison in the US after her two sons were murdered in killings that could have been a warning not to cooperate with US. Warning: This graphic requires JavaScript. Where was his compassion when they killed my daughter? her family said she had replied. The team of reporters discovered that law enforcement authorities in Mexico, the United States and Spain had opened inquiries into allegations that Herrera colluded with leaders of the Zeta cartel while he was governor and took money from them for his campaign, as well as allegations that he was involved in money laundering while later serving in a diplomatic post in Barcelona. Cartel violence has long scarred San Fernando, Mexico. Unlike Mrs. Rodrguezs relentless pursuit of her daughters killers, Lucianos parents did not seek to punish the powerful cartel. You are taking our hearts with you.. The local government could connect to peoples phones and know at any moment what they were up to, one of the officials said in an interview, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of safety concerns. He had learned the lesson her murder was meant to impart: one could only push so far for justice, at least publicly. Just outside city limits, a cluster of highways untangles, each leading to strategic border crossings with the United States. She would hunt them down, one by one, until the day she died. It was headline news in Mexico, with calls for a thorough investigation. She wrote everything down and stuffed it into her black computer bag, building her investigation and tracking them down, one by one. She went to the authorities local, state and federal but none would help her. We must rid ourselves of the fear to stand up and speak out.. Two to three times a week, they conducted searches. For the second payment, Lucianos father drove two hours and left a bag of cash between two spent tires at an abandoned gas station. Mexican marines had killed six of the accomplices, Cristian said in his statement. She's a journalist in the Mexican state of Veracruz, and the things she has endured for her work are comparable to the brutalities suffered by prisoners of war, including imprisonment, torture, and sexual assault. Last month, Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) drug cartel, which is among Mexico's most powerful, released shocking footage of a rival gangster being interrogated and then slaughtered. Herreras presence set off alarms. Photos of a woman who was allegedly dismembered by drug traffickers of the Elite Group of the Jalisco Nueva Generacin Cartel (CJNG) were disseminated on social networks . Mrs. Rodrguez, 56 at the time, grabbed him by the shirt and wrestled him to the rails. Laura Borbolla, a senior prosecutor in the Mexican Attorney Generals Office who investigated Martnezs homicide in 2012, said in interviews that state police and prosecutors made serious mistakes in their handling of the case. The vicious Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) are considered the most dangerous and powerful criminal enterprise in Mexico. "They killed the wrong woman, my . Im going to take out the people who hurt my daughter and they can do whatever they want to me.. to do drilling, to do cleanup, things like that anything that the government hired them to do, the accountant testified. The restaurant where Mrs. Rodrguez met with a cartel member in San Fernando. You Might Be Interested In. The intruder probably surprised her in the bathroom, from behind, investigators believe. Watch the exact moment a man is executed with machine gun fire by cartel members until his guts protrude from his belly. Some members left to form their own groups. And the searches for Luciano had turned up nothing. He drove over in a truck that his family let him use to get around town, and within seconds, armed men forced their way in, shoving him to the side and driving off just as the kidnappers had done to Karen six years earlier. She was never able to find the mysterious witness. Hardly a block has been untouched missing sons, loved ones murdered, houses abandoned. A murder in Veracruz: Slain journalists story a portrait of a violent, corrupt era in Mexico. In articles for the national investigative weekly Proceso, Martnez, who was killed at age 48, told her readers that two successive governors in her home state of Veracruz looted the treasury and allowed cartels to operate freely with the help of local and state police. It was a burglary, and the killer had confessed. A tough lawyer who had extradited cartel bosses, she brought 14 federal police officers with her. At the burial site, as a crowd surrounded the rectangular pit, he stood to the side, weeping. It was not an accident, she said. The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Networks Antonio Baquero in Barcelona and Procesos Jess Esquivel and The Posts Alice Crites and Julie Tate in Washington contributed to this report. Neither matched anyone in the countrys crime databases. She told her daughter that she would not rest until she found the people who had taken Karen. Mrs. Rodrguezs son, Luis, 36, could not help but see the parallels, and wept when he heard the news. Once lively, he now seldom left home. A dirt road where the first ransom for Luciano was dropped. Luciano was watching one of his sisters and couldnt be long, he messaged. (AP) RIGHT: State forensic experts, aided by crime-scene investigation students, work at analyzing the bodies. Mrs. Rodrguez, already separated from her husband, moved in with her older daughter, Azalea. Reserved and private, she usually sat in the corner at office parties, one Proceso colleague remembered, itching to get back to work. Female reporters and their family members have been murdered in the drug war for writing anti-cartel articles for newspapers or posting messages on the internet. Just as she had with the ice cream shop, Mrs. Rodrguez waited for weeks outside of the prison during visiting hours until Ms. Betancourt finally showed. It was 2014, an especially grim time in San Fernando. Since that day, theories have proliferated as to who fired. Anyone can read what you share. We dont care about the rain, or anything else, Lucianos mother told local television reporters as her group sheltered under downtown awnings. For four more years, he is known to have killed 30 people total, acting as a hitman for the Zeta cartel. Mr. Moses was taken to a hospital, where Sheriff Mina said he fought with hospital staff and was restrained, before being transported to the Sheriffs Office. Sheriff Mina said his office would be conducting additional ballistic testing on the recovered gun. The brutal killing and mutilation of a 25-year-old woman in Mexico has sparked outrage and prompted calls for a change in the country's law, after several media outlets published a leaked. Veracruz officials awarded lucrative government contracts to Colorado-Cessas cartel-linked construction company, and government officials received 10 to 16 percent from each contract, Hinojosa testified. I want to say that they hit me on the back and I feel pain, Silva said in a statement provided by his attorney, Diana Coq Toscanini. On Feb 24, the Gothika. Update: An Orlando reporter is mourned as local journalists face more danger on the job. Fontes, who now runs a security company, Fontes International Solutions, said the problem is endemic to Mexico. Zetas kill and behead 4 women. . They organized search parties. vila is the stuff legends are made of - one of the few women with access to the highest levels of cartel life. He has not seen the questions, it is medically prohibited by his doctor.. So many families never found their loved ones. . The body of a woman was found nearby. At the time, the Veracruz government had set up a secret espionage unit to monitor critics, among them local journalists, according to two former officials with knowledge of the unit. But the kidnappers knew exactly how to strike. A white Nissan truck carrying men who had escaped prison quietly pulled up behind her, according to the police report. To hear more audio stories from publishers like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. The intersection where Mrs. Rodrguezs daughter, Karen, was kidnapped. Sheriff Mina emphasized that officials did not yet know the suspects motive for shooting five people or the nature of his connections to them. Duarte had none of Herreras political charm. Karen was buried there, too, beside her mother. Israel. She cut her hair and dyed it bright red so Sama would not recognize her. A day after Coronel Aispuro's court appearance, Jessica Oseguera, the 34-year-old daughter of El Chapo's rival cartel boss, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, was sentenced to two and a half years in. Luis shook hands with Lucianos father but barely said a word, then walked off, wiping his eyes. The dread twisted into rage. If you move, Ill shoot you, she told him, according to family members involved in her scramble to capture the florist that day. For the next several hours, Lucianos family fanned out across the city on a manic hunt. They spent weeks baiting Luciano with a false Facebook account of a young girl. Duarte is serving a nine-year sentence for embezzlement and money laundering. Duarte sent a huge flower wreath to Martnezs funeral. But even he had learned the lesson his mothers murder had been meant to impart: only push so far for justice. One of these five, who asked to remain anonymous for personal safety reasons, nicknamed this group the band of undesirables. Martnez and the other four journalists often coordinated to publish sensitive news simultaneously to cover up which one had done the work and to ensure that no one journalist was stranded at sea.. LEFT: Writer and journalist Elena Poniatowska holds a photo of Regina Martnez during a 2017 protest in Mexico City calling for an end to violence against journalists. Martnez reported it all: The rape and homicide of a 72-year-old Indigenous woman by army soldiers. La Voz is one such example of this, as the newspaper is not real . Herrera did not respond to emails to his office. Men claiming to speak for Mexico's most powerful drug cartel have released a video threatening to murder a prominent female news anchor over what they deem to be unfair coverage. Borbolla had other problems with the crime investigation, which was supposed to be done jointly with state authorities. The police said they sent periodic patrols by her home and work. A noose hung from the branch of a gnarled tree. They snatched innocents for ransom to finance their war, or for conscripts to fight it. The National Press Club said in a statement that it was horrified to learn about the shooting. People took heart at her fight, and found indignation in her death. The child. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Veracruz, once best known for its thriving port, lush beaches and colonial architecture, got a new name: The mass grave of Mexico.. They have hired gravediggers and forensic experts. Borbolla said she believed Enoc Maldonado Caraza, chief of the Veracruz Investigative Agency, delayed handing over other evidence. The corpses of 72 Central American migrants were discovered at this ranch. Editors and colleagues said they were unaware that Martnez had any relationship with Anonymous. Never in my career had I seen such an altered crime scene. (Flix Mrquez/AP). Lpez Ramrez had made a career from defending some of Mexico's most infamous cartel leaders, representing clients such as the leader of Los Zetas . Their sister had died, their mother, too, even their mothers friend, Ms. Saldivar Villavicencio, who recently had died of Covid-19. Mexican and U.S. authorities declined to say whether their investigations are still active. She stopped every few minutes to catch her breath and study the photo of her next target: the florist. Family members said Dawna Langford's 13-year-old son, Devin, watched his mother die and then hid his six. Proceso documented that he owned a private jet and 22 cars, including an armored vehicle, as well as ranches, a hotel and a yacht. Armed men forced their way into her pickup truck and took off, with her in it. Off the motorways, dirt roads in the scrubland provide a web of smuggling routes ideal for traffickers. Meanwhile, she wrote in 2006, Herrera assures Veracruz that nothing is happening, that there is social tranquility in the state. When she returned, the officer asked her what she had been thinking. Some 50 young women disappeared over a three-day period after attending parties with Zetas and local officials, according to media accounts. Luis arrived late to the funeral, after the procession had already made its way down streets lined with residents watching little Lucianos casket en route to the cemetery. The pressure worked. She invented excuses to meet their families, unsuspecting grandmothers and cousins who gave her details, however small. But that seemed unlikely. I have not done it, and I have never led a criminal network.. Someone broke in through the metal door from her beloved garden patio, the tiny patch of tranquility that kept her from . Mexican Soldiers guard a crime scene where a man was killed by gun fire in downtown Tijuana, Baja California state, Mexico, on April 21, 2019. . The extortion of 80 small-town mayors. But Karen stayed, to finish school and help run her moms small cowboy apparel shop, Rodeo Boots. The city placed a bronze plaque honoring her in the central plaza. Though he assumed leadership of his mothers collective, the movement faded in her absence. However, the International Federation of Journalists, which also counts media workers, said that six . Luis, Mrs. Rodrguezs son, knew from his own experience that the only way to find a body was to get someone to talk. Armed with a handgun, a fake ID card and disguises, Miriam Rodrguez was a one-woman detective squad, defying a system where criminal impunity often prevails. Youre very handsome, read a message to him from the account. It was very clear that the elements of torture had been carried out by the state government, by local authorities, she said. Hes still a child, no matter what he did, and I am still a mother, Mrs. Rodrguez said, according to her friend, Idalia Saldivar Villavicencio, who was with her at the interrogation. Mass graves containing tens of thousands have been subsequently discovered across the country. 25. Crime scene where El Diario Newspaper Crime Reporter Armando Rodriquez was murdered outside his home while warming up his car. She asked the government for armed guards, fearing the cartel had finally had enough. Her story offers a singular account of Mexicos deterioration by 2020 into an anguished nation, beset by cartel-corrupted government institutions and haunted by thousands of killings and disappearances. Luciano was kidnapped in one of the familys own trucks, just like Mrs. Rodrguezs daughter had been. a b Marijose Gamboa has one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. She had said as much in her time, words now carved onto a plaque affixed to her mausoleum. A portrait of MiriamRodrguez hanging on the wall of her home, now owned by her husband. Dead.. In 2016, the Mexican Attorney Generals Office charged Duarte with embezzlement, illicit enrichment and money laundering. She eventually left in protest over censorship and working conditions. You have cartels not only operating with impunity, but they are bringing their people into the government through government contracts, he said. By then, everyone had. Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels on the border line between the US and Mexico. Azalea watched as her mothers sadness hardened into resolve and her hope gave way to revenge. Living in San Fernando means accepting certain realities. The Zetas called Herrera Zeta Number One because he was the one who ran the state, former FBI special agent Arturo Fontes, who spent 28 years on Mexican and Colombian drug and money-laundering cases, said in an interview. Even before her death, Herrera was facing mounting allegations. But when he suggested that the searches be accompanied by dogs to smell for corpses, the family took umbrage, Luis said. T'yonna was killed Wednesday when a gunman barged into her home outside Orlando and shot the third-grader and her mother, who survived the attack. Enrique Pea Nieto, who once described Herrera as his best friend, ran and won the presidency instead. By Eduardo Medina,April Rubin and Christine Chung. But the kidnapping of an innocent 14-year-old boy broke the quiet understanding that the cartels had with the people of San Fernando. Miroslava Breach, 54, was shot eight times in her car while pulling out of her driveway to take one of her children to school. Government contracts offer cartels and corrupt officials a way to help one another prosper, Fontes said. Townspeople marched, demanding justice for Luciano. In the first shooting on Wednesday, the suspect fatally shot Ms. Augustin around 11 a.m. as she was in the car with the suspects cousin, Sheriff Mina said, adding that it was unclear whether the suspect knew the victim personally. It is unclear whether the gunman knew that the reporter and photographer in the vehicle were journalists. Rarely did she talk to her co-workers about her sensitive investigations. A Mexican drug cartel used Twitter for evil after murdering a doctor and. The details and information gathered by this woman, working all alone, were incredible., She had gone to every single level of government and they had slammed the door in her face, he recalled. While many fled to escape the violence, others stuck it out because they had built a life in San Fernando and would not abandon it for the sins of others. A man riding in a car with his cousin shot and killed another passenger then returned to the same neighborhood near Orlando hours later and shot four more people, killing a journalist covering. She sat down with a slender young man at El Junior, a restaurant in town. Now he was on the run and back to what he knew, selling roses to make ends meet. In Plain Sight: Van Zeller says one of the most surprising things about her work, particularly on Trafficked, was that she was able to find underground markets close to home. She said state police badly damaged the fingerprints they found at the crime scene with smears and excess dusting powder. Over the years, kidnappers had already ransomed several members of Lucianos family, including his father, held for 33 days in 2012. She urinated in cups and ran her car battery down listening to the radio in the dark. Hours before the body was found, the police discovered the cousin who had helped orchestrate little Lucianos abduction, in a hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg. (Marco Ugarte/AP) RIGHT: Posters of Espinosa and four slain women hang outside Veracruz state government offices in 2015, above posters of then-Gov. Disappearances undermine the very nature of grief, stripping families of even the most basic closure. Brigades searched mile after mile of barren scrubland for signs of him. Some of her colleagues fled Veracruz the day she died and have never returned. Lucianos kidnapping stirred something in San Fernando. Police sources are saying that you should stop investigating these leads.. Cinemas, nightclubs and shops were almost empty, a consequence of the violence, she wrote. At around 4 p.m., Mr. Moses returned to the site and shot two Spectrum News 13 journalists who were in a vehicle near the homicide scene, Sheriff Mina said. 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