sam bass treasure map

University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas: 1965. As they were casing the bank and finalizing their course of action, they were recognized and a gun fight broke out. 417 9.7K views 1 year ago Secret map to the famous outlaw Sam Bass hideout and treasure. Lost Padre Mine Treasure. amzn_assoc_asins = "0882899090,0874831784,B00005A3L1,B01N0G34JP,B06X9Q16R7"; There are a number of legends and folklore pertaining to the lost treasure of the outlaw Sam Bass. Reckon you got what it takes to solve the mystery to #GetSamsGold? He dismounted, stood there a moment, and with an anguished look, flung a clod upon the grave (Reed and Tate 231).. They send a probe down and it hit metal just before a giant storm hit, destroying the raft and any other evidence, according to There is an odd place on the back wall/cliff that looks like an entrance. Please know we do not sell your information to third parties as Big Tech sites do. Sam Bass was a Texas outlaw who died in 1877 in Round Rock, Texas at a fairly young age. The Rangers then put Sam in the back of a wagon and brought him back to Round Rock. Grimes indicated that he believed that one of the strangers (he had not yet realized that they were the Bass Gang) was wearing a pistol, which was supposedly against the law in Round Rock (Ibid.). A book collector claims that he has over 200 titles that deal with Sam Bass in some way (Carmack 1B). Snavely of Taylor, who had hunted treasure for 60 years, found a ruby arrowhead weighing 15 karats, along with many other gemstones. While getting away, Bass was shot again in the back. Why? The maps stated that the location of Bass' treasure was in a hollow tree on what is now called Sam Bass Road, roughly two miles west of Round Rock. Give them a try, I'm sure you'll be pleased. you're going to buy something off of Amazon help support my channel and buy it from this link. Hi Russell, Rumor has it the outlaw hid gold in canvas sacks on Packsaddle Mountain and that some of it could still be there. Bass reportedly stole 3,000 gold bars from Union Pacific Railroad, some of which have been recovered, but there are gold bars that have still not been recovered, according to They had plans to rob a bank there. Sam was brought to a small shack for questioning, but he did not divulge any information about the members of his gang. At some point on their trip back to Texas, Sam and Jack Davis were joined by a company of soldiers and detectives who were searching for the train robbers. Bass went to his hideout at Cove Hollow near Denton, Texas. Curious throngs soon found the dark tunnel and with lights discovered traces of the large wooden box that had laid beneath the dirt for more than 60 years.. The Ballad of Sam Bass, written by John Denton of Gainesville, Texas, was sung by many cowhands in an attempt to sooth the herd on stormy nights. You must log in or register to reply here. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "54db5936512207da701677b94f458116"; document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Governor decided that the time had come to call in the Texas Rangers to capture the bandits; thus the Bass War began. Sheriff Eagan employed Sam not as a deputy but as a farmhand; he curried the horses, milked the cows, cut firewood, but, most importantly, Sam spent some time as a teamster. This plan was axed due to the summer heat and the inability to locate ice in which to pack his body (Centennial Commission). Reed, Paula and Grover Ted Tate. Bass and his gang made off with about $60,000, which included a large number of gold coins, during the robbery. Walking up to the bandits who were purchasing tobacco in the store, Grimes asked Sam, Do you have a pistol? to which Sam is said to have answered yes or Ill let you have it (Smith 35). Your email address will not be published. The following day a search party found Bass resting up against a tree and returned him to Round Rock where he died the next day, July 21st, which just so happened to be his birthday and only eight years after he had originally come to Texas. Sam clasped onto his saddle horn but was unable to stay on his horse and fell to the ground. According to one source, this money, part of the Mexican payroll in 1836, was stolen by the paymaster, a general, and seven privates. Major Jones questioned Bass but was unable to get any useful information about the other members of his gang. All rights reserved. So finish that cup of coffee, put on your pants, turn your brain on and get to work. Your email address will not be published. All the rancher found was a cave, and a piece of canvas sack with U.S. imprinted on it. They chose Bass to be their example, and they set out to capture him at any cost. Major Jones was surprised to hear that the gang was moving so far south; he immediately directed Rangers Dick Ware, Chris Conner and George Harold to proceed to Round Rock and be on the lookout for any members of the Bass Gang. He had told his buddy to continue the retreat without him. The Williamson County Sun reported that after the bandits picked up their things at their camp, they turned up Georgetown Road, present day Chisholm Trail Road, passing a Mrs. Tisdales place; they then turned down a lane headed towards the woods. Good luck with your hunt! Found this at a rev war site in SC, any idea what it may be? He died on his 27th birthday, two days after he was shot and just eight years after he initially arrived in Texas. ), and other accounts say that he became a prosperous West Texas rancher (Round Rock Remembers). Moving west to Llano, were once again on the trail of Sam Bass. However, Ware is credited with killing Seaborn Barnes (Ibid.). However, you walk in and disappear, but you don't really go anywhere. These pages are adapted from the original 1991 print version. The Sabine River could potentially hold a $2 million fortune in stolen silver. The legend says Bass used Longhorn Caverns as a hideout after some of his robberies although treasure seekers have yet to find any loot there. Another Longhorn Cavern tale involves the search for a treasure supposedly buried on Woods Ranch near Burnet. He, along with Sam Bass and another man named Jack Davis, then drove the herd north to Ogallala, Nebraska, where they the herd for $8,000. Shaun Treat is a former professor at the University of North Texas and founder of the Denton Haunts historical ghost tour. It was at this point that Frank held the charging Rangers and citizens at bay with his gun as he helped Sam back onto his horse, and they rode off with Frank steadying Sam (ONeal 61). They are stored locally on your computer or mobile device. Before long, one of the privates had killed the other. 34). Required fields are marked *. It has been suggested that Sam made much of this narrative up in order to protect Frank, who had chosen to stay behind to help his friend (Reed and Tate 223). He then returned to where he now was and was eventually given some water by an old man (Scarbrough 296-298). Odd thing is, after returning to Denton and living high on the hog for awhile, the Sam Bass Gang soon returned to banditry until the railroad-hired Pinkerton Detectives and the Texas Rangers turned him into Texas Public Enemy #1 with a bounty on his head. They give me a little kickback to help support my channel plus the Kellyco girls really know the different detectors and how to use them. 1878 was a time of political ill-ease in the State of Texas. If you are going after his loot be sure to be aware of the rules, regulations and laws of the state of Texas for treasure hunting and metal detecting. However, Frank did not abandon his friend but camped nearby him (Reed and Tate 222). Sam Bass was barely cold in the ground when folks started hunting for his hidden gold, and still are to this day. This heist made Sam Bass one of the greatest train robbers of the time and very much in the sights of the countrys lawmen. We appreciate your readership and knowledge, David. The legend began several years after Bass' death, when maps leading to the alleged treasure appeared. For several months, there were moviesque chases with the bandits narrowly escaping the Rangers grasp. Sam and Jack Davis convinced these men that they too were searching for the bandits in the hopes of receiving a large reward. As the bandits crossed over to Kopperals store, they were also observed by Morris Moore, a Travis County deputy sheriff, and Deputy Sheriff Grimes of Williamson County. Copyright 2023 Provident Metals Corp. All Rights Reserved. As a legend, the accounts of Sams life are as varied as the number of individuals telling the tale. I'm looking for maybe some old maps or clues of the sorts other then just the basic telling of the story if. During the time of these Texas train robberies, the Sam Bass Gang was staffed by Frank Jackson, Seaborn Barnes (who was shot in the legs during the Mesquite job), Thomas Spotswood, Arkansas Johnson, Henry Underwood, Sam Pipes and Albert Herndon; Bass and Barns took place in all four of the robberies, Jackson participated in three, Johnson in two and the others in one (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 374). The governor responded by calling in the Texas Rangers to find and capture the notorious bandits. Thank you for your patience. JavaScript is disabled. His face glistening with the sheen of sweat, he works faster and faster, listening all the while for distant hoofbeats. The two arrived in Denton, and Sam found employment with Sheriff W. F. Dad Eagan (who would later spend much effort searching for the outlaw Bass) (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 371-372). Glenmoril Wyrd Treasure Map: Daggerfall. Sam gave him all of his money, guns, ammunition and his big bay horse, which was superior to Franks. Several deputies were shot as well. In association with Jack Davis and another man known as Nixon, they held up seven stages over the next few months (Ibid. Now, with Jim Murphy looking to betray the gang to the Rangers, the gang decided to head to calmer areas in the southern part of the state. I went to the area and found nothing. At the point of Seaborns death and Sams wounding, many witnesses attributed a great deal of gallantry to the young (only twenty years old) Frank Jackson. Sam Bass' Treasure Texas' most beloved bandit, Sam Bass, was a train robber in the 1870's. It's said that he left a stash of loot when he was killed by the Texas Rangers in 1878, but it. There are many accounts of what became of Frank Jackson after he left Round Rock. Returning with supplies, they were unable to locate the spot where they had buried the treasure. It was here that Sam learned how to handle a pistol and honed his card playing skills. Nathan Smith thinks hes found a sunken ship just north of Corpus Christi, according to Lost Treasure of John Singer on Padre Island. Meeting up with Ranger Ware, Jones fired what was considered to be his only shot as a Texas Ranger at the fleeing gang; the bandits returned the fire, missing Jones but lodging a bullet in the stone wall behind him (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 387). there are a couple good books I have read on the subject. Fleeing the Rangers, Bass was struck twice, once in his cartridge belt and another in the stock of his rifle, without injury. One of the more popular legends of Bass hidden loot is that it is hidden in an old tree by the outlaw himself. His money and good spirits attracted many people, some of whom would later become a part of the Sam Bass Gang when he took to robbing trains in Texas. No one can figure out who the men where or why the shootout occurs. The Sam Bass legends are not the only treasure-filled stories flying around Williamson County. Back in Round Rock, the Sam Bass legend was memorialized beginning in 1964 with the establishment of the Frontier Days Celebration. Sam, Frank Jackson, Seaborn Barnes and Jim Judas Murphy arrived in Round Rock Sunday night July 14. 3 hour hunt yields 8 and halfs cents! Six men robbed the southbound Houston and Texas Central Railroad passenger train when it stopped at the Allen station. He was orphaned before he was thirteen and spent five years at the home of an uncle. Paris Permenter and John Bigley, submitted 2006. It's how we do our books. He arrived in Denton, Texas in 1870 and Bass took work on a nearby ranch. I thought long and hard before I decided to release this never before seen map to the old outlaw hideout of not only the Bass gang but also the James gang also used this hideout. On his deathbed, Sam claimed hed given his last $20 gold piece to an African-American widow at Round Rock in payment for some biscuits and chicken, but even the Rangers figured he was throwing them off the scent. This scavenger hunt is full of fun prizes, twists, and turns that will take you all around the Denton square. Sam had always been taken with the idea of moving to Texas and becoming a cowboy, and this looked like his chance. Several years ago, a tree that was noted to be similar to the one that was described in the map was found by those seeking Bass' treasure was chopped down and the men came up with nothing. Bass went to his hideout at Cove Hollow near Denton, Texas. As for his alleged hidden loot, there are many theories as to where it might be hidden. After four days, Sam and Jack Davis split from the other men and rode back to Denton (Centennial Commission). Since his death, a lot of rumours have been circulating about treasures hidden by Bass in Texas - treasures that he never got a chance to retrieve again before he was mortally wounded by a .45 calibre Colt's long-barreled six-shooter in July 1878. Copyright 2023 is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. Its speculated that he likely did not burn through his money so quickly, but rather he likely enjoyed the sport of thievery. But one thing is certainno one definitively knows if and where Sam Bass may have hidden his treasure! participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Nonetheless, the previous successes of the gang and the hype surrounding them led people to fear that the gang was a great force that would pose a significant threat to any pursuers (England). Sams fame spread to Great Britain in the late 1800s, culminating in a wax statue of Sam in Madam Tussauds Waxworks in London (Ibid.). One tale involves who else but Sam Bass, who allegedly used the cavern as a hide-out following nearby robberies. The shooting had attracted the attention of Ranger Ware, who was receiving a shave at the time. I'm Looking to link up with people who have an interest in looking for the "Sam Bass Treasure" or have info on the "Sam Bass Treasure" not much info out on it. Required fields are marked *. Think you can find some of the legendary hidden booty? Texas is estimated to have $340 million in buried treasure, more than any other state . The trail of Sam Bass continues to near the state capital, where he allegedly buried $30,000 in the community of McNeil. Creation Information Creator: Unknown. On the night of April 13, a box was lifted from the square cut chamber between the rocks, for the next day the workmen were gone and the blasting has ceased. Sam Bass was a noted outlaw and train robber who led two gangs during the days of the Wild West - the Black Hills Bandits between 1876-1877 and the Bass Gang of Texas that operated in 1877-1878 The noted train robber was born in Mitchell, Indiana, on July 21, 1851, to Daniel and Elizabeth Jane Bass. If anyone ever found the Bass Gold they never reported it. We expect to re-stock our Prospector rounds very shortly, with plans to expand the line of products as well. One member of the gang was killed while Bass was mortally wounded. Where there had once been a metal containerand possibly a treasurethere was only a rust-lined hole. There should be some big rock. The remaining outlaw returned to Mexico, then found he was unable to come to Texas again. Personal interview, October 28, 1991. E.F. Chandler gathered this information from one of the surviving outlaws Frank Jackson back in the late 1920's who passed away in 1930. Others say it was Private Dick Ware. Sam was being held in the saddle by Frank while he put new bullets into his pistol (Webb Century of Frontier Defense 387). Round Rock Remembers Sam Bass. Austin American-Statesman. They decided to rob stagecoaches to offset their losses. Digesualdo, Jane H. and Karen R. Thompson. Texas Rangers caught up with him in a nearby pasture. Born in 1851 on a farm in Indiana, Sam Bass was orphaned by age 13. Mary Claire Patton has been a journalist with KSAT 12 since 2015. Instead he went straight and started a successful cattle ranch in New Mexico.Subscribe to my youtube channel't forget to hit the like button and bell notification.If you're looking for a new metal detector or equipment click this link and Give Kellyco a try. On day one they hit an area outside of Cove Hollow. Oct 8, 2004. Jim Murphy, who had stayed behind in Old Town during the shootout, reported that he saw Sam and Frank come up the street on their way to their camp, which was near the Round Rock Cemetery. When will you folks be re-stocking the prospector rounds? Sam Bass Treasure Following a train robbery outside of Big Springs, Nebraska, Sam Bass and other outlaws got away with 3,000 twenty-dollar gold pieces, along with jewelry and money taken from the passengers. The bandits boarded and used violence against anyone who tried to stop them. Some say Texas Ranger George Herold shot him. The Black Hills Bandits, as the gang was known, tired of the puny payoffs from the stage robberies, turned their attention to the more lucrative crime of train robbing. But theres some pretty darn convincing evidence that Sams loot, if there was any left, is somewhere around Denton! Paris and John run Doggone Texas an online guide to dog-friendly travel in the Lone Star State. During his short time as an outlaw, Bass and his gang stole quite a bit of money and according to legend he hid a good deal of loot in several remote caves throughout Texas. They then walked up the street to Kopperals General Store, located at the southeast corner of Mays and Georgetown Avenue. Frank did not want to leave his friend, but he was eventually convinced to do so. But most folks figured he had buried his stolen gold in secret troves that he could access while on the run, and thus began the legends of Sam Bass hidden gold. Though no one has ever confirmed them or announced a discovery of any gold tied to Bass. It was decided to bury him in the Round Rock Cemetery. It is believed that the ambush may have been set into motion by a member of Bass own gang who had cut a deal with law enforcement. However, you walk in and disappear, but you don't really go anywhere. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/ Larry D. Moore For the events during and after the shootout, all of the stories have been gathered for the reader to examine; thus, throughout the narrative, differing views are presented. During the gun fight it has been said that there were two men firing at the gang as they attempted to flee. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. Carmack, George. A deputy named Moore fell, wounded. Born on a farm two miles from Mitchell, Indiana on July 21, 1851, he was soon orphaned and he and his brother and sisters moved to a nearby farm to live with their uncle and his nine children. I found this and wanted to share. In 1877 at the Big Spring Station in Nebraska, a small group of banditsincluding Sam Bassforced the station master to halt an oncoming express train. Tucker felt that Bass should not see Murphy; so, Murphy identified Sam while hiding behind a tree. In June, a posse challenged the gang to a gunfight in which Arkansas Johnson was killed and Henry Underwood rode off never to return to the gang (Centennial Commission). Secret map to the famous outlaw Sam Bass hideout and treasure. 1 Earlier versions of this web page used twophotos that frequently have been claimed to be ofSam Bass and his gang, but are disputed. Williamson County Sun Publishers, Georgetown, Texas: 1973. Optimistic treasure seekers still wondercould earlier searchers have chopped down the wrong tree? 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