symptoms of flea collar poisoning in humans

We had to put him down the next day. My 3 year old cat was in perfect condition with a thick soft luxurious coat. Call your veterinarian if your pet shows symptoms of illness after using a product. When we got home she had another seizure and then another. I never made the potential connection until recently. I am wondering if the collar may be causing his problem. My dog ate his sestero flea collar and has thrown up what appears to be the remaining parts of the collar. Fipronil is a broad use insecticide that belongs to the phenylpyrazole chemical family. I made sure she was watered and she curled up on my lap and went to sleep. Just sickening I had to lose my pet [Show More]I bought this for my 11-year-old Keeshond to prevent tick and fleas purchasing it from Petco . May she rest in peace. She is on high doses of medication and just completely out of it. Has been using Saresto collar for about 2 years. I started buying these a fee years back for both my dogs and cat. Now , I know exactly what happened to him . We do not accuse the water molecule of causing disease in our pets and therefore stop giving our pets water. 4.5 Secondary bacterial infections. My other dog seems to be fine though and my husbanf has no issues. On Oct. 13, 2021, I bought 2 collars, at Walmart (which don't sell the fake collars) for my dogs, Benson a Weimaraner, and Mr. Jones, a chihuahua. So the dog had seizure medication since he was 3. I decided he needed his collar so I put it on him. By November 9 she was in liver failure and today we have an appt to lay her to rest as the disease is too far gone. I took the collar off immediately and after 2 days Bo was feeling a little better. About a week ago I bathed him (I took his collar off beforehand.) I put the collar on him and he started laying around and whimpering. var pid = 'ca-pub-7518070506490566'; 1 cm diameter) on one day, respectively a moderate erythema of small (< 1 cm) to medium size (1 - 4cm) for about two days. Five days later, Mr. Jones was at the Vet with a swollen face and his salivary glands were swollen. Brownie became very lethargic. I do believe the collar has caused Chevy so much health problems within a few months. Did blood work and everything was looking ok but my dog had trouble walking was using the bathroom a lot.. Look like another 10 years was added on to his life he was deteriorating in front of me all of a sudden with no answers as to why. Nationwide, U.S.A. - The Seresto brand flea and tick prevention collar has been linked to thousands of pet deaths, neurological problems, and human harm, revealed an investigative report by the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting.. My 15 year old wore the Seresto collar for about 36 hours after the vets on Marthas Vineyard recommended it, due to the tick density there. In the end, a flea collar may do more harm that good. Within 2 weeks both of my cats died from acute kidney failure. Within 2 weeks both of my cats died from acute kidney failure. He got significantly better after I took the collar off and it was definitely the collar! I bought this for my 11-year-old Keeshond to prevent tick and fleas purchasing it from Petco . The two They were both young, healthy, and active. Thank God I chose to not put her to sleep. Molly died Oct. 12, 2021. Pay attention to your babys comfort level and stop immediately if it causes discomfort. All indications is that the Soresto collar caused the cancer. I often see some TERRIBLE problems when people are not using effective flea and tick products. Mom bought Seresto flea collar for her cat Bella. They didn't see any infection. He was euthanasia. The said the seizures she was having was gram mal seizures. But I feel so fortunate that we caught this early and saved our little guy. She in perfect health. eventually, maybe within a year she got breathing issues and died with in 2 months. A total of 14,135 incidents were reported (includes both human and animal incidents). He was getting better by the next day but not 100%. We removed collar 3 days ago. My dog was diagnosed with acute myeloid lukemia in the past 2 weeks. I happened to come across this article about Seresto collars. He couldnt Breath! I have had my pets on serresto for about 4yrs, around that time my dog was looking in the air , paranoid with things he was never afraid of before , he also sleeps with me and I have developed Congestive Heart Failure 2 yrs ago and the Drs. Water contamination at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina between 1953 and 1987 caused cancers, birth defects, miscarriages and other side effects for U.S. Marines and their family members. They got him stabilized and gave me anti-seizure meds since[Show More]My heart goes out to all those who have lost a beloved pet to this product. It took a week before he seemed normal. Found scabbed sores around Kitty's neck.. Kitty vomited today 5 hours after eating. Below is the summary. I've been using Seresto on my 6 year old golden retreiver/ maremma cross with no issues. She passed away after a few weeks of hospitalization and suffering. Her breathing is often labored and she is quite thin. She's a big Labrador well over 100lbs and never had any issues. The first of this year I bought two Seresto flea collars and put one of them on my older dog, a Pomeranian Terrier Mix, @ 14 years old. I had blood test to prove it. Hi! Her liver enzymes had been elevated and 4 months after the collar was removed they were back to normal. I had no idea the collars were highly rated on Amazon. 2 months later, my 4yr old started having seizures again and died on me. 11/24/21. Below are some of the general symptoms of flea collar poisoning in dogs: Loss of bodily movement control Weakness Depression Diarrhea High or low body temperatures Urinary incontinence Muscle twitching Vomiting Seizures Excess salivation Difficulty breathing Dilation of pupils Abnormal heart rhythm Did blood work and everything was looking ok but my dog had trouble walking was using the bathroom a lot.. Look like anoth, I bought seresto colors for my 3 dogs last March 2020 I had left them on over the time frame that they recommended. Published in USA Today on Tuesday, the report lays out documents from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that link Seresto flea and tick collars to thousands of pet deaths and injuries (not to mention some human injuries as well). DVM360 reports: 'According to a 2019 EPA memo, symptoms in humans related to these incidents vary widely, with most involving skin rashes or lesions; numbness, tingling, or pain; and nasal, ocular, or throat irritation after placing the collar on the pet, after nuzzling with the pet, or after sleeping in bed with the pet. He was lethargic and falling over not long after putting in on. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT!!! Tea tree oil can cause symptoms of intoxication such as weakness, tremors, diarrhea, and vomiting. She in perfect health. Studies show that puppies and toy breed dogs, particularly the Chihuahua and Pomeranian, are susceptible to severe poisoning upon ingestion of a flea and tick collar containing amitraz. In 2020 I had to have my six year old cat euthanized after a rapid decline in health. Being a cold snap, I deci[Show More]My Teddy has been wearing one since he was a puppy. Two years ago my cat Sammy had to be put down due to a cancerous throat tumor. Five days later, Mr. Jones was at the Vet with a swollen face and his salivary glands were swollen. Her entire neck and shoulders were covered in lesions and scabs. Since the death of my cats, I have seen many similar scenarios. Ive been using seresto on my Labrador for about 5-6 years. My cat kept trying to pull it off, to the point of rubbing her skin raw. is a participant of several affiliate programs. My Vet did a lot of tests on her and said the only thing he found wrong with her was her thyroid. I am sick to think i lost her because of flea collar produced by them. I placed it on her and within 24 hours she suffered a VIOLENT death!!! I took her to the vet and there was no explanation. The surviving cat and dog no longer wear the collars and, so far, have not shown any reactions. 4 days after putting them on, my 4yr old suddenly started having seizures for the first time in his life. Was also going to bathroom in house even though he has been house trained for years. On Oct. 13, 2021, I bought 2 collars, at Walmart (which don't sell the fake collars) for my dogs, Benson a Weimaraner, and Mr. Jones, a chihuahua. Both of my dogs got sick within a year of wearing Seresto collars and died soon thereafter. What should I do. Prior to her death after putting thr collar on she would.I thought she wanted to go out she had never done that in the ninteen years ive had her. Could these collars have been the cause of their neurological issues and decline in health we now wonder? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'doghint_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-doghint_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately if you see any of these symptoms after putting on the flea collar. It had been almost 8 months and I knew the collars had gotten wet at times so I purchased new ones. Some dogs may also develop local or generalized allergies. I really want to know if this collar killed my six year old baby (yes,I loved him like he was a family member. It kills ticks because its a pesticide that is designed to absorb into your dogs bloodstreamand work its way out to the skinthe same skin your 6 year old touches when he pats the dogergo, if you wouldn't let your kid drink pesticide (because that would harm him), then why are you putting these products on your pets? He is alive, thank God but not the same dog. We all wish to know what has caused disease in our pets but should exercise caution in casting blame without proof. Cat has health issues, since wearing this collarNever knew about dangers to animals, until I read this article 3/42021 Last year had hair loss on hind area. Did n. I have a 14 year old dachshund that has worn the Seresto collar for the last few years, no issues. Put on his new flea and tick collar. They didn't see any infection. She had been wearing a Seresto collar. Now I hear these collars can cause seizure and death. My 10 year old Boxer/Blue Heeler mix suddenly developed neurological issues - stumbling, seizures. She fell making several attempts trying to jump into my husband's truck. His breathing was extremely labored and he lost weight, took him to the vet his temp was only 97 so I was directed to an animal hospital. I immediately took the collar off and treated his ears. She was poisoned !!! The organization has since filed a Freedom of Information request for the incident database related to Seresto pesticide collars, but says that request has not yet been filled. My Border Collie Koko became mysteriously ill after I put a vet recommended Seresto collar on her. I have a 14 year old dachshund that has worn the Seresto collar for the last few years, no issues. I just put a new one on her about a week or so ago. Symptoms of Flea and Tick Collar Poisoning in Dogs Amitraz Weakness Loss of bodily movement control High or low body temperature Depression Diarrhea Urinary incontinence Low blood pressure Obstruction of the intestines due to paralysis of intestines Dilation of pupils Gastric dilatation Vomiting Difficulty breathing Methoprene is used against insects. var alS = 1021 % 1000; My Elderly Mother sleeps with her cat every night. Bayer is evil for selling this pesticide laden thing!!! When vet examined her asked about tick prevention n I said she has a new flea collar on. I picked her back up and held her. My 3 year old cat was in perfect condition with a thick soft luxurious coat. gave meds ,flotiflora blood work. Suffice it to say that in retrospect it is easy to see the correlation between my health consequences and the regular use as directed of this product but until the news became public I had no clue what was causing me such grief. He was perfectly healthy and never had any seizures before I put the collar on him. We spent thousands trying to find out what was wrong with her. He began being disoriented and losing movement on his back legs. On the recommendation of my vet I purchased a Seresto flea collar for my be!oved 10 year old dog Bella. Shame on them and the EPA. The collar needs study and information needs to be disclosed to the public by Bayer and Elanco and EPA - period. And now our pet is gone. Friday Oct. 1, Ive been trying to cleanse her insides with Pure Calcium Bentonite Clay and push[Show More]I bought a Seresto collar for my dog. Over the next two and half months he saw two other Vets as well, for his eyes (we were at the Vet at least twice a month). Praying that its just the collar and he will start to go back to normal soon. Another developed some unknown condition that caused him to ooze a foul smelling brown/black substance through his mouth. After about 4 hours there, we tried to take her home but she started having seizure again. I just put a new one on her about a week or so ago. I have been reading the comments here and on, and it is so heartbreaking. Bottle with chemicals image by Kapu from Vet still hasnt stated it isnt collar-says that usually presents with skin irritation. I assumed arthritis was setting in. Regular exposure to chemicals in hair relaxer may cause uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and other injuries. I bought Seresto collar for my 13 year old Yorkshire terrier, within hours she was having diarrhea and vomiting, she is very very ill, sees the vet in the am, I was doing my research bc my 12 year old dog Anna died 8/12/2021 a month after I put a Seresto collar on her, and only now am I realizing the poisoning she indured was from the collar, I only realized it bc this was the only thing that was [Show More]I bought Seresto collar for my 13 year old Yorkshire terrier, within hours she was having diarrhea and vomiting, she is very very ill, sees the vet in the am, I was doing my research bc my 12 year old dog Anna died 8/12/2021 a month after I put a Seresto collar on her, and only now am I realizing the poisoning she indured was from the collar, I only realized it bc this was the only thing that was different for my Yorkie, for offer a year we pondered his was Anna at the vet just 2 months earlier, had blood work and had a great report, to diarrhea vomiting and kidney failure one month after purchasing and putting the collar on her, I hope Trixie makes it through the night to get to the vet. During his visit at vet also was noticed that he has several lumps all through his body. I had been feeding them expensive food free of chemicals so they wouldn't get cancer and took them on long walks every day. Found scabbed sores around Kitty's neck.. Kitty vomited today 5 hours after eating. Mind you at the end of June she was in very good health. He is most likely in the 4th stage of Lymphoma (there are 5 stages). Get rid of flea bite marks faster I purchased Seresto collars for my cats in early summer 2022. I'm convinced the collar killed him. My 11 year old was diagnosed with Stage 3 Kidney disease in October 2020 and died in March 2021. Molly died Oct. 12, 2021. She had a terrible episode 3 days ago and now she can't walk. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Nothing at that time showed up. Her health continued to get worse through the winter and I decided to get her checked out. Took him to vet and they done all the blood work and his white blood count was so high it puzzled the doctor. She quickly lost massive amounts of weight and appeared to suffer from a neurological problems as she became very unsteady on her feet, unable to jump onto furniture or walk a straight line. He was lifeless; I bathed him twice to get all remnants of that collar off of him and washed his bed twice. For flea and tick collars specifically, pet owners should remove the collar immediately if the pet is experiences any adverse reaction. Caution should be used when putting the collar on your dog; wash your hands after attaching the collar and make sure it is secure enough that pets cannot easily remove it, ingesting it accidentally in the process. Ill never put one of those collars on my pets again. Soon after my dog had a seizure, flailing around like a flounder on the floor. I called the vet and mentioned the collar and they assured me that it wasn't the problem. His seizures have gotten worse. Took him to vet and they done all the blood work and his white blood count was so high it puzzled the doctor. This happened over and over until I made the connection that it was the collar and threw it away and after t[Show More]I bought the collar for my Golden Retriever a few years back. All within 10 days she had four grand mall seizures . I also put this collar on my pup at 12 weeks. My 5 year old Boxer was having seizures and died of a brain tumor 5 August 2020. As mentioned, severe reactions are considered to be very rare with Advantage when it is applied as per instructions. She was having them one on top of the other. Bought seresto collars for my 12 year old and 4 year old Rottweilers. The vet told me the tumor was extremely rare in that breed, especially a dog that young. We took her to the vet and had bloodwork done, which came back showing that she had low platelets and anemia. The vet put her on seizure medication and carried out lots of tests. She was walking practically sideways through the house. She died. Also, the veterinary can induce vomiting depending on the chemical in the collar, timing, and state of the pet. Her liver enzymes had been elevated and 4 m. Ill never put one of those collars on my pets again. Since March 1st Ive paid over 7,000 for hospitalization. He began being disoriented and losing movement on his back legs. The pesticides in flea collars are from a group of chemicals called organophospates. His breathing was real weak and he was getting sick. So the dog had seizure medication since he was 3. Another incident involved a 43-year-old man who put Seresto collars on eight of his dogs and slept in the same bed as four of the dogs. Flea and tick medications need to have some component such as a repellent or insecticide to work against fleas and ticks. Bought a Seresto collar for my dog, within a month she had to be euthanased as she was so ill, despite having a clean bill of health from her vet just 2 months prior to putting on Collar. How to Increase Dogs Lifespan. Imidacloprid interferes with insects' nervous systems, causing a blockage that eventually leads to an overabundance of a particular neurotransmitter. I started buying these a fee years back for both my dogs and cat. She is not able to walk without falling or support. After getting a new Seresto collar this year, she is now limping, lethargic, and eyes dilated. At 6 months, we went for a walk and when we got home she was acting very weird. I had tried the frontline drops but his skin is very sensitive so it was recommended I use seresto. I had to have my cat put to sleep last week. The very next week this article came out and we discovered it was this collar. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. My dog chipper wore a seresto pet collar for years. The cancer was aggressive and quick - 3 months since diagnosis but could have started some time ago. We switched his food but they persisted. They both were under the care of a veterinarian and not only are we dealing with their loss but the veterinarian bills were over $2500. She had it on for 2 days, before she stopped eating and drinking. I put the new collar on Molly(cat) Wednesday morning Sept. 29,2021. The collar needs study and information needs to be disclosed to the public by Bayer and Elanco and EPA - period. On a Thursday he had a grand mal seizure at about 6 pm. Fluid therapy will likely be started, and your canine companion will be closely monitored. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; There are many causes of disease such as environmental, nutritional, infectious, and genetic factors. Chevy's blood count was 1800. The emotional and mental exhaustion Ive endured since March 1st is beyond what I could ever explain. Despite 75,000 incident reports between 2012 and 2020, the EPA hasn't issued any warnings . Of those, eight people had dermal symptoms, such as a rash or hives, and seven had neurological symptoms, which included numbness and headaches. Causes of flea and tick medicine poisoning in cats include: Accidentally or intentionally applying dog flea and tick medicine to a cat; A cat brushing against, laying with, or licking a dog that recently had spot-on medicine applied. This collar KILLED MY CAT!!! For the first time in her life, she began to have seizures every two hours; we took her to a local animal emergency hospital after two days' stay she was stabilized. I purchased this years from Chewy, as I have in the past. However, the collar has been receiving many complaints that it negatively affects pets instead of killing and repelling fleas. Thank God I chose to not put her to sleep. He got significantly better after I took the collar off and it was definitely the collar! I had purchased his collar last summer thinking it would help as my dog gets many ticks. Common side effects include numbness, skin rashes or lesions, throat irritation, tingling, etc. I didnt notice it because he lives in and outdoors. Last year my cat Star developed a rash under her collar with scabs. We are on day 6 of no collar and still having issues. They got him stabilized and gave me anti-seizure meds since there was no one at the clinic overnight. Casting blame without proof Kitty 's neck.. Kitty vomited today 5 hours after eating assured me that was! Had gotten wet at times so i purchased this years from Chewy as... Infectious, and eyes dilated Advantage when it is so heartbreaking be started, and.. I placed it on for 2 days Bo was feeling a little better better by the next but. Help as my dog had a grand mal seizure at about 6 pm they. And your canine companion will be closely monitored collar may be causing problem... 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