the effect of temperature on a tennis ball experiment

As we have seen, temperature affects the duration of the stretch, as as such, will affect the tension loss and stiffness. Professional players consider the time since a can was opened so important that new cans of balls are opened with great frequency during a match. This is because the energy lost in the collision of the ball to the ground is inelastic, which means that kinetic energy in the ball is lost each time it bounces. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. So, if you are stringing just before a match, string lower for cold and higher for hot on-court temperatures. A string was secured between two clamps 200 mm apart at start and running through a clear perspex tube with rubber plugs in each end. Put 2 in the freezer, also for 10 mins, so they can First, make a way for the ball to drop from the same height every time. A tennis ball is designed as a hollow rubber core with pressurized air. A common question among tennis players is whether or not they should string their racquets differently in winter vs summer, or from hot days to cold days. What is so dramatic during this post-tensioning-heating phase is that there is only tension reduction, not a competition between tension increase and relaxation, as there is during tensioning. Crawford Lindsey, Tennis Warehouse, San Luis Obispo, CA. Figure 11 Tension loss by temperature in setup #2. The p-value for both was zero showing that there is a significant relationship between the time a can of balls was open and the bounce height. The final outcome of this experiment will show if the length of time since a new can of balls was opened, the temperature of the ball, or the humidity, has the greatest effect on the height of a balls bounce for both types of balls. Place the video camera on a level that will be able to clearly record the experiment, whilst a person sits beside the tape measurer An experiment was performed to determine the effect of temperature on the stiffness, elongation, tension loss and maintenance of tennis strings. Here is the data collected from the first bounce of each temperature. I did notice a different in weight. For instance, you can use old balls for the second round of the experiment compared to new balls. . Molecules of a gas can effortlessly expand and contract. After doing this activity, I observed that as temperature decreases so does the pressure. By far the cubic fit is the best out of the three regression models analyzed but the R squared values are all well below 0.9 which is what would be needed as a minimum to make the models good predictors for future trials. (Wikipedia, 2012)From the 18th century, tennis balls were formed by wounding strips of wool around a nucleus made by rolling strips into a tiny ball. The 0 C temperature was implemented by packing the perspex tube with crushed ice. Stiffness and elongation are proportional to temperature, though the effect is not great. But more specifically it effects the molecular movement of the object which in this case is a tennis ball. Equilibrium occurs when all molecular bond attractions are greater than the tension trying to tear them apart. Tension and temperature drop was then recorded until 100 seconds. Continue the same procedure until all balls have been tested. While nylon and polyester are less durable than nylon and responsive to unfavorable conditions, they are still more robust than natural gut. The first result found is Table 1, 2 show due to the high p-value, in excess of 0.5 in both cases, that humidity is not at all a significant relationship with bounce height. One may also use a heat dish to do this. Before the ball is dropped, make sure a measuring tape or a meter stick is very close to where the ball is being dropped so the height can be measured. These muscles are used to accelerate the whole arm while also stabilising the shoulder. The paint ball itself will only break if it hits a hard object otherwise it won't, The Effect Of Temperature On The Pressure Of A Tennis Ball, Pressure and temperature, two important subjects in the broad system of knowledge, Science. With an increase in the temperature, the gas molecules within the tennis ball start to expand. The setup was essentially the same as in Figure 1 but a computer controlled stretching program was different. in my school i finish up in 2nd place thank u very much. This will give you a visual presentation of the bounce heights and the temperatures, which means that determining whether hot or cold balls can bounce to a higher height will be a lot easier. The analysis of all the data proves some of the questions posed. I decided to create Elite Tennis Guide to share my knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world. Once we have the readings from each of the balls you have dropped and observed in the previous step, we need to determine the average reading. Two variables will be omitted in the study, how much the ball is played with and different court surfaces. When a tennis ball is compressed, its internal air pressure is boosted. Tension stabilization continues forever, but at a continually decreasing pace. History Of Tennis Balls Who Invented The Tennis Ball? Bibliography .:. The strings were indexed by the percentage of tension loss for the 20 C room temperature scenario and plotted on a graph (Figure 6). (Sheehan, 2011)On impact, the gas will be caused to move toward the ground. String Stiffness: The Alpha and Omega of String Performance, How To Measure Your Racquet's Swingweight, Maximum Shot Speed Where To Hit on the Racquet, Weight, Balance and Swingweight Explained, Tennis Ball Trajectories: Aerodynamic Drag and Lift in Tennis Shots, Tennis Shoe Cushioning: Impact Testing To Compare Tennis Shoes, Tennis Shoe Traction: Developing A Test Rig To Measure Shoe Traction On Tennis Courts, Foam Cushioning Properties: Choosing Material for Tennis Shoe Soles, Pickleball Spin The Role of Surface Roughness in Spin Generation. The deltoids and pectorals major are used to flex the shoulder. When looking at bounce ball height, keep your head in the same place to avoid problems with parallax. As such, they will not be able to bounce to the heights that you would expect, and for this reason, you will tend to notice a lower height consistently for the colder balls. This increased accessibility to insights both on and off the court will help tennis players everywhere. If you are looking to add a bit of friendly sabotage to your tennis opponents game, consider popping a few of his tennis balls in the freezer beforehand. The question also required me to determ wheter or not I could use the same weight as I normally do while using the stability ball? In warm temperatures, the opposite is true. Your email address will not be published. When the first two examples were done, I noticed that there was a slight trend between the ending pressures as the temperatures decreased. The string ends extended past the end of the tube and were clamped. If stretched at the same rate, a string that elongates further to achieve the target tension will take more time to do so than one that elongates less. When you mix new and old balls, you will not get consistent results which means that your experiment will not be fair. As a result, a cold ball has a much lower bounce. In the experiment it was about how temperature effects the air pressure of . The more extended height from which you drop off the balls is also helpful and means that you can make more accurate observations. Temperature Cubic ANOVA. As the tennis ball returns to its normal shape after getting pressed, the gas inside the ball quickly occupies the space that was open during impact which causes the gas to act as a spring, making the ball bounce into the air. Web. Graph 1, 2 show the regression line for time and bounce height predicts a general downward trend but the R squared value is low, below .17 in both cases. Take 2 tennis balls and put them in the slow cooker for 10 mins. I chose to perform the ab crunch for my abs. It is the interplay between stretch rate, stretch amount, stretch duration, temperature, and stress relaxation that effects the amount of tension loss that occurs only in the relaxation period (the period that was measured to get "tension loss"). As the molecules expand, their energy increases as they bounce around more erratically. The string was then allowed to cool for 200 additional seconds. As a result, a cold ball has a much lower bounce. Copyright 2023 Elite Tennis Guide | All Rights Reserved. With a propensity to bounce higher and further, the pace of the game can change considerably. Tape measure Upon conclusion, I am to determine why resistance was limited during the activity. For this reason, you will often notice that the players performance during the summer is different from their performance in winter. Tennis, of course, is a complicated practice with many moving parts, and its played outside (for the most part), which comes with its own considerations and challenges. Setup #2 Stiffness, Elongation, and Tension vs Temperature. In recent years two different types of balls have been available championship balls and non-championship balls. Place DrDAQ on the floor and configure it to measure the "sound level" with a sampling rate of 10 ms Start recording the sound level. No conclusions can be drawn from this data because of such a high lack of fit. It uses a lot of muscle memory. Place the ball at the 100-inch mark and drop it. Video footage will also be utilised to measure the bounce correctly by watching the film in slow motion. If the density and the constant remain the same, a higher temperature results in higher pressure, while a lower temperature results in lower pressure. Here is a diagram of the structure of a tennis ball. The thing that is changing is the temperature of the tennis ball. A typical result is shown in Figure 5 at 20 C. Figure 5 Typical graph of string behavior using a materials testing machine to stretch string at 0, 20, and 40 degrees centigrade. The mechanism that is used to shoot the ball is a trigger, the trigger is what you pull to shoot the ball. the serves comes in five main types of which includes; cannonball or flat serve, topspin-slice serve, slice serve, American twist serve and the topspin serve. Tension loss in itself is a misleading parameter because it is part of the larger concept of stress relaxation. A good example of this would be, when designing buildings to survive in areas where earthquakes happen frequently. Each contributes to how a ball performs. Place the tape measurer against the edge of a wall using the bluetack 3. The ball will not bounce as much in the cold as it does during hot days, and for the players, this is a vast difference that is also evident in how they take on the matches at different times. As such, gas molecules can easily expand or contract. After the ball hits the floor the ball gains motion that is. However, at 63, The learning quesiton that I chose required me to perform atleast one exercise for each major muscle group on a stability ball. Average the results. The difference in stiffness between temperatures for each string was greater for the nylon strings. Exploratorium: That's The Way The Ball Bounces. The balls which were placed in a refrigerator had a bounce percentage of 62.25. There are probably two effects: the air pressure inside a cold ball is less and that will change the elastic coefficient, the other is the temperature effect on the material tennis ball itself. 1b Heat after tensioning and stabilization. Most professional players will have various rackets at their fingertips during a match allowing quick changes in the case of dramatic weather changes, or any emergent issues related to the materials or specific rackets. Racquetball is played on a rectangular indoor court with four side walls and a ceiling. This experiment was undertaken to quantify the effect of temperature on string. Temperature can be measured by. As the tennis ball returns to its normal shape, the gas inside the ball acts as a spring and causes the ball to bounce into the air. For a future topic related to this subject, I would like to see if the age of a tennis ball also affects how it bounces. How does Temperature Affect the Bounce of a Tennis Ball? Setup #2 Stiffness, Elongation, and Tension vs Temperature. What mainly causes a tennis ball to bounce is all the pressure stored inside. Thus it takes quick reaction time and reflexes to play at higher levels. You should find that the heated balls bounce the highest, followed by the room temperature balls, then the refrigerated balls, with the frozen tennis balls bouncing the least. As such, tension loss is just a partial and often misleading participant in determining string stiffness the most important parameter in string performance. The stiffness tests closely approximated the expected result that stiffness would have an inverse relationship to increase in temperature. This allows the chains to reorder to the lowest stress configuration both during and after tensioning. Players will be able to use the conclusions in many ways. When the temperature increases, the gas molecules inside the tennis ball expand. Figure 8 presents just such a picture grouped by materials. It is being changed by a ball in a oven to make it hot or a ball in the freezer to make it cold. If a tennis ball is frozen then its molecules will slow down and there wont be as much energy causing it to be more dense. This is an eventuality that many players should take into account. Figure 2 For most of the strings tested, there was little difference in tension relaxation between being tensioned at normal room temperature (left or top) and at 40 C (right or bottom). To measure the bounciness of a ball, you can try dropping it from a height onto a hard surface. Try comparing a baseball to a golf ball or a tennis ball. Do you know what mechanics are really behind the outer layer? A tennis ball bounces because the air inside pushes outwards when it is in contact with a hard surface. This scientific mystery can be demonstrated at home or school with a simple experiment. The horizontal axis labels each string by its test ID number (1-15) and its material (G = gut; N = nylon; P = polyester). Two different types of balls, Penn Championship and Non-Championship will be compared. Ball 1 had a sample standard deviation of 3.312 while ball 2 was 3.177. Then the stretch continued at 100 mm/min up to 380 N. After a 10 second wait, the clamps moved back together at a speed of 100 mm/min until tension was zero. Tension loss is defined as just that part that occurs after stretching. From the beginning of tennis in the 1870s, India rubber, made from a vulcanization process invented by Charles Goodyear in the 1850s, was used to manufacture lawn tennis balls. You can get an idea of just how much by looking at the percentage difference in stiffness resulting from the temperature exposures. One clamp was attached to a load cell and computer to record elongation and tension. Also, when its more humid outside, its tougher for players to stay cool, because sweat is less likely to evaporate into the air. The increased energy and movement of the air particles in the tennis ball then result in a higher bounce. With an increase in the temperature, the gas molecules within the tennis ball start to expand. Does the Temperature of a Basketball Affect the Bounce of the Ball? 4.Tennis ball D was placed in the preheated oven for 90 minutes. The most durable material that is relatively widely used is kevlar, which lasts for a long time. The target temperatures were achieved just prior to tensioning and maintained during the tensioning and relaxation phases. The conclusion for the two different ball types will show which is in fact is a better ball in each of the different situations. Tension was recorded throughout the process. We are guessing that heat makes the molecules move faster in the bouncy ball, which gives it more elasticity, but I did not find anything in my research of this project that confirms that fact. According to Aleks Szymanski from, tennis balls are hollow and contain air that expands in the event of high temperatures, causing the balls to bounce more freely. As such, the energy inside the ball increases, and the molecules start bouncing around more erratically. Add up all the ten readings and divide them by ten to find the mean height to which each ball could bounce back to at a specific temperature. The experiment will show if temperature affects the height of a bouncing tennis ball. Temperature has a significant positive relationship with the bounce height of tennis balls. When a liner model was tried in Tables 5, 6 the p-values of zero confirmed the suspicion that there was indeed a significant relationship. The stiffness, k, is calculated as k = dF/dx, where dF is the increase in the force when elongation increases by dx. The higher the pressure, the more the ball will bounce, and vice versa. Repeat these steps but keep the ball in a refrigerator, a freezer, and an oven. Leave 2 out for 10 mins so they can come to room temperature. (Incorporation, 2011)Then, machines would turn the sheet of rubber into a spherical form. The balls pressure is also known to reduce as it is used, which causes it to stop bouncing after being used for a while. (Sheehan, 2011)However, if one lets the ball continue to bounce, it will bounce less high each time until it eventually just sits on the ground. The temperature regression was carried out last. Make sure there are no liquids in the freezer. The second apparatus was a materials testing machine (Figure 4). String materials vary in terms of their durability, given extreme weather conditions. This increased energy and movement results in a higher bounce. Once you have the right conditions under which to carry out your experiment, you can go ahead and start gathering the materials that will be needed. For the heating during the tension loss phase, the starting temperature was 20 C. Tension was increased to 28 kg and 200 seconds were allowed to pass. (2012, 8 22). When a tennis ball hits the ground, the force presses up against the ball, pushing the bottom surface of the ball in and compressing the gas inside its core. Higher temperature allows weak secondary bonds between the polymer chains to break. The temperature of a tennis ball greatly affects how high it bounces. i was just worried even if they are correct or not. Players often wonder how storing their rackets in the trunk of their car during extreme hot or cold weather would influence tension and performance. We can zoom in on elongation by string in Figure 9 just as we did above for stiffness. Stress relaxation during stretching is somewhat invisible to our measuring instruments but a very good example of its effect can be seen in Figure 13. When pressedurized tennis balls are pressed, they exert internal pressure. A string was inserted inside clear perspex tube with two open ends and through a small hole in a rubber stopper at each end of the tube. This means that less energy is lost in each bounce and the ball bounces higher. Now the equilibrium between the tension and the bonds is broken. If a 82,37,and 70 degree tennis ball are dropped,then the 82 degree tennis ball will bounce the highest because the molecules in the 82 degree tennis ball will move faster. To do this, place them in the ice chest with ice. Thank you, this explanation was very concise and helpful. Tension is a component of stiffness. While dropping the ball, it is suggested that one records the event so it will be easier to find how high the ball bounced. Figure 8 Closeup of stiffness vs temperature for each nylon and polyester string. Is a Photograph equally sharp in all area? I would propose that a follow up study be done holding both of the other two variables, temperature and humidity constant to try and find a better fitting relationship. Application of the Concept to the Real World, 10 Tips To Win Doubles Tennis With A Weak Partner. The movement of the air and the squishing inwards when the ball has been dropped cause the ball to push out again, which is the reason for the bouncing movement. Hold the meter stick vertically with one end on the ground. Mark a point 1 metre from the ground on a wall. The hypothesis was: If the uniform temperature of a tennis ball is increased, then it will bounce higher. Will the Temperature of a Tennis Ball Affect the way it bounces? The ab crunch was not much different from when I perform this exercise without the stability ball. You can also try the same experiment with a cold ball to determine how much the performance improves when you have the ball heated. But how much higher or lower? String instruments, are often better when aged, and gates, or things that move, swing better after being swung constantly. Place four tennis balls in a freezer, four in a refrigerator, four at room temperature and four outside in the sun. Once ready, remove the balls individually and drop them from an elevated position. The height to which it can bounce back can be changed when you heat the tennis ball. You can also vary the brand for the second round to ensure that you have more data to make comparisons and conclusions on your data. This is the table showing the heights in which the ball bounced. (Borlings, 2011)They did not bounce very well, however. Temperature Cubic ANOVA, Table 14: Ball 2 vs. Assuming these conclusions will hold for any surface since, the surface should not change the temperature relationship with the ball, but different variations in bounce height should be found with different surfaces. Measure out 200 ml of iced water and check that the temperature of it is 0 C. Figure 4 Experimental setup for testing stiffness and string tension vs elongation. But there is a possible explanation for the behavior, though it was not measured during the test. The use of different kinds of balls will help you determine whether the temperature is the only variable causing your results to be varied. Bocce has really become such a widespread sport because you can participate no matter how old, what your race is, or what gender you are. Was placed in the sun height to which it can bounce back can be drawn from this because! 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