Glad the videos help. Bear in mind the boats pivot in the middle so as you turn, the back end is going out. He was very clear in his explanation of the boats inner workings and doing a wonderful job upgrading and replacing parts needed to make the boat more manageable. I worked briefly for a time at IBM in Havant many years ago so I vaguely know the Portsmouth area :-), Hello David from Houston TX. Finding joy in these times is important and should not be depreciated. There are no mains electricity points along the canal network other than in marinas (though I one of the Welsh canals has power points for a fleet of electric hire boats see vlog 169 but this is unusual). Im pleased to say my parents are recovering well, and your series has really genuinely helped me to find some calm and re-centre. Please stay healthy, and I look forward to your reemergence whenever and in whatever form best suits you. Cheers. He chucked his job, sold his house, bought an old school, live-aboard fifty-six foot "narrow boat," and started chugging along . A break will do you good and you can decide on the way forward. Not good to have a boat you totally cant use. I enjoy living on the boat but alas the joy of cruising is gone so I shall likely not cover any ground again. Manage Settings Journal entry: 11th May, Wednesday. Now I live in France, your vlogs have opened once again the window onto this get away from it world, to which point, Im really considereing buying a boat. Consider two, 57-foot-long boats coming from opposite directions. Thank you Lesley, I appreciate that. There are no speed police or radar traps on the canals however; its more the ire of other boaters that you will incur though Im sure if a CRT officer saw you zooming along theyd note your boat registration number (which is required to be clearly visible) and send you a suitable letter. Cheers! Cheers. from Tony Garden. As a future narrowboater I must say your vlogs have been extremely helpful. Because youve now become a global celebrity, Ill bet you that theres several CTC fans out there willing to buy your bettie for at least ten times what shes worth. Best always. Thank you Fred, I am glad I can give you that canal enjoyment despite the distance! See Lornas (London Boat Girl) video about voting here. And I can honestly say, my wife is very pleased with my decision as she was always worried when I was on the road. My tank is 62 gallons (282 litres) and I just tend to refill it when I remember, after a few weeks cruising. Thank you! As Dory says, Keep on swimming.. Best wishes. Oh, how amusing that you wanted to chat with the saleswoman about narrowboats! Join Facebook to connect with David Johns and others you may know. Firstly, its unlikely a cordless drill would have sufficient power; a lot of the mechanisms can be very stiff indeed hence needing a decent length of handle on the windlass to get the appropriate leverage. Thank you for taking the time to share your travels with us. Bruce Martin, Hello Bruce. I work for the emergency services and have been flat out since this pandemic started, and frankly Im exhausted. I will still watch yours because I havent seen them all yet. Cheers, David, just watched your 2021 things to come video. If you have a permanent mooring on a wharf or in a marina, you can often have post sent there though it depends on the contract terms. Meanwhile: best wishes for the new year, stay healthy and safe! Thank you Iris. If the boat ever goes up for sale, it will be through a broker and yes, I would announce it on the channel. However, he can also be found on Twitter if he ever goes dark on YouTube David is very active on there so it is probably a good place to keep up to date with his antics. The boat has very little space to store things and I prefer a minimalist, uncluttered, lifestyle. My 2020 trip was, of course, cancelled and am sorry to say due to advancing years (94) I shall not be able to cruise any more and will look forward to reading anything you write about. Have a good rest and come back again, Tony Garden. His YouTube channels include: Cruising The Cut (narrowboats): I'm David Johns. David, your VLOGs have been so wonderfully informative and enjoyable that it is no surprise there have been so many positive comments following your video yesterday. Thirdly, its not uncommon to drop a windlass into the canal by accident and it would be a very expensive mistake to do that with a cordless drill! DJ. Really find them very informative. Why are the canals so disgustingly filthy? . Very funny. How do you / Why dont you paint the baseplate of the boat?This is a source of much debate, a bit like what type of boat toilet is best. Unlike rivers theres virtually no current in the canals except for whenever a lock is emptied, and with the canals being so shallow and having a lot of trees on the bank, theres an awful lot of silt lying at the bottom. I have enjoyed immensely those videos I have seen, but understand your need to recharge. To be clear, the recipe is buttered bread, with ingredients as just described, and thats it.I absolutely loathe mayo or any similar gunge, and I dont like salt, pepper or suchlike either. Lorna, aka The London Boat Girl visited our boat at Crick with David Johns of Cruising The Cut. I still smile about the vlog where you let that other boat overtake and do the hard work for you! Whats your fuel consumption?Ive never measured it but narrowboats typically drink 1-1.5 ltr/hour. Cheers, David, Hi, David: Hope your down time is great, and I know I cant wait to see your spring first cruise. Whats yourname and whats your background?Im David Johns. I suspect you may be referring to the tune on the Prime Video episodes. Glad you like the videos. Many people were shocked and some hardcore fans were dissapointed at David for abandoning the narrowboating community that they knew and loved. If we toast a sandwich in the UK, it is then explicitly referred to as a toasted sandwich or toastie. One thing I personally would LOVE to see more of is this: night time shots, life aboard the boat at night, scenes of the evening skies or stars, din din aboard the boat, that sort of thing. The main important thing is: It is YOUR life, you must enjoy what you are doing and ENJOY whatever you do! Why do you eat so many cheese sandwiches and whats in them?Because I love cheese I use the strongest cheddar I can get (preferably Pilgrims Choice Extra Mature or Cathedral City et al), with some tomato, maybe some cucumber slices and nothing else. My father-in-law did that several years in a row and loved it. How fast can you go on the canals?Asking how fast is to miss the point of narrowboating. Apart from a few high spots around the canal network, we just dont get the kind of breeze these things need.Plus they have to be put up and down each time you travel. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as the saying goes. David Johns. Best wishes. . Best of luck to you regardless of how you spend this coming year. You do sometimes get boats going past in the dark though. I have enjoyed listening to David Johns as he experienced his travels of the a English canals and becoming adept maneuvering his narrow boat. Thank you! There are others but not a patch on yours. Its just that the focus of the content has changed. Thanks and have a great new year! We have a sailboat on the Chesapeake Bay, in Maryland and plan to be narrowest tourists someday soon. Take care and I look forward to seeing more about the canals and your book! You have brought our canals to life with your beautifully produced videos. September 12, 2021 at 11:23 am. I, too, went through a similar mental encounter when I went out one day with my motorcycle. Since July 2015, the Cruising the Cut YouTube channel has become one of the most successful narrowboat and canal boat based channels on the platform. Thank you again and I hope you will be able to make a few more cruise videos again in time to come. Thanks. Why dont you have / fit a bow thruster / trolling motor?Although many (generally newer) narrowboats have bow thrusters, it would be near impossible to fit one onto my boat without some major, and expensive, surgery. Dear David, Haha, I can imagine your wifes relief too. It was all I could do to not ask her about narrowboating. Ive also heard it said that most people are right-handed thus their right hand is on the tiller so they stand on the left hand side of the boat; therefore when passing another boat coming towards you, both skippers will be on the side thats nearest to the oncoming boat.A recent comment on my vlogs also explained that the steering board on ships of old would be on the right (hence the term starboard for right) and boats would put into port on the left (hence the term port for left hand side). If you can wade your way through that occasional treacle, its good stuff. Cheers, Hi David, not sure how to add an independent comment so jumping off your response. theres enough space to two to pass albeit carefully. My suspicion, like you, is that this virus situation isnt going away any time soon so next season is looking unlikely. Whodathunk a man and his floating flat would become an over night success. Those are most kind words and much appreciated. Cheers. GO FOR IT. A variety of sources: rain, rivers, boreholes, reservoirs. You take care of yourself, stay safe and stay healthy and enjoy getting away and doing something interesting FOR YOU. Cast & Crew. Bear in mind the canals are entirely man-made and were quite literally dug out by teams of thousands of men a couple of hundred years ago, using pickaxes and shovels. So no, the canals are two-way for 99% of the time. I hope to feel more energised about it all after a couple of months not doing it! The canals are what brought many of us, but your wit and presenting are why we watch more. Damian. As of April 2022 however, I have moved off the boat (for the reasons why, see my explanation video by clicking here). I have to say, they were the sunshine of my day, the sugar in my tea and such a welcome break, here in Seattle. Thoroughly enjoyed his narrative and view of the places he cruised by. Cheers. Theyve been a absolute joy to watch. I completely understand feeling like a sailboat becalmed on endless clear days. I also enjoyed the cheerful ditty, in the beginning of each episode! Theyre really not; its just silt. So thank you kindly for that. I get buzzed by one or two a year. Since that original video we enjoyed binge watching all your videos (starting with #1) this past year. Man throws up in court as his wife is jailed for biting off part of pub landlady's ear during boozy bar brawl. Can you fish in the canals and do you eat them?You can fish if you have the appropriate licences local angling groups tend to have the rights to each stretch of canal so talk to them. Id love to do some of the French canals though. Your trips filled my gap. So hybrid solutions are the only reasonable option. I have recently started work on Season Four for Prime (which comprises footage from 2019). Plus I have recently (vlog 139 onwards) taken to adding specific Google Map links to my start and end points for each video. Can you change the boats name and how?You can call a narrowboat wherever you want, pretty much, and rename it as often as you like (superstition holds that you should do this with the boat out of the water but I dont believe in all that nonsense).As long as you inform the Canal and River Trust so they can reissue your licence, youre OK. I hope you enjoy your next project, whatever it might be! You have a unique talent that will be greatly missed on the West side of the pond. I dont do much either, just eat a meal and watch telly or YouTube (see my Day in the Life in Lockdown video). But no boats have them and there are no disposal facilities for grey water, so its not going to change.The abundance of fish and wildlife on the canals suggests it really isnt an issue! vorzeitige rckzahlung durch emittenten; stlting train service; auswandern panama immobilien Regards, David, Bravo! However, this all changed on March 2022 when Cruising the Cut (AKA David) announced that he was selling up his narrowboat and moving onto dry land again. There are not that many truly sunny days here and no matter what solar proponents say, if its cloudy and overcast, the resulting power is much less than optimal. Which guide books do you use?I use Nicholsons Guides because some of those were on the boat when I bought it so Im used to them. FRANKFURT REBELS. see vlog 249 which is an updated version of vlog 66 for 2021,,, see vlog 69 I did about just such a craft, vlog 244 which was all about electric boats vs diesel. He really knows how to present a subject well and can do interviews and report on the goings on along the canals in a professional way. To start with due to my advancing years I do not hear as well as I did but I can hear every word you say and you do not drown out your remarks with inappropriate music. They need a really decent (and constant) strong wind to even start generating, let alone creating their rated output. I know youre a humbly modest man, but like so many of your other followers weve become equally fond of seeing your face and listening to your witty narrative. David, Hello David. Im sure you have your own interests, but when youve got some of your joie de vivre back Id like to put in a vote for a video about the Worsley mines, the equipment used and the people that worked them. Regards, David, Dear David, as much as I dislike the message I do understand! Theyre not great but I still prefer them to the main alternative which is Pearsons, although many boaters swear by those guides. Thanks for watching and the info about the viaduct. You just dont see it on my videos. Also enjoy yor VAN videos, Thank you Tony. In my opinion, this status was well deserved as the channel provided some really top-notch content. Ah, thank you! However, things changed with recently, which avid fans will have seen. Of Suicide Squad was a million the 2016 Ken . CanalBoatUK is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Click here to watch it. Whatever muse you find, I hope you continue to share. Theyre really not designed for water thats not totally flat calm, and typically have holes in the hull (eg for sink waste outlets or engine cooling vents) just a few inches above the waterline so any waves could easily flood the boat. I agree entirely: a lonely, odd year it most certainly was. I will miss your cruising blogs. I dont know of any narrowboats that steer from the front though there are some old, shorter, ones that had a wheelhouse slightly back from the middle. How did the boats of old go through tunnels without a towpath? Thank you Tracy; I shall post the occasional update until my proper (albeit reduced) schedule returns! Much obliged, Tracey, I do appreciate the comment. May rain casting rings on thrashed water, The flash of fin, And a watery thunder. And really, they look just like every other supermarket Ive ever been into (!!) These wont be appearing on Prime (anything after about vlog 201 isnt on Prime) but will be on this website and YouTube. Plus lots of other topics I could cover, I hope. List of other boat-tubers: Daz, A very kind message indeed and much appreciated. Cheers, Hi David, I am in Johannesburg, South Africa. A bygone age: horse-drawn narrowboat on the Welsh canals. We will, I am sure, gird our loins to deal with the vlog void while you take a break and look forward to you being back behind the camera in due course. "The carp are spawning! Cheers and hopefully not a forever farewell. That said, there are very few occasions when a bow thruster would really be needed. Hi Sandra. Thats calculated as 40 feet / 12m usable roof length at absolute max, assuming you dont store anything else up there (which most boaters do) and that you dont want to get on the roof during lock maneouvres (which again most boaters do) x about 1.6m width which you dont want to overhang else the panels may get shredded when you go through some bridge holes or tunnels.Using high output 400W LG Neon solar panels (1m x 2m dimensions), youll get 6 panels max = 2.4kW maximum theoretical output. Buy HD $0.99. You know, its beginning to sound like youre missing your TV reporting days. We do get lots of houseflies and occasional wasps etc but theyre just the normal summertime pests. However, time has come, you need to change up some stuff to bring the adventure and fun back into what you do. David at Cruising the Cut still has a lot to offer the narrowboat community even if he isnt living and breathing the live day to day , If you are an avid fan of David and his Cruising the Cut channel, I would love to know what you think in the comments section below . Id just like to thank you for all your efforts. And, to be honest, there are so many other channels offering the living on the canal experience with cruising videos and all, that I think the Cruising the Cut fan base can easily find a new home for this type of content. Thank you David for a glimpse of life on the Narrowboat and cursing the canals. Hi David, My wife and I really enjoyed your show on Amazon Prime and hope to see another season. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. A lot of people also got great joy from the cruising videos and joked the channel should be renamed to Not Cruising the Cut. 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