My sister said I was being too much of a germaphobe, but I don't care. I just make people wash/santitize their hands first. Ideally, it is best to wait until an infant has received the first set of the recommended vaccines, Dr. Leah Alexander, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician tells Romper. Visiting boundaries is a rather sensitive topic as no new parent wants to offend the people who want to be a part of the celebration of the birth of their precious child. TTC since June 2009 Recent posts in July 2021 Birth Club. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Some parents feel an intense attachment within the first minutes or days after their baby's birth. I think it's stupid to not let your parents hold your baby. 483623. Get them to sit down on a chair and carefully place your baby in their arms. Everyone we know understands. Just family is allowed over right now anyway, we're not up to other visitors yet. You know what's best for the safety and health of your baby. * * * * * * * * * * #momlife #mommyandme #love #family #mybaby #newborn #onemonthold #mylove #happy #momproblems #momstruggles #momssupportingmoms #momstuff #momsofinsta #fourthtrimester #thefourthtrimester, A post shared by Jessica Booth (@jboothyy) on Jul 26, 2019 at 6:28pm PDT. . They often feel pressure to make the most of the time they have with their baby. Your Our Pedi said, to tell people because it isflu and RSV seasonthat we prefer they NOT kiss the baby or touch her hands alot. Seeing other people hold her, even the people I loved most, made me feel like a part of me was missing. Of course, every family has their own experiences, and some bring a child into the world with minimal difficulty. For others, it may take a bit longer. If possible, do not allow others to handle your baby for too long as your little one may become over-stimulated, and they will need their rest. It's a balancing act in raising loving children who have their own sense of boundaries. it is flu season & such little babies have to be hospitalized for a fever. I imagined days spent like that one blissful day, just my little family together, no one to interrupt, no one to clean for, nothing to do. Why would parents do this to grandparents? Just make sure to protect Babys delicate skin by keeping them out of the sun or putting on a sun hat to shield them from the suns harmful rays. Be VERY cautious in the first month of life. for a while - this time of year there are just too many bugs going But it was short-lived, and the next day, we were back to regular visitors. And really, if you're so paranoid that visitors might bring germs, I had a SIL like that about her newborn son, though understandably t. First all thanks for all of the responses. The days that followed were a whirlwind. But before you extend an invitation, you should try to hold off at least a month or more. Try not to expose your newborn (less than one month of age) to more people than necessary, and avoid all people with infectious diseases like colds and the flu! by BeeDH. So, it's advisable to avoid letting most people touch your baby and to avoid crowds, says the pediatrician. By the end of the first week of being home, my husband and I collapsed on the couch, exhausted, and decided we needed at least one day where it was just us and our daughter. SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Sometimes parents who restricted visitors with a first child are completely fine with visitors for subsequent births, especially since there is an older sibling to be cared for. I really dont like it when other people hold my baby. As your baby grows, they'll gradually start to need fewer night feeds and will sleep for longer at night. But when everyone left, I felt a sense of relief to just be alone with my little family something I hadnt expected I would need. "Parents are already experiencing so much stress bringing their newborn home," Soneji says. Lay your baby, stomach down, across your forearm with the head up toward your elbow. That's why this mother's decision to not let anyone touch her baby for the first month of it's life is causing some serious controversy. We always ask people to wash and sanitize before they hold her. Its fair that you dont want to pass your baby on to someone who you dont know very well, but isnt it lovely that they still want to hold her, despite not knowing you very well either? When we asked to hold him (baby) they just said no. They were both told no for no reason. The good news is that once you're ready for visitors, it's completely fine to let friends and family hold your newborn baby. For example, a young woman meets a man from a higher social class. It's not your baby. Grandparents may not understand such decisions, but they should at least grant that the parents are acting out of the best of motives. Often, it is the child's partner who causes the problems, sometimes as a form of revenge. Those super small onesies. You should do your own symptom screening to ensure that everyone who plans to visit the baby feels well, says Dr. Schaffner. You may want to avoid letting young children or people who haven't held a newborn before carry your baby around. All of my excitement about showing my daughter off was slowly fading. This is the most traditional hold and the one most moms try first. Sitting on the hospital bed watching all these other people hold my daughter, I felt waves of sadness wash over me that I couldnt explain. Then, of course, there was the emotional problem: Every once in awhile, when someone else was holding my daughter, tears would well up in my eyes and I would feel the sudden urge to grab her and walk away. These problems can be exacerbated in the case of long-distance grandparents who expect to stay in the family home when they come to visit. Being outside has a much lower risk than being inside, says Dr. Schaffner. The mother may not want visitors when she is not looking or feeling her best, as may be the case after childbirth. At a minimum, let the new parents make decisions about the length and timing of your visit. But when can visitors see your newborn? Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Safe for Babies? We have let both sets of grandparents hold the baby, but that is it. created content and their own posts, comments and submissions and fully and effectively warrant The idea of being heard without having to speak appeals to her. Did those of you that refused to let anyone hold your baby also not leave the house for 6 we. While we can't control for public exposure, like taking an infant to the grocery store, parents can ask. For example, just because your niece or coworker wants to hold your baby does not mean you need to let them. They are creating a protected period for forming a family unit. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. The 7 Best Pacifiers for Newborns of 2023, The 45 Best Gifts for New Parents of 2023, Promising Pfizer RSV Vaccine for Pregnancy May Protect Newborns. But I felt a strange sense of obligation; I started setting dates with everyone for when they could visit. I let people hold him, but they HAVE to wash their hands first. You know how it goes: Grandma has good intentions of loading the dishwasher or changing the sheets. family before she was born that we would not be letting anyone hold her and unless otherwise stated. I'm really really starting to get irked by it, and I wish I had put my foot, The baby isn't a toy. Ive also never felt the love that I feel for Sophia. Your email address will not be published. Except for the hepatitis B vaccine, these are administered at the two-month-old well visit and include the Hib, Prevnar, DtaP, IPV, hepatitis B, and rotavirus vaccines. This time frame might not work for some families, particularly if you have parents who are helping to take care of the baby. Aarohi Achwal holds a bachelors degree in Commerce and a masters degree in English Literature. You can decide to let a dear friend or relative hold your baby but ask that strangers or acquaintances simply look at your baby from a distance, suggests Dr. Hasson. What most new parents need is reassurance that they are doing the right thing, and that is something that grandparents can provide. Just tell everyone to wait a week or so, my husband said, reminding me that I had just pushed a baby out of my body and needed time to rest. Yes, you read right; wear your baby. Try stroking your newborn gently when you change a nappy or at bath time. Ive no problem with close family or friends holding her, but often in social situations people who I dont know very well will ask to hold her (shes three-months-old and my first child) and it makes me really uncomfortable and anxious. It's naturaland reasonableto be careful about who should be around your baby. Carefully slide the hand under the neck and the head such that the neck of the baby rests on the crook of your elbow and place on the bottom for support. All rights reserved. She likes to write research-based articles that are informative and relevant. So, it is wise to be to limit who you let touch your newborn, says Dr. Ahmed. We had told the grandparents that they were welcome at the hospital and we would draw the line there. Forget uncle/aunt stuff.we are talking grandparents. Come up with a couple of general purpose lines to fob people off, and don't mind. It was the worst few days of our lives while he was in the NICU and I am terrified of him going back in the hospital. Am I being a bad parent by letting my five-year-old sleep in our bed. Newborns are so delicate, and parents often wonder when is the right time to allow visitors to hold their baby. My beef comes from family (um, DH's parents, for example)who expect to ho, I don't see the big deal. Feed your newborn on cue. by Susana Kuehne. It felt like heaven. Constance Marten and Mark Gordon were arrested on Monday . Newborns, especially premature babies, are more prone than adults to whatever bugs may be going around. Some expectant parents say that they aren't taking hospital visitors. Sarah Vanbuskirk is a writer and editor with 20 years of experience covering parenting, health, wellness, lifestyle, and family-related topics. The ideal time is when your child is about two months old, but everyone knows that it is not so easy to keep visitors away for so long, and most parents do not want to be isolated for as long anyway. I offered to let my mom and mil hold him, but I also knew they were. That may mean reducing their exposure to people whose health status is unknown or anyone who seems unwell. Your baby will not develop head control until about 4 months old, so until then it will be your job to ensure that his or her head doesn't flop from side to side or front to back. Shes not the property of general public and acquaintances just because she is cute. 2. The latter occurred for one dad as he welcomed his first son and chose not to let family members hold the baby . However, since babies aren't fully vaccinated until after age 1, you'll also want to be extra vigilant to keep your baby from being exposed to germs, says Dr. Hasson. But at the same time, shes totally worth it. Nobody has a right to your baby, and that includes close family. Make sure to support your baby's head. And if they are the slightest bit ill, don't come near my baby! Listen, as the momma to a newborn, you have every right to demand (thats right, demand) that those who visit your baby are in good health. Babies also grow quickly in the early months and they have very small stomachs. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. This may just be the best way to keep all hands off the baby. If they only have one or two days in the hospital, mothers may need all that time for rest and recuperation. Yes, youre being a bit unreasonable. Some take time off from work or work from home in order to be there for the mother and newborn. Whether its nerves, worries about germs and bugs, or just a gut instinct, it can tougher for a brand new parent to hand over their baby than many people realise. I started to wish that my husband and I had tried cocooning, a parenting trend thats been in the news recently, where parents hole up in their home with their newborn for a few weeks just them, no visitors at all (not even grandparents). To get a balanced view, we put the dilemma to a group of Irish parents, keeping things anonymous to encourage honest answers. Co-sleeping means sleeping in close proximity to your baby, sometimes in the same bed and sometimes nearby in the same room (room-sharing). Am I wrong? "A healthy, full-term baby is pretty resilient," says Wendy Hasson, MD, a pediatrician practicing in Portland, Ore. Dr. William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease expert and Professor of Preventive Medicine in the Department of Health Policy as well as Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, Dr. Leah Alexander, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician, Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, a pediatrician, and author of the best-selling parent guides Happiest Baby on the Block & Happiest Toddler on the Block, Expert Advice For Managing A 12 Month Sleep Regression, The 4 Month Sleep Regression: Survival Tips From Baby Sleep Experts, The 18-Month Sleep Regression: Expert Advice To Get You Through, The 8-10 Month Sleep Regression: Expert Advice To Get You Through It, What Parents Are Talking About Delivered Straight To Your Inbox, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. And the funny thing? Flu is particularly dangerous in babies and they cannot be vaccinated until they are 6 months old. I've also told people I don't want anybody kissing him. since infants can also contract the disease. Granted, we had DS at the height of flu season, but no one even asked to hold him when they visited, parents, inlaws, or otherwise. While new babies are not as fragile as they may seem, you do want to ensure that they are held properly, particularly in the first few months of life. My personal opinion is that it is ridiculous to not let healthy family members hold a new baby. The mother may desire privacy as she tries to establish breastfeeding. Grandparents who respect new parents' decisions are likely to see their access to grandchildren expanded, while those who do not may find that access continues to be limited. Sarah Rahal, MD is a double board-certified adult and pediatric neurologist and headache medicine specialist. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Some people are being understanding, others are not. Their baby their rules. Parents have an obligation to ensure their child is safe from potential exposure to disease. You may decide that while it's worth the risk to let grandparents and other close family and friends hold or touch your baby. This means they need to feed little and often. However, generally, experts agree that babies are most vulnerable in the first few months of life. honestly first person who asked to hold baby I handed baby off and walked away to chat with others for a break I don't mind family holding baby and passing em around, as long as I know em, I'm content. They are going through a lot of changes. I cried about once every hour, sometimes because of something that happened, but mostly for no reason at all. It is a really hard decision and I keep questioning myself, but that is what we are doing for now. Especially in the winter season, avoid contact with a lot of people, as this is when more viruses are likely to be circulating, Dr. Ahmed adds. Itdoesn't hurt for grandparents to make a standing offer to come help out. You can tell the nurses this is your wish and they will tell your family that they are unable to hold him. However, you also want to keep your baby safe from germs and accidents. In addition, if grandparents avoid overreacting, the new parents may change their minds, especially when they experience the realities of newborn care. If someone wants to hold your baby, make sure that he or she washes their hands well before doing so. Grandparents may not understand such decisions, but they should at least grant that the parents are acting out of the best of motives. Is this reader being unreasonable? There are many new sling carriers for newborns that keep them close to you and make it nearly impossible, and also downright rude, for others to try sticking their hands into to touch your baby. But when everyone left, I felt a sense of relief to just be alone with my little, I thought maybe I would feel better when I was home, in a more comfortable setting, having spent a few days getting to know my daughter. One reason is that newborn babies are not tuned into day and night yet. Ultimately, who holds your baby is up to you but dont let fear hold you (or her) back. Grandparents must understand that these decisions aren't something that parents are doing to the grandparents. I come from a large family too and my LO has already been held by more people than I can remember. Likewise, new parents usually are very enthusiastic about wanting to show off their new little loves. Most newborns need eight to 12 feedings a day about one feeding every two to three hours. Sick people should not hold your baby. fever of 100.4 or more, they have to go to the hospital & get a A major concern is a potential infection (like pertussis) that can be passed onto your infant, Dr. Schaffner explains. She has written articles on pregnancy, parenting, and relationships. Tired babies are often fussy. policy. New Parent Stirs Drama By Not Letting Family Hold Their Baby Until Wife Woke Up From Surgery. She may need to be changed or fed, or simply needs your comfort after being handled by people she doesnt know. Otherwise, outdoor visits, weather permitting, are a much safer alternative to indoor . In their first two months, newborns are at the highest risk of infection, warns Dr. Hasson. We are letting people hold Ryan, but if anyone so much as sniffles, they're not allowed. You may want to avoid letting young children or people who haven't held a newborn before carry your baby around. How Do COVID Vaccine Dosages Work for Kids? alone. Everyone Needs to Stop Shaming My Shy Child, Facebook Was the One Thing That Erased My New-Mom Anxiety, The 8 Weirdest Things That Happen To Your Brain After Giving Birth, cocooning, a parenting trend thats been in the news, Madonnas Reportedly Met Her New Boyfriend Through One of Her Sons Low-Key Hobbies, Pregnant Peta Murgatroyd Nails Rihannas Super Bowl Dance With Her Son & Husband, Kim Kardashian Shares the Ups & Downs of Co-Sleeping With Kids in Hilarious Post with Son Saint, Chrissy Teigen Shared a Video of Baby Estis First Kiss & Its Hilarious, 5 Red Flags You Need To Discuss With Your Teen Before They Start Dating. all my other kiddos were pass'a babies in family events. "If you need to take your baby to crowded places, such as the grocery store, wearing your baby or using a lightweight stretchy stroller cover can be protective.". And at that age, once the so-called fourth trimester is over, I found both my children did not want to be over-handled and wanted to have their own time awake and without being in someones lap all the time. And if our parents would like to continue to clean and make us dinner, hey, I wouldnt say no. There are no hard and fast rules about whether and when to let people touch or hold your newborn, saysAmina Ahmed, MD, professor of pediatric infectious diseases and immunology at Atrium Health Levine Children's Hospital. To embed this post, copy the code below on your site, 600px wide PH: (01) 6489130, Lo-Call 1890 208 080 or email: Since mom herself will be back on her period soon, there's no valid, medically-proven reason that someone's menstrual cycle would cause any harm to a newborn. Along with continuing concern about exposure to germs, these factors may also enter into their decision: Most grandparents grew up in a time when it was accepted that grandmothers would be on the premises to help new mothers. Did she say why? My first few weeks of life with my daughter were over, and I had spent them with other people. Youre not being unreasonable at all. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! Sick people should not hold your baby. No, my brother in law did most of the talking. posts, comments and submissions available. Signs of infection in newborns include fever (over 100.4 degrees Farenheit), being too sleepy to feed, or a sudden change in behaviorall of which should be evaluated by a pediatrician immediately, says Dr. Hasson. Thanks! Hold your baby to your shoulder or chest. Breast milk is the ideal food for babies with rare exceptions. I don't mind family holding baby. 24/06/2020 18:38 Can I have some yes we are no we're not responses please - Is anyone letting their extended family (baby's nans/grandads) hold their newborns / young babies and if so what precautions are you taking ? Wire service provided by AFP and Press Association. Smiling grannies and grubby preschoolers alike, they lurch toward your defenseless. Have a parenting question you want answered? 383. Smokers should not hold the baby for at least half an hour after smoking. It made me so happy t, Original poster- I would have been very sad, too, but tried to understand it. The baby isn't a toy. As recently as the 1970s, postpartum hospital stays averaged four days. Yoghurt. But months later, looking back on that time in my life, I do still wish that I had held back with the visitors. All Rights Reserved. 1. Sarah Vanbuskirk is a writer and editor with 20 years of experience covering parenting, health, wellness, lifestyle, and family-related topics. I never thought Id have a summer spent mostly inside. Its understandable that youre concerned about your baby catching a cold or virus, but you cant let that fear control you. At the same time, we need to think about the risk of denying things that are important to us or are necessary, such as not holding a newborn grandchild for the first time or not receiving the family support new parents might need during the postpartum period. You might not always be able to tell why your newborn is crying. So we did it. Read our, Concerns About Letting People Touch Your Newborn, Use Extra Precautions for the First Two Months, Why Youre Feeling Isolated as a New MomAnd What to Do About It. Content copyright Journal Media Ltd. 2023 Registered in Dublin, registration number: AITA: for not letting my partner's family hold my child? Grandparents are not allowed to spend all their time staring at the baby. But this schedule can work for other relatives and friends who can hold out a little longer until baby has started their vaccination schedule. But before you extend an invitation, you should try to hold off at least a month or more. Others say that the grandparents won't be allowed to visit their newborn grandchild for the first few weeks or even months. , 300px wide Feel free to be a mama bear, It's up to you what you ask of your visitors. Family members who visit you and your baby may want to hold them. Third-handsmoke (that which sticks to the hair and clothes) is just as dangerous as first andsecond-handsmoke. "Look at her wearing pants underneath a nightgown," said with small chuckle. Germs and bacteria that may seem harmless to us are quite dangerous for your baby as their immunity is not fully functional yet. the line, so it seems like it has to be everyone or no one. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We actually had a scare on his second day that put him in the NICU with a possible infection and he already had a spinal tap because of it. Regardless, once you've got your "bubble" stick to that group as much as possible. Her work has been published in numerous magazines, newspapers, and websites, including Activity Connection,Glamour, PDX Parent, Self, TripSavvy,Marie Claire,and TimeOut NY. Newborns that get sick are most often hospitalize, My personal opinion is that it is ridiculous to not let healthy family members hold a new baby. Is it true that people should wash their hands before holding a newborn? What if I was doing the wrong thing by having my daughter so surrounded by other people in the first few days of her life? Not hold them whenever possible (please . 24 hours of labor, 4 1/2 hours of pushing, and IT'S A BOY! For one thing, their partners are more likely to help out. Since newborns can't hold up their heads on their own, it's especially important that their heads are supported and their faces aren't trapped against any objects while they are held. A nightgown, & quot ; parents are acting out of the best of motives one. A bad parent by letting my five-year-old sleep in our bed can work for other relatives and friends hold touch. As much as sniffles, they 're not up to other visitors yet the dishwasher or the! Everyone who plans to visit the baby best way to keep your baby a. Has a much safer alternative to indoor welcomed his first son and chose to. Smokers should not hold the baby, and that includes close family and who... Dangerous as first andsecond-handsmoke doing the right thing, their partners are more likely to out. May decide that while it 's a BOY feel pressure to make the most of best! Minimal difficulty with small chuckle can be exacerbated in the early months and they have to wash and sanitize they! 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