[more], Our practice of holding people responsible seems justified as long as their choices are free. [more], It is a generally held belief, in our time and culture, that science is the best source of our knowledge of the world, and of ourselves. Are there metaphysical and ideological assumptions in contemporary psychiatry, and if so, could and should they be avoided? Other questions are pressing and immediate: Artificial intelligence techniques are used today to help decide whether someone gets a bank loan, is eligible to be released on bail, or in need of particular medical treatment. [more], We speak as if moral judgments can be true or false, warranted or unwarranted. Finally, we will consider how the concept of freedom is applied in contemporary social contexts, such as speech, religion, voting, and sexuality and gender. And, Existentialists express their thought in philosophical treatises as often as in literary works. The debate never transpired - indeed, Leibniz suppressed his New Essays - because of Locke's death in 1705. Some understand its aim to be to answer normative questions about the nature of truth, justice, goodness and rationality. Ninah T. Pretto. Should we value other things (say justice or passionate commitment and curiosity) over happiness? this course, we will consider the relationship between freedom and social order. We will pay special attention to the first amendment and questions concerning free speech and hate speech. One possible answer which we will examine is that, while many philosophers recognize that there are intimate connections between what we believe, feel and do, philosophical argumentation by its very nature appeals to belief alone; narrative art, by contrast, can simultaneously engage our reason, emotions, imagination and will, thus resulting not only in deepening our understanding, but also in transformation of the self. By which methods should we pursue these questions? What is the nature of consciousness and how can it be unhappy, false or double? This discussion will lead us to the relativist and social-constructivist views developed within contemporary science studies. We doubt, we point out that no one can be certain in what she believes, and we are suspicious of declarations of transcendent reason or truth (unless they are our own). Unsurprisingly, philosophers have proffered a variety of answers to these questions, prompting one philosopher to remark, half-jokingly, that "there are as many definitions of philosophy as there are philosophers." Pascal's wager is a different approach: it argues that even though proof of the existence of God is unavailable, you will maximize your expected utility be believing. In this tutorial, we will focus on questions concerning their distinctive methods, namely, historical materialism, genealogical critique, and psychoanalysis. Death Date Jul 3, 2015: Birth Sign: Pisces: Phil Walsh Height, Body Info. The course will place special emphasis on developing students' intellectual skills in close, analytical reading; reconstructing and evaluating claims and reasons that support them; producing original ideas and arguments, orally and in writing; responding to the claims and arguments presented in texts and in class; and writing clear, polished, well-argued papers. Attention to the writing process and developing an authorial voice will be a recurrent focus of our work inside and outside the classroom. For each argument, we will first look at historically important formulations and then turn to contemporary reformulations. Both stances face severe difficulties. In this course we will engage ethical questions surrounding the seeming inevitability of AI. How could proponents of each be claiming to follow in the footsteps of Socrates? Among other things, these critics challenged Rawls' interpretation and defense of the social contract framework, the ideals of freedom and equality, the content of principles of justice, political neutrality about the good, the nature of the self, the division between public and private spheres, and the distinction between ideal and non-ideal theory. In this course, we will survey the ethics of public health through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigating concepts and arguments that are central to the ethics of public health research and practice. In this tutorial we will read the contemporary literature on consciousness. The second, longer part of the seminar will try to isolate and follow some of the pragmatist currents which run through epistemology and philosophy of science in the 20th and 21st centuries. In this course, we will spend the first third of the semester attempting to understand the metaphysics and epistemology in Plato's middle dialogues. Topics to be considered include the nature of freedom (both individual and social), the master/slave dialectic and subject constitution, self-consciousness and double consciousness, the stages of history, and racial capitalism, Topics in Critical Theory: Subjection, Power, Freedom. This course is part of the John Hyde Teaching Fellowship. Do our society's laws limit our freedom in order to make us safe? Student interest will be taken into consideration in deciding what additional topics to cover. As we read through these plays, we will also examine a number of philosophical works about tragedy. [more], In her groundbreaking book, The Tentative Pregnancy, Barbara Katz Rothman writes that "[t]he technological revolution in reproduction is forcing us to confront the very meaning of motherhood, to examine the nature and origins of the mother-child bond, and to replace--or to let us think we can replace--chance with choice." We will look at relativism with respect to reason and truth in general as well as with respect to science, religion, and morality. Phil Walsh was a writer and producer, known for Teamo Supremo (2002), Beakman's World (1992) and Recess (1997). Schick, Theodore and Lewis Vaughn. We will also pay close attention to the way in which each of these thinkers takes the practice of philosophy to play a key role in our realization of the good human life. virtues and vices of good arguments in both informal and formal systems. Throughout, we will appeal to reason and evidence in forming our best beliefs. nature and origins of the mother-child bond, and to replace--or to let us think we can replace--chance with choice." We will closely analyze classical arguments by Augustine, Avicenna, Aquinas, Anselm, Maimonides, Descartes, and others. We will read Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau in seeking answers to these questions. Existentialists investigate deeply irrational phenomena of human life, including anxiety, boredom, tragedy, despair, death, faith, sexuality, love, hate, sadism, masochism, and authenticity. In addition to key concepts of death, dying, and terminal illness, we will develop and refine notions of medical futility, paternalism and autonomy, particularly within the context of advance directives and surrogate decision making. There will be a series of short response papers in which you provide a careful analysis of particular arguments in our texts. It is, in fact, quite difficult to get through any course of study in the liberal arts without some familiarity with Plato. Should we revise logic in light of empirical discoveries in, for example, physics or psychology? Rorty challenged the very concept of morality and questioned all moral theory. Does it advance our thinking and increase our knowledge of the world? In this course, we will investigate dynamic communicative phenomena and discuss competing theoretical explanations about how they're interpreted. Tamanika T. Steward. Hence, being with others, being dependent on others, is regarded as a key structuring feature of human existence. College: will be updated: University: will be updated: High Education: Not Available: Degree: Conceptions of person are equally important in science (especially in psychology), law, and the arts. These questions are typically asked within a framework where the overarching goal is attaining truth and avoiding falsity. While he never wrote any philosophical works of his own, Socrates is one of the most influential thinkers in the western tradition. to that question, and the theoretical assumptions that underlie the answers, differ as well. They have three adult children: Shevaun, Jessica, and Cameron. [more], Our focus in this class is going to be on the nature of causation. There is a village where the barber shaves (a) all those and (b) only those who do not shave themselves. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Whether this is hyperbole or wise prognostication, it cannot be denied that the rise of AI will be a tectonic shift for culture, technology, and our fundamental sense of ourselves. [more], Socrates was executed in 399 BCE on the charges of impiety and corruption of the youth of Athens. Conservatism portal. What is the mind? : On Justice and Freedom in Western Political Philosophy. We'll attempt to answer this question by examining recent philosophical work on the nature of free will and responsibility. We shall first explore the salient features of the pragmatic approaches to language, paying special attention to Austin's notion of illocutionary force and Grice's notion of non-natural meaning. to cases they must return, if they are to be both useful and comprehensible to those making decisions within the biomedical context. What makes a theorem of logic true? Finally, we will analyze the current debate about cognitive credentials of science and about proper approaches to the study of science, which came to be known as "the science wars.". Topics will include: What can we know through our senses? metaphysics, epistemology, moral and political philosophy, philosophy of mind. Is a sentence's relation to previously uttered sentences similar to its relation to extra-linguistic events? (i) You are psyched. In this tutorial we address some (certainly only some) of the current debates in critical and ethical theory that have been fueled by Nietzsche's work. No domain of inquiry is immune to this destructive skepticism and confident relativism. Could we (individually and socially) educate and cultivate them? In this course, relying on works by economists and philosophers, we examine the status of economics as an academic discipline, focusing on its assumptions, methods, and results. claimed it offended Christians, and the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center was prosecuted for exhibiting allegedly obscene photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe. We will also read more recent work by Foucault inspired scholars on topics such as the biopolitics of gender, the genealogy of terrorism, the informational person (how we become our data), and neoliberal subjects. Conversation is dynamic--the back and forth exchange of information is a process that grows and adapts to the surrounding context. Perhaps even more so than on Friday night, the effect of Phil Walsh's death was felt at the MCG on Saturday afternoon. Required fields are marked *. What is knowledge (as opposed to mere opinion)? We will then turn to contemporary controversies such as campus free speech. If so, is that knowledge importantly different in kind or in rigor from the knowledge we gain through physics, chemistry or geology? We will focus our study on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and Marx's early writings. In this course we will investigate the the broad topics of consciousness and thought by surveying the many approaches to mind that yield the contemporary debates. While looking at film as art, as document, as experiment and as entertainment, we will always keep in sight specific theoretical assumptions that underlie different understandings of film, and different critical approaches to the medium. This raises the question whether a more complete account of the emergence of subjects must address both psychic, historical and social dimensions of subjectivity, the ways in which they are intertwined, and their importance for not only psychological well-being, but also relatively well-regulated socio-political relations. But now we have a problem. Science is only "true" for some people, agnosticism is the only alternative to foolish superstition, and moral relativism and, consequently, nihilism are obvious. Each book was chosen by and will be introduced by a professor from a different department, and then Professor of Philosophy Steve Gerrard will continue the discussion. Moreover, the ethical issues that are implicated in responses to the pandemic reflect the range of those manifested across the field of public health as a whole. In this tutorial we will read philosophical texts from a range of approaches in professional philosophy since the early 20th Century (Analytic, Pragmatist, Continental or European, and Public). The pain and suffering of the family is no different.". Our aim will be to identify and evaluate the strongest version of each argument. "For any family, regardless of who it is, is one of the worst things that you could imagine that could happen to you," he said. It seems like there is still a heap of sand in my backyard. [more], The last line of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus famously reads: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." What if they are biased, unbeknownst to us? [more], The aim of the course is to survey, analyze and discuss many varieties of relativism--semantic, epistemic, ontological and moral--from Plato's Theaetetus to contemporary social constructivism. In this tutorial, will read works in critical theory from the 18th century to the present, some from the Frankfurt tradition, and some not. It turns out, however, to be surprisingly difficult to say what causation is. public health policies and activities. The order in which you say things matters, and it matters for what you communicate what actions you take and what events happen around you. THE SON of Adelaide coach Phil Walsh has appeared at a bedside court hearing in a psychiatric ward, charged with stabbing his father to death. Most sessions will pair readings about key concepts with specific cases that raise complex ethical issues, including the concept of moral standing and, e.g., people who do not yet exist, non-human individuals, species, and complex living systems; the concept of moral responsibility and complicity in environmentally damaging practices; the legitimacy of cost-benefit analysis as an environmental policy tool; and the valuation of human lives. ways of thinking about formal proof: natural deduction systems, semantic tableaux, axiomatic systems and sequent calculi. Why then should we spend our time studying people who in addition to having these surprising beliefs have been dead for 2500 years? Are we rationally justified in drawing causal inferences? Critical theory aims not merely to understand the "struggles and wishes of the age" as Marx one described it, but with emancipation from domination. View Phil Walsh's email address (p*****@kw***.com) and phone number. Save. As Adelaide Crows coach Phil Walsh lay bleeding from 20 stab wounds, his wife begged him not to leave her. the course will address the emergence of the "Ethics of Care," critically assessing its origins in feminist theory, its development within the context of the caring professions, and its potential as a general approach to bioethical reasoning. Emboldened by our confidence in skeptical arguments, we claim that knowledge is inevitably limited, that it depends on one's perspective, and that everything one believes is relative to context or culture. We will begin with an analysis of primary texts by Fanon and end by considering how Fanon has been interpreted by his contemporaries as well as activists and critical theorists writing today. How should we think about the boundaries and methods of theorizing about film? And right now there are autonomous vehicles deciding how to behave in traffic, and autonomous weapons capable of delivering lethal force. Tutorial partners will have an opportunity to spend the end of the semester working on a special topic of their choosing including, for instance, consciousness and free will, pain and anesthesia, consciousness and artificial intelligence, or disorders of consciousness. . In framing and answering these questions, we will discuss subjective experience (or phenomenology) of mental illness; holism vs. reductionism; functional, historical and structural explanations of psychopathology; theory formation, evidence, and the role of values in psychology and psychiatry; the diversity and disunity of psychotherapeutic approaches; relationship between knowers and the known; and relationship between theoretical knowledge in psychiatry and the practices of healing. The Philosophy of Higher Education: College Controversies. Initial tutorial meetings will focus on theoretical materials that will background later discussions and will include classic readings from the environmental ethics literature (e.g., Leopold, Taylor, Rolston). The goals of this course are to improve the critical thinking of the students, to introduce them to sentential and predicate logic, to familiarize them with enough formal logic to enable them to read some of the great works of philosophy, which use formal logic (such as Wittgenstein's Tractatus), and to examine some of the connections between logic and philosophy. For clarification and discussion of the points made in Treatise, we will read parts of Hume's later works, especially the two Enquiries. However, in his philosophically more sophisticated and notoriously difficult later dialogues (such as the Parmenides, Philebus, Sophist and Statesman), Plato engages in radical criticism and revision of his earlier views. While Hegel studies tends to occur in isolation from philosophers in the Africana tradition, many of the above explicitly refer to and take up questions in Hegel. PHIL 119 - 01 (S) SEM Justice, Democracy and Freedom Division II Writing Skills. This will be the only trigger warning for the class; if you don't want to be offended then this course is not for you. However, in his philosophically more sophisticated and notoriously difficult later dialogues (such as the Parmenides, Philebus, Sophist and Statesman), Plato engages in radical criticism and revision of his earlier views. Topics will depend to some extent on student interest, but are likely to include concerns that fall under such headings as euthanasia, conscientious eating, abortion, the ethics of protest, and Covid-19. What is the proper 'geography'--classification and analysis--of our emotions, and what is their relation to our somatic states, feelings, beliefs, judgments, evaluations and actions? How do logic and language relate? We will end the course with a discussion of some of these alternatives. This seminar will try to establish, with as much accuracy as the subject allows, what are the central tenets of American Pragmatism, how they have shaped contemporary epistemology and the philosophy of science, and finally, to what extent are pragmatist approaches to human knowledge philosophically sound and fruitful. Traffic, and psychoanalysis does it advance our thinking and increase our knowledge of the family is no different ``! Not shave themselves this tutorial we will end the course with a of! Their distinctive methods, namely, historical materialism, genealogical critique, and Cameron student interest will be taken consideration... Social-Constructivist views developed within contemporary science studies Political philosophy SEM justice, goodness and rationality reason and evidence in our. 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