Her body will be positioned in a down-squat on all four legs. Female sows are sexually mature around two months of age and can start to have young ones. Marmalade is a red and white Coronet. Know when a pig is going into labor. Once cavies mate, there is a noticeable quiet period afterwards.. The mother starts producing milk about a week after giving birth to the pups. In common, by the end of a pregnancy, the pregnant guinea pigs load will have doubled; the piglets normally make up more than half of the sows weight. This is 59 days from exposure. After only a few of weeks, you should see your pet putting on weight, and the size of the mid-region getting truly perceptible. In the event that you need to ship your guinea pig, never get her by her stomach as it can hurt the unborn guinea pigs and the mother herself. The rapid dissolving of fat results in metabolic disorders and the accumulation of ketones in the bloodstream. VIVO Pets Rodents Guinea Pigs Pregnant Guinea Pig Signs, Behavior & Care. If the process isnt over in 30-40 minutes or there is an abnormally large interval between delivered pups one may suspect a problem. All previously stated animals of which I have experience build nests of some sort. Copyright 2000 - 2023, Guinea Pig Cages. This calls for a balanced diet, clean environment, and routine check-up by a qualified vet. Safe for the last pregnancy stages, pregnant sows can coexist with others. For a smooth delivery, the first procreation should happen between three and seven months of age. However, be aware that other things can feel like bumps in the abdomen. If you're unsure how to care for pregnant guinea pigs and newborn pups, read on. If you know and accept the risks, then read on to become familiar with the stages of pregnancy. Female guinea pigs begin a new estrous cycle shortly after giving birth. Male guinea pigs are very territorial so when they mate they spray the female with their urine. An expectant sow would suddenly start to drink and eat more as the pregnancy progresses. In most cases, the small forms are a sign of guinea pig pregnancy. This partition increments to more than 2.5cms in the hours not long before conveyance. Even though you can assist the birthing by yourself, its always better to leave it to licensed professionals. Sometimes, the babies come so fast that the Mom has no time to tend to each baby. Cavies, as notorious early developers, are sexually mature at a very young age. This is because the strain and pressure implicated puts at risk the life of a female guinea pig. If the Mom does not bite off the placenta at the umbilical cord, you can sterilize a pair of cuticle scissors and carefully cut the umbilical cord about 1/2 inch from the babies tummy. Pregnant guinea pigs will also make a unique groaning sound when they are going into labor. Loud squeals are a sign that she accepted him. You need to find out whether she is with babies earlier to provide the appropriate level of care for each stage of the pregnancy. Keep an Eye on the Boys. Also, you might need to expand the fiber component in your guinea pigs diet. Around this time, youll notice the female cavy will be physically larger. All pregnancies are risky and breeding is never recommended. Leave her in her own cage and move the others, so that she can remain in a surrounding thats familiar to her. In fact, you may even wonder if your cavy is actually pregnant. She was bred before when she was younger (at 6 months is what I was told) but I am still worried. This will keep your guinea pig from sliding. Your vet may confirm the pregnancy through physical examination, and if required, may suggest getting an ultrasound done. The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. All things considered, the domestication of cavies began in the high countries of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. All I know is she was bred prior to May 26. Pre-farrowing happens 10 to 14 days before the delivery day. Should complications arise, it is extremely important that you have a veterinarian lined up for emergency care before the actual delivery. So we have Janice, Zelma and Possum (looks similar to an Opposum ). In the middle and later stages of gestation, a pregnant sow will display an enlarged abdomen. A pig that goes into heat after breeding is an indication that she isn't pregnant. The person I got her from lied to me about her being with a male. Early signs of labor can start days or even weeks before the big event. A pregnant guinea will start to drink and eat more as the pregnancy propels. Limit pressure and dodge any changes in the eating routine or lodging during late pregnancy. If not, the female guinea pig will most likely bite or urinate on the male. By the end of the gestation, her litter will be more than half of her body weight, so she should be over double the quantity she normally weighs. Our content is written by knowledgeable small pet owners with years of experience and is based on scientific research and expert recommendations. When Do Guinea Pigs Stop Growing and How Big Do They Get? Guinea pups, once born, will be completely furry. Learning cavies live in colonies and do best at least with a friend I purchased another. Here are some signs that we learned to help determine if your guinea pig is pregnant. Guinea pigs tend to express every little change in their body. These little critters can be one solid color, two colors, or tri-colored! As the pregnancy progresses, we will notice that our guinea pig's belly appears larger. Youll have to carry her in a vehicle confined through treats or her number one vegetables/natural product. The male will put on a masculine presentation for the female, thundering, standing upright before her, and moving toward her with his head brought down. The kidney, bladder, or even fecal pellets can all be easily mistaken for the unborn (fetuses). If we want to know if our guinea pig is pregnant, we can look for the following signs: Weight gain: this is the first physical sign of pregnancy. There should be one for every baby. Due to the limited movement of their pelvic bones, they will strain to give birth. Remember that the young pups have wide-opened eyes from birth. Without turning her upside down or applying any pressure, roll your fingers softly along her sides and you may be able to feel the unborn. As she goes into labor she will release out a cry. Cavies were tamed at any rate by 900 BCE and conceivably as right on time as 5000 BCE. How much your cavy expands during this time depends on the number of pups shes carrying., Again, if you need to handle your cavy, do so in a gentle manner, grasping her securely yet comfortably, to ensure full support of her body.. An expectant sow would suddenly start to drink and eat more as the pregnancy progresses. . While still in the womb, you can get a chance to feel the pups grind their teeth together. Your vet may likewise hear the piglets pulses in the sows mid-region. This behavior serves as an attempt not only to soon breed with the female, but also to guard her from danger. 0. In the event of a high-risk guinea pig pregnancy, they can also ensure a safe environment to deliver the pups successfully.. This is the second stage of the farrowing process and ranges from three to eight hours before the actual delivery. Find The Best Deals on Your Favorite guinea pig Products and Save! The exercises should continue normally because the guinea pig needs to regulate her weight and keep her strength up. Lumps may represent piglets, but they can also stand for health problems such as cysts so its a good idea to take them to the vets for a checkup, or advice on how the pregnancy is advancing and health advice. She is at risk of toxemia if the fetuses are taking up more energy than she can supply nutritionally. One more way to detect guinea pig pregnancy is the smell of the pet. The whole process from first contraction to last baby can be as short as 15 minutes, and up to 40 minutes depending on how many babies she has. During all of the stage and especially during the last stage of pregnancy the sow should remain in a calm environment. The ultrasound test includes cutting a little square of hiding and applying gel to the uncovered skin. oh, and I do wonder what the piglets will end up looking like maybe you'll get a pleasant mix of long/short hair? In such a situation, do not force them to tend to her pups as it may escalate things up. In general, the two main tell-tale signs early on are: Limiting access to food will deplete the sow of her own fat stores. ?I have a 4 year old Guinea bean & I miss her I can't clean her or anything OB says so I guess rodents have a certain germ that is bad ..? Strong, frequent contractions. alrightywill try that. . Shares. If possible, you can request your vet to sterilize your males or keep them in separate cages with the sows. Daily touch-up cleaning of her habitat to keep it as clean as possible without removing her. Although guinea pigs do not bleed much while giving birth, you should notice some discharge for the next five days. The sow must be fed an adequate selection of healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables daily, along with high-quality pellets and unlimited hay and water. I found out that my marvoulus Marmalade was with the male "Chester" from the end of October until 2 days before I picked her up. Finally, should you choose to get your cavies spayed or neutered, seek out a vet who has experience with guinea pig surgeries.. The male guinea pig is called a boar, while the female is known as a sow. All cavies are social creatures that like to live in gatherings. Notwithstanding, dont assume that your guinea pig is pregnant depending on exactly the amount she is eating or drinking. Weigh your sow weekly to be certain she is gaining weight at a regular pace. But usually, by the second day, they realize that no one else is tending to these little noisy creatures so they might as well do it. Some sows take up caring for their young ones right away after birth. Guinea pigs need extra vitamin C during pregnancy, so you may see her favoring the products of the soil having the vitamin C in high quantity over those lacking it. How To Know when a pig is going into labor. I found out that my marvoulus Marmalade was with the male "Chester" from the end of October until 2 days before I picked her up. Do let us know when the babies are born. Enriching the guinea pigs diet with kale, broccoli, green peppers, and parsley is also advised. The guinea pig litter size varies between 1 to 8 pups; sometimes a sow could have even a bigger litter, however . It will take from nine to ten weeks before you are remunerated with young ones. How do you know if your cavy is actually carrying pups? Europeans found these tamed creatures not long after their appearance in South America. Additionally, they will gravitate toward diets that are rich in vitamin C. Though both pregnant and overweight guinea pigs can have an increased appetite, only pregnant . Or possibly when. These early labor signs include your baby dropping lower in your pelvis; losing your mucus plug; seeing bloody show; having Braxton Hicks contractions; and experiencing nausea and/or diarrhea. If labor takes much longer than 20 minutes, she may require emergency medical attention. Implement patterned feeding, drinking, and outdoor regiments. The sow licks the babies and eats the amniotic sack when once they are out. Regularly take your pet to an exotic vet for assessment and weight monitoring. Are there any signs of birth before it happens? Book an Appointment. Its important to know the exact stage of the pregnancy since you need to give different medicines, food supplies, a quantity of food and water according to each stage. A pregnant guinea pig's food and water consumption will noticeably increase. Request counsel in focusing on a guinea pig in the event that she is pregnant. Prevention is key, therefore, as stress and obesity play a major role in its development.. Others due to the strain and fatigue require more time to get accustomed. The average period of pregnancy is approximately 65 days. When all the babies are born, the placenta will emerge, and the mother will eat it as well. If several fetuses are existing, you will feel several bumps spaced across her womb, each of the same size. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Each pup will have its own amniotic sac, and usually the mother removes it and eats it. Remember that typical is comparative with your guinea pigs standard propensities. Lets go over the main points of this ritual to help you determine if your guinea pig might be pregnant.. The large and growing fetuses can cause a fast breakdown of fats even if the sow hasnt eaten for a brief period of time. If you do decide to breed them, ensure your sow is young enough (but not too young) so there are less chances of complications. Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! Depending on the age and the health status of your sow, pregnancies evoke a whole load of impediments. When she has a contraction, she will kind of hunch up. Its logical to think that the more babies the mother carries, the longer the pregnancy will last because more time for nourishment is required. A pregnant guinea pig is in danger of toxemia, so you should be on the lookout for any signs of this often fatal disease. Your email address will not be published. The sow starts to prefer fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content. You may see a moderate broadening of the pelvis, simply before the outer genitalia, during the week prior to birth. This mechanism works in other species of animals as well and very fortunately humans arent accustomed to it. It is very helpful and appreciated. Sometimes even surgery must be performed to save the mothers life. Is your female guinea pig getting more chubby lately, leaving you wondering if youll soon have a bunch of fluff balls running around? When the metabolic product reaches harmful concentration in the blood most obvious symptoms are: Commercial urine strips can help you measure the presence of ketones in her urine in the last few weeks of the pregnancy. Our giant list of over 300 guinea pig names, ever-so-thoughtfully subdivided into male and female sections, may quite possibly cause you to give your furry fluffsters some seriously long-winded royal names! A sow will build up an undeniable bulbous shape during pregnancy and will regularly twofold her weight. A sow can birth up to 5 litters per year, though miscarriages and stillbirths are common. Take a few moments to inform yourself of potential pregnancy problems and why breeding your guinea pigs is not a good idea: For the sake of your guinea pigs, do think twice before breeding them. If you notice a pup with the sac remaining over its face, break the membrane open with your finger nail. Other, early signs labor is close (anywhere from a month to mere hours away from active labor) include: Baby drops. The canal is fully fused by the 7-8thmonth of age both in unbred female and male guinea pigs. Place any cavies that appear to annoy her in a different cage. After the widening, is birthing within 12-24 hours or 24-48 hours? During the late third trimester, this plug might push into your vagina. Can Baby Mice Survive Without Their Mother? She will get plenty of energy from a high quality pellet, a variety of fresh veggies, and hay. If you witness any of the signs listed below, get the sow to a cavy knowledgeable vet immediately. Even though there have been situations of guinea pigs giving birth to as much as 8 offspring, the average litter size is 4 baby guinea pigs. If youd like to have more piggies in your guinea pig family, adopting a few from a rescue is a better choice and it doesnt put your sow at risk. However, if the readings are low for two consecutive days, you can consider the temperature drop as a sign of imminent labor. Dilationwidening the opening of the cervix. The best clue might be when they stop the mating ritualnatures call has been answered, and they both quiet down. Male guinea pigs as young as 3 weeks old can impregnate a female, and a female guinea pig as young as a month old, can get pregnant. Guinea pigs are adorable, sweet pets that love to express themselves by chattering, squealing, and wheeking. An ultrasound check is the best quality level for pregnancy conclusion among guinea pigs. Your email address will not be published. Vitamin C supplements should be given orally at a regiment of 10 mg a day. Most likely, the babies are too big to get out or one of them has punctured the uterus calling for an immediate cesarean section. The following are a few signs through which you can tell that your guinea pig is anticipating. Think about whether your guinea pig was in the contact of a boar. She could likewise become pregnant only two hours after she delivers an offspring. The early stage consists of the first few days after mating. On rare occasions, it means that the guinea pig is suffering from a sickness. If she is, then you need to know what to watch for. Near the end restrain yourself from picking the animal up. Pre-mature birth will need to be followed by a period of artificial incubation. In some cases, you may also be able to feel guinea pig fetuses inside your pet's stomach. Respiratory rate increases, and sometimes pigs will breathe through open mouths. If you notice any unusual signs, take your pet to a vet for further analysis. 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