Hopefully by the time you read this, its already done. How can I get a list of the new Virtual machines? Q: Im getting No tenant found in the context. Coming back to the output in figure 10, lets replace the ids for the public IPs with the real addresses. Based on David's answer, I wrote the following script that combines the two lists of VMs: When you run this, you'll get a warning that Switch-AzureMode is deprecated. As described in the Azure throttling docs here, Microsoft can be contacted to increase that limit for a specific tenant. Semicolons arent used in any of the queries in this article, therefore each one is a single query statement. "SubscriptionName" = $SubscriptionName For the ASM, or Azure classic VMs, youll have to install the respective Powershell module, as described here, and use different code to get the list of classic VMs, based most likely on Select-AzureSubscription and Get-AzureVM. Simply query this endpoint https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.ResourceGraph/resources?api-version=2019-04-01, and submit a Bearer token obtained using the Powershell lines here, as follows: Copy the access token (dont worry that its multiline) and paste it in your REST clients authentication tab. "SubName" = $sub.Name To rewrite the query and enable paging, see the docs for an example:https://aka.ms/arg-results-truncated. Exporting the data to a CSV file needs however to take into account VMs that might have multiple IP configurations per vmNic. One important question is whether Azure CLI can retrieve classic VMs? In this Azure PowerShell article, we will discuss how to get the list of virtual machines under your Azure subscription. In this context, Search-AzGraph doesnt handle pagination itself transparently, but offers parameters to implement it easily ourselves. One important thing to notice is that if wait is not used, youll most likely miss data: background jobs will keep writing to the output file even after control is returned to the console, so copying the output file after the command wrongly appears to have finished will result in partial output only. We are aware of this issue and it should be solved starting October, lowering this timeframe to less than 1 minute. Even more, if the value for -Skip is large enough (larger even than the number of entries in the result set), then youll still get results back, in a sort of wrap-around bug, as seen below for the same query: If you keep the original column containing an id, pagination appears to work even without sorting. You can spot this by their null values in the respective figure, which is one of the 4 incarnations of a dynamic type, as seen above. In the last paragraph, I mentioned that you need an authenticated account to use Connect-AzAccount to connect to Azure. The warning will still be generated in the script as its written in the article, if the number of the last result set is equal to that of the size of the page, since the next query will again return 0 results. The fact that the subscription context needs to be switched often has come up in the past, unfortunately, it appears that at least as of now, changing the underlying code to make this less tedious is not that easy, as described at length here. Q: I always get prompted to enter a Context when using Select-AzSubscription -Name . This means that right now the Network Resource provider sends notifications that resources were created in ARM. Q: Where can I get more info about model view and instance view?A: Thats a good question, and unfortunately I currently dont have an answer. But if one looks at the schema, it would appear that that is already the case: A: Ive gotten in touch with Microsoft Support, and the verbatim answer was that any value extracted from a dynamic column has a type of dynamic. The thing is that ARG depends on the various providers to get their data. How to get the Azure resource group using Azure CLI in PowerShell? Update 10/6/2020: On Oct 1st, Microsoft has updated their documentation here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/concepts/query-language#supported-tabulartop-level-operators to state that limit doesnt work with -Skip. As for the numbers, the time it took to go through roughly 4,000 ARM VMs homed in more of 150 subscriptions with the parallel background jobs was a bit under 10 minutes. $myResourceGroup - The name of the resource group that contains the virtual machine. Hence the inner kind will be the one well use, and in the final result well get a number of rows equal to that of the right table (we know the left table contains unique entries, so all combinations that join creates will essentially result in the right table that has the corresponding VM row appended). Thank you sooo much! Although not effective immediately, eventually all the subscriptions will become available. $Subscriptions = Get-AzureRmSubscription | Where-Object { $_.Name -in ("Prod", "Dev") } Q: Ive come across an important note in this articlehttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/concepts/work-with-data:When First is configured to be greater than 1000 records, the query must project the id field in order for pagination to work. Lets discuss the 2 concerns above for this case: consistency looks to work as expected, at least from my tests, as I could not reproduce the issue seen in first photo of this answer. } Q: Is this Kusto language brand new?A:According to the history of Kusto here, the language first showed up in 2014. Without Azure Resource Graph (ARG), theres the Get-AzVM cmdlet. From the list of menu items on the left side of the portal, Select Operations > Run Command from the menu. *$" Heres how this looks like for Insomnia: Next, provide the payload as described here and use the Kusto query in listing 23. On each row, subsequent elements of the properties.ipConfigurations array are extracted one by one. Q: Im trying to solve the problem back in listing 17, by using on $left.vmId =~ $right.vmId instead of using tolower(), so that this rule is applied by the join operator. The important parts are, that you first filter by the resource type and then create your custom object with the pack function, then you would have all returned properties plus the new property virtualMachine. This convention will be useful in the context of the join flavor, The tables against which the join is performed have the same source, therefore the same id can be used, with no, A classic VM can have both a Cloud Service Public IP and an Instance Level Public IP. Microsoft already provides some code to extract all the VM data including their private and public IPs per one subscription, here. Example: You can execute the below Azure PowerShell cmdlet to get the instance properties of TsInfoVM1 under the Demo123 resource group. Why am I getting an error that the type is dynamic? 3 very important issues need to be kept in mind, and well discuss each next. The line will be placed in the exact same place, the only difference is that now well aggregate by the vmId: Now we can safely get rid of the doubled vmId1 column, which now has no purpose anymore. How to query Subscription array property managementGroupAncestorsChain. This is convenient, as were after extracting both the modern, ARM-based VMs, as well as the ASM ones, known as classic VMs, in this article. | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines', | project id, vmId = tolower(tostring(id)), vmName = name, | where type =~ 'microsoft.network/networkinterfaces', | mv-expand ipconfig=properties.ipConfigurations, | project vmId = tolower(tostring(properties.virtualMachine.id)), privateIp = ipconfig.properties.privateIPAddress, publicIpId = tostring(ipconfig.properties.publicIPAddress.id), | where type =~ 'microsoft.network/publicipaddresses', | project publicIpId = id, publicIp = properties.ipAddress, | summarize privateIps = make_list(privateIp), publicIps = make_list(publicIp) by vmId, | where type =~ 'microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines', | project id, name, privateIp = properties.instanceView.privateIpAddress, | mv-expand publicIp=properties.instanceView.publicIpAddresses, | summarize publicIps = make_list(publicIp) by id, Get the List of All Azure VMs With All Their Private and PublicIPs, getting the list of all Azure VMs with all their private and public IPs via Azure Resource Graph (ARG), https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/classic-vm-deprecation#how-does-this-affect-me, Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/overview#permissions-in-azure-resource-graph, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/troubleshoot/general#toomanysubscription, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/tutorial?pivots=azuredataexplorer, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/samples/starter?tabs=azure-cli, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/samples/advanced?tabs=azure-cli, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/joinoperator?pivots=azuredataexplorer, https://dataexplorer.azure.com/clusters/help/databases/Samples, Is sorting required for pagination to work, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/concepts/work-with-data, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/concepts/work-with-data#paging-results, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/concepts/query-language#supported-tabulartop-level-operators, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/first-query-powershell#run-your-first-resource-graph-query, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/samples/advanced?tabs=azure-cli#apiversion, https://feedback.azure.com/users/1609311493, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/concepts/query-language#resource-graph-tables, Im using a projected column whose values are copied, https://johan.driessen.se/posts/Fixing-the-missing-Azure-Context-in-Azure-Powershell/, https://portal.azure.com/?feature.customportal=false#blade/HubsExtension/ArgQueryBlade/query/, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-multiple-ip-addresses-portal, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-network-interface-addresses, https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/multiple-vm-nics-and-network-virtual-appliances-in-azure/, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-network-interface-vm#remove-a-network-interface-from-a-vm, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-network-interface-addresses#ipv4, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/context-persistence?view=azps-4.7.0#overview-of-azure-context-objects, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-network-interface-vm#add-a-network-interface-to-an-existing-vm, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-shell/persisting-shell-storage#transfer-local-files-to-cloud-shell, https://www.reddit.com/r/AZURE/comments/6fdt5k/azurecli_command_to_get_all_public_ips_of_all, https://lnx.azurewebsites.net/bash-script-to-start-or-deallocate-all-vms-in-resource-group, https://azsec.azurewebsites.net/2019/01/29/query-private-ip-address-using-azure-cli. We can get all the VM info + the power state using the az graph query command. //Arry to store list of VMs } Thank you for your post, hats off ! For our ARM query for example, we already have the data sorted (therefore serialized), so the only remaining thing left to do was adding the following 2 lines at the end of listing 20 in order to retrieve the rows 3000-3999 of that query. 1. The problem with Azure CLI and the classic, non-ARG commands, is that you have to work against one subscription at a time, same as with its Powershell counterpart, as explained here. He was working with O365 since 2013 and loved it ever since. Two approaches are listed below, with both of them resulting in a set of 2 separate CSV files one file for ARM VMs and another file for ASM VMs. These are the values you will need to set the current context to a particular subscription. Notice that the Azure PowerShell Az commands refer to the selected Azure Subscription as a context. This is the case for, Not all Kustos language features and functions are supported by Azure Resource Graph, as Microsoft states explicitly, A virtual network (VNet) is required in ARM for a VM to be hooked to. Inside the for loop, the same 2 actions are performed: switching the context to the current subscription and retrieving the corresponding list of VMs together with the name and IP details. Cmdlet Rename All cmdlets under Azure Resource Management modules will be renamed to fit the following format: [Verb]-AzureRm[Noun], Example: New-AzureVm becomes New-AzureRmVm, Using the Azure CLI, we can use the az vm list command to get a list of all VMs in the current subscription. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Whats wrong?A: Select-AzSubscription is an alias of Set-AzContext (you can quickly check using Get-Alias Select-AzSubscription | fl). Unfortunately this only returns the VMs listed under Virtual machines (classic). The fact that I had to look up how to clear the current command gives a hint about my general ability with it. project simply returns only the columns we specify. However checking with Microsoft Support, which in turn got in touch with the Product Group, confirmed that currently both static and dynamic IP addresses can be retrieved. According to Microsofts documentation, it is a read-only request to process data and return results. The concern is what happens when our queries return a significant number of results, as in a big number of VMs in the result set. This article covers some of the Azure PowerShell commands that you can use to create and manage virtual machines in your Azure subscription. Compare this to the synchronous version before, which takes in excess of 40 minutes. So we know that there can be multiple public IPs per one classic VM. If however we keep the id of the VM (make the 3rd line of either ARM/ASM query to project the id as the first field), then ARG will honor a -First value between 1000 and 5000, and return an equally sized result set. Affordable solution to train a team and make them project ready. These commands are simple to execute, but important to use. Also, note that no column header is added to the file. We can easily make this run asynchronously, by having just a single operator added. Q: How did you measure the time it took for the Azure CLI bash command in listing 28 to run?A: To find out the time required to run the bash command, simply hook date +"%T" at the beginning and at the end, like so: date +"%T";for i in az account list --query "[]. One way of solving this is to explicitly specify the property, which will result in a string containing all the IP addresses separated by the chosen separator, which by default is space. Q: For one vmNic attached to a VM, can one of its IP configurations be pointed to one subnet, while a different IP configuration made to point to a different subnet?A: No. Eg just a vmNic that only has a public IP?A: For IPv4 at least, a private IP is required for a vmNic, as clearly stated here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-network-interface-addresses#ipv4. An error message will be returned when an error occurs executing the Set-AzContext command. Lets test with the modified query as follows: The result below, looking just as we expected: We can easily remove the duplicated id columns, by using project-away as in the following query: The result without the redundant public IP ids: At this point, wed just want to squash the 2 rows, so that the vmNic id the same for the 2 rows is kept only once, and the 2 private IPs ( and will be turned to a single array containing both values, while for the single public IP ( this should be kept as-is. Write-Host $error[0] Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. As for the ARM code above, speed is not its main quality, as theres no parallelism whatsoever (eg Powershell background jobs). As for the skip functionality, again based on my own testing, appears to work ok, and also the wrap-around bug doesnt seem to occur. Since theyre obtained after one call, its safe to assume that 15 is the number of requests that can be made in 5 seconds by default, which this articleconfirms. The answer is included in the link above, and consists of a few points. The guide for classic VMs here also doesnt show a way to create additional IP addresses, be it private or public. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. This will evidently result in a lower number of VMs in the final report as opposed to what actually exists. Change). In parallel, well develop the query incrementally. However, the public IP is only referenced by its id, as seen below, which makes sense if you think about it, as the public IP is a separate resource in the ARM model, just as the network interface resource is separate from the VM itself. An Azure Context consists of more than just a reference to a subscription, as its detailed here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/context-persistence?view=azps-4.7.0#overview-of-azure-context-objects. Some resources may be missing from the results. Note that for the join operator its specifically listed that Join flavors supported: innerunique, inner, leftouter. For more detailed help with specific command-line switches and options, you can use the Get-Help command. In this case its an error stating "Please provide a valid tenant or a valid subscription" as the -SubscriptionName specified doesnt match any Azure Subscriptions the current login has access to. You need to do it with the dedicated cmdlet for this. $VMs = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $RG.ResourceGroupName And I did it! Well keep the VMs id, to be able to differentiate between identically named VMs across different subscriptions, and also sort the result set. To see these 2 limitations in action,take a look at the API call to retrieve resources in ARM here and at the API call for retrieving the network interfaces here. Well add one more row to our query, so it becomes: This is what we were after however lets not forget that weve been working against a VMs single vmNic all along. Before you deep in, make sure you have right privillage to login via Azure portal, Azure CLI or AzureRM module install on your local machine to run this script in powershell terminal. See How to install and configure Azure PowerShell for information about installing the latest version of Azure PowerShell, selecting your subscription, and signing in to your account. The net effect is that our final query will be fast, and it will benefit from up-to-date information. Create a VM - simplified Create a VM configuration Get information about VMs Manage VMs Next steps Applies to: Linux VMs Windows VMs Flexible scale sets This article covers some of the Azure PowerShell commands that you can use to create and manage virtual machines in your Azure subscription. So for every subscription, we set the active context to that subscription and populate the variable $vnets with all Virtual Networks in that subscription. Besides writing articles in his blog and German magazines, he is still contributing to the SharePoint Developer Community (and PnP SharePoint) to help to make the ALM part a smoother place to live in. Q: I would like to see what Search-AzGraph is actually doing behind the covers. { Q: Can I use Kusto.Explorer to connect directly to the Azure Resource Graph database for my Azure tenant?A: No. In ASM this is optional, A network interface is an independent resource, with its own lifecycle within the ARM model. Once the query will work for this VM, well be able to extrapolate it to all VMs.Lets start working towards our final query by creating a VM (name: JustOneTestVM) that has a very simple configuration: just one vmNic (name: justonetestvm915) connected to a virtual networks (name: JustOneVnet) subnet (name= JustOneSubnet). Both IPs are dynamic.In the last query seen in listing 12, well remove the filtering for the name of the first vmNic and the aggregation line, to get to the following query: And the result, showing all the defined vmNics in the test Azure subscription used: Theres no point in aggregating all the data now, as all we have are rows for every single IP configuration belonging to all the vmNics in turn. Eg can I be sure that properties.IPConfigurations[indexer].properties.publicIPAddress.id is a string?A: As per the previous question, that particular slot is not a string. You can use the following command to get a list of all the Azure Subscriptions your current login has access to: If you only have access to a single Azure Subscription, then the output will only show that subscription. As weve seen previously, the networkInterfaces slot is actually an array, which in our case contains a single entry, corresponding to the only vmNic. The Get-AzVM command is used to get the lists of Virtual machines or the properties of the Azure Virtual Machines present under your Azure subscription. Part 1: Working With Azure Key Vault Using Azure PowerShell and AzureCLI Part 2: Create a Virtual machine on Microsoft Azure Part 3: Use a Azure VM system assigned managed identity to access Azure Key Vault Create an Azure App registrations in Azure Active Directory using PowerShell & AzureCLI Connect-AzureAD: One or more errors occurred. Inside the loop itself, 2 operations are performed: switching to a new subscription (az account set) followed by extracting the VM information from that subscription as weve seen previously. Before that, we need to make sure the Azure is connected to the desired subscription, if not use the below command to set the Azure Subscription. I did talk to Microsoft Support, and they explicitly stated that ARG database is fully managed by Microsoft and you will not be connecting to it directly in Kusto.Explorer. Heres a screenshot of an example error message. Q: Aside from the resources table, what do the rest of the tables seen in ARGE on the left side do?A: The tables seen in ARGE on the left side are all described herehttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/resource-graph/concepts/query-language#resource-graph-tables. Discussion Options. $VMStatusDetail = $VMDetail.Statuses.DisplayStatus -match "^VM . Note -This script will collect all VMs including the status, OS Type, Version, VM, Location, Resorce Group and Subscription Name. Q: Im using a projected column whose values are copied from one thats in the Resources table, and whose type appears to be string. Of course, I started with a normal Az PowerShell module and it's cmdlets. catch When this is the case, simply piping the output to Export-Csv directly will result in a System.Object[] entry in the private IP address column. The output is below: Copy the tenant domain and paste it in the following commands. The output is then written to disk as CSV files whose filenames are timestamped. "internalDomainNameSuffix": "jjj0d3guv4pullc5gyuom32fob.ax.internal.cloudapp.net", "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/JustOneTestVM", "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/JustOneTestVM-nsg", a primitive scalar data type value (such as, Arrays can also be defined, and are easily spotted by the use of, The table used in this query is Resources, indicated with green, The columns that fit on the screen under the Details pane, belonging to the querys single result are circled in red, Of these columns, some of their types are primitive scalar data types, holding just one piece of information. But this was running against a single subscription, and we want to get the output for all the Azure subscriptions in the tenant. Before you deep in, make sure you have right privillage to login via Azure portal, Azure CLI or AzureRM module install on your local machine to run this script in powershell terminal. margin-top: 0.5em; You might also want to query across thousands of VMs spread out in hundreds of Azure subscriptions that make up your tenant. Whats wrong?A: Most likely your VM is running. Please use a different subscription. Notice below that in the details of the only result returned corresponding to our VM theres only the id of the vmNic. Both have a brief intro here. This is a quick one. The current version of Azure CLI at the time of this writing is 2.12. You can use. Once I have executed the above Azure PowerShell cmdlet, you can able to see the output below. Martin is right, the title should be changed to : Everything you need to know when using Kusto and Powershell for platform management. But you are also very welcome to use Visual Studio Code, just as you wish. Maybe cross-link them? Powershell can be used to retrieve both ARM and ASM VMs as well. You can actually see these headers back in picture 34. This is by design. As we dont need most of the columns, lets just keep the IPs were interested in, along with the vmNic id. The square brackets around the subscriptions attribute indicate that an array can be supplied, and as such, multiple subscriptions can be targeted by the query; simply separate the quoted Azure subscriptions ids by commas. Without at least read permissions to the Azure object or object group, results wont be returned.. There was an article herewritten about a year ago, stating that dynamic IP addresses couldnt be retrieved using ARG. Its the public IPs that are optional. The second query keeps all the columns, including the id for the vmNics. Coming back to the result we actually wanted, we dont want only the rows whose public IP id in the left table matches one in the right table, instead, we want all the rows in the left table to be kept, and only add the rows in the right table when the ids for the public IPs match. ARG works across subscriptions. 2023 All rights reserved. How to query the various AppService minTlsVersion settings using ARG When you have the requiremen to get the lists of Azure Virtual machines under a specific location, you can use the below Azure PowerShell cmdlet. Assuming you have Az Module installed, try: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Thanks so much, this is a great article. After all, tsv in the output type stands for tab-separated values. This allows you to verify that the right subscription was in fact selected. Well start with a very simple VM, and keep adding network elements to it until its representative for a VM with an advanced network config, as the picture above showed. As his focus shifted in 2017 to more DevOps related topics in the Microsoft Stack. How do I concatenate strings and variables in PowerShell? This will define which Azure Subscription you are executing commands against. If you have any questions please let me know and I will be glad to help you out. Whats wrong?A: If youre using a batch file, you need to use %% for variables instead of %, as described herehttps://ss64.com/nt/for.html. Q: In this article its stated that First currently has a maximum allowed value of 5000, which it achieves by paging results 1000 records at a time. Wouldnt it be more efficient to repeated queries and retrieving only the first 1000 results, as opposed to relying on the Search-AzGraph to perform the pagination itself against the 5000 maximum value for the -First parameter?A: No, as youre paying the overhead for sending/receiving the smaller requests. The >> is the append operator in bash (> writes to the file, but overwrites). In this Azure PowerShell article, we will discuss how to get the list of virtual machines under your Azure subscription. The extension resource-graph currently in preview as of Sep 2020 is needed (Cloud Shell will prompt you to install this automatically), and then you can easily run the ARM query (in listing 20) using az graph query -q "", with the same lightning speed. It would appear further that things are simple, with horizontal-lines-icon indicating primitive types, while the grid-icon represents a dynamic type. How to get list of all Azure VMs in Powershell, https://github.com/Azure/azure-powershell/wiki/Deprecation-of-Switch-AzureMode-in-Azure-PowerShell, does not include the power on/off state of the vms, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. When the number of results is no longer equal to the page size, it means our rolling window is right above the last set of entries (or is looking at a completely null set, if the very last row fitted neatly into the previous filled page). Q: Whats the parent VM id for a disconnected vmNic? Showing first 1000 of. But theres a problem, as Get-AzVM will only operate against machines deployed using the ARM model, as explicitly stated here: However, the Resource Manager cmdlet Get-AzVM only returns virtual machines deployed through Resource Manager. Heres the payload and the response, when querying against my test subscription: Note that the tokens obtained via Cloud Shell, as described previously, are valid for 1h, and are valid with 5 minutes ahead of the issuance time, and up until exactly 1h after theyre issued; this can be easily seen with https://jwt.io (hover over the numbers representing Linux timestamps, and itll be converted to human-readable format). Arm and ASM VMs as well it in the details of the portal, Select Operations & gt Run... We are aware of this writing is 2.12 if you have any questions please azure powershell list all vms in subscription! Our VM theres only the id for the vmNics topics in the Microsoft Stack will evidently in... An error occurs executing the Set-AzContext command PowerShell cmdlet, you can able to see what Search-AzGraph actually! Ips with the real addresses is optional, a Network interface is an alias of (! 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To enter a context when using Kusto and PowerShell for platform management executing Set-AzContext... Notifications that resources were created in ARM is actually doing azure powershell list all vms in subscription the.! To see what Search-AzGraph is actually doing behind the covers header is added to the output type for! Created in ARM of Set-AzContext ( you can use to create and virtual!